Tag "szőlészet"

The administration of vineyard school operators becomes easier with a new form

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) draws the attention of vineyard operators to the new form available on the office’s website. Nébih created the electronic registration form, which can be...

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The government stands by the grape growers and the winemakers

There are enough challenges in the grape and wine sector, but the Hungarian government stands by the producers and the winemakers, as it has so far and will continue to...

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Artificial intelligence in winemaking: new technology is changing the way wine is made

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing American winemaking, enabling remote monitoring of vineyards and optimization of the winemaking process. Although critics argue that this technology takes away the human nature of winemaking,...

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An important deadline for growers and distributors of grape propagating material is coming in May

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) draws the attention of those involved in the production and distribution of grape propagating materials that the deadline for reporting their activities is...

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A Geo Terroir research group was established at the University of Szeged

The Geo Terroir research group, which helps the development of domestic agriculture, food industry and tourism, was established at the University of Szeged with the cooperation of experts from several...

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AGROmashEXPO and Agricultural Machinery Show will be held again in January

The catch-up of our agriculture to the European Union is significant. While our productivity reached 41 percent of the EU value in 2010, this ratio increased to 67 percent by 2021....

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National Council of Mountain Villages: raising the transfer prices of wines is essential

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), it is essential to increase the transfer price of wines, without which the sector could be in a critical situation by...

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Hungarian winemakers can count on government support in the future as well

Zsolt Feldman, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for agriculture and rural development, gave a presentation on the state of the grape and wine industry, the new wine...

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The average yields of corn and winter apples also doubled

Based on the data of the operational reports for the subject date of October 8, 97.7 percent of the sunflower sowing area has already been harvested, so far a total...

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Mountain communities fear an increase in the winemakers’ burden due to the new waste management rules

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), the joint introduction of the deposit return system (drs) and extended producer responsibility (epr) for products with a deposit fee will...

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A device developed in Hungary helps to slow down the spread of the Asian horse wasp in Hungary

A Hungarian-developed tool helps to slow down the domestic spread of the Asian horse wasp: this summer, individuals of the invasive wasp species coming from Europe were observed in Hungary...

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Mountain communities fear an increase in the winemakers’ burden due to the new waste management rules

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), the joint introduction of the deposit return system (drs) and extended producer responsibility (epr) for products with a deposit fee will...

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Georgian-Hungarian agricultural relations continue to develop

Georgian-Hungarian agricultural economic relations are expanding at such a rate that Europe and Asia can clearly benefit from it, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Thursday in Tsinandali, where...

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EU Court of Auditors: the wine sector’s EU policy falls short of environmental protection and competitiveness objectives

The impact of the planned EU measures on grape growers is worrisome, the EU policy of the wine sector not only falls short of environmental protection objectives, but its measures...

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Wine distillation support helps wineries

The Ministry of Agriculture provides a HUF 1.6 billion subsidy to wineries for the distillation of rosé or red wines of protected origin in order to deal with difficulties on...

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The quality of the wine grapes harvested so far in the Villány wine region is excellent

The harvest of typical blue grape varieties harvested so far in the Villány wine region, where the harvest until the end of October is currently in full swing, is average...

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This year, too, there will be special harvest inspections to protect grape growers

The grape harvest control program started in 2019 will continue this year, and based on the positive experiences of the past years, it has a serious market-cleansing effect in the...

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Hungarian wine and winemakers are celebrated in Eger

Hungarian winemakers are full of innovations, while respecting their traditions and lovingly guarding their professional secrets, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy declared at the Egri Wine Festival on Thursday. The...

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János Frittmann became the president of the National Council of Mountain Communities

The National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT) held a festive inaugural meeting and elected János Frittmann as its chairman – the HNT informed MTI on Wednesday. According to the statement...

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Dozens of Hungarian wines were awarded at the largest German wine competition

Almost a hundred Hungarian wines won medals at the largest competition in Germany, the Berliner Wein Trophy (BWT), organized under the auspices of the International Organization of Viticulture and Wine...

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Substantial government resources support the production of quality wine

The XXI. Andrew’s Day winemaker meeting. At Friday’s event, the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Rural Development of the Ministry of Agriculture emphasized that climate change, changes in consumer...

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The Common Agrarian Policy Strategic Plan provides substantial help for grape production

This year is two-faced: the price explosion of energy and input materials, the historic drought left a serious impression on agriculture. Despite this, in the first half of the year,...

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Picking of the typical blue grape varieties of the Villány wine region has begun

The harvest of typical blue grape varieties has begun and is expected to end in the second half of October in the Villány wine region, where the quantity of the...

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This year’s Somló Juhfark Festival will be held on Saturday

The 6th Somló Juhfark Festival, takes place in the Tornai Winery in Somló with the participation of seventeen local wineries on Saturday. Somló’s unique volcanic terroir, which is unique in...

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The Eger Bull’s Blood Festival has opened

After the coronavirus pandemic, Hungarian vineyards and wineries need government assistance, which deserved support even in difficult times, and the Minister of Agriculture said at the opening of the 25th...

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Winemakers can apply for aid to compensate from Monday

Tenders will be opened for Hungarian viticulturists and wineries to alleviate the economic damage caused by the coronavirus – the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) told MTI. According to the announcement,...

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Varga Winery has been developing its Badacsonyörs bottler with an investment of one billion HUF

With the investment of one billion forints a modern machine line was put into operation, which also checks the purity, integrity and filling level of the bottles at the Varga...

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1 billion HUF development at Varga Winery’s High-end bottling technology in Badacsonyörs

The winery received 307.47 million HUF non-refundable subsidy and 315.79 million HUF a 1 percent interest rate loan for the implementation of the 1 billion HUF investment. The project was...

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The Tokaj Mountain Council encourages sustainable grape production and winemaking

The Mountain Council of the Tokaj Wine Region consciously builds the future of the wine region based on a strong community thinking for sustainable grape growing and winemaking – Molnár...

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The Bock winery’s Villány grape-seed tablet manufacturing plant was handed over

The Bock winery’s Villány grape-seed tablet approximately 1000 square meters manufacturing plant was handed over on Thursday, with an about 1.2 billion forints investment. Bock József winemaker, says that there...

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