Tag "szója"

Dutch Retailer Jumbo Launches Plant-Based Yoghurt From Local Soy

Dutch retailer Jumbo has launched three plant‐based yoghurt SKUs made from locally grown soybeans in more than 300 stores across the Netherlands. The products are part of the retailer’s Direct...

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This decision affects the entire soybean market

Chinese authorities have suspended soybean exports from five Brazilian companies after their shipments failed to meet phytosanitary requirements. The measure, which came into effect in early January, will last for...

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This year’s harvest and sowing have come to an end

This year’s autumn harvest and sowing work has been completed, the soil was sufficiently moist for autumn sowing, and in the more or less sunny weather, autumn agricultural work could...

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Az előlegfizetési időszak november végéig tart

Thanks to the autumn works carried out in a timely manner, the sunflower harvest was completed by the first week of October, and the corn harvest is also nearing its...

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Soy may play a great role

Nowadays, domestic crop producers are forced to face many challenges, mainly caused by climate change, war conflicts and increasingly extreme weather conditions. Growers need to adapt quickly and efficiently to...

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According to preliminary estimates, there will be enough corn for domestic needs

Despite the crop-reducing effects of the drought, this year’s corn harvest can meet domestic needs, so imports are not expected to be necessary, according to preliminary data prepared by the...

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AM: Tovább kell növelni a szójatermesztést, cél ebből is az önellátás

A magyar gazdák agrártámogatásai a 2027-ig tartó időszakban is biztosítottak – szögezte le Farkas Sándor a „Margitta-sziget 92” Kft. és a Magyar Szója és Fehérjenövény Egyesület Szója Roadshowjának homorúdi állomásán Baranyában....

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60 percent of the corn was harvested in Zala county

More than 60 percent of the corn was harvested in the county of Zala, the average yield per hectare in the 15,500-hectare area was 8.9 tons, the county president of...

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Agroinform held a conference on the experiences of soy cultivation

In order to increase our self-sufficiency and take advantage of our guaranteed GMO-free benefits, Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, encouraged Hungarian farmers to increase the areas...

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AM: most of the sunflowers have already been harvested

Based on the latest report of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, the readiness for harvesting sunflowers produced on 676,000 hectares this year has risen to 92 percent and has...

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Autumn harvest situation

Based on the latest report of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, the readiness of the sunflower harvest, which was produced on 676 thousand hectares this year, has risen to...

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Alternative protein project to produce “tasteless peas” to avoid industry reliance on unsustainable soy

A £1 million (US$1.24 million) project aiming to reduce the need for soy imports is underway in the UK. Lead researchers, John Innes Centre, is geared up to develop peas...

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Rules for preserving the productivity of our soils in the KAP

In the new EU support period between 2023 and 2027, the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) offers Hungarian farmers a variety of options and choices – stated the State Secretary of...

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The yield of the autumn harvest in Békés County was even weaker than expected

The yield averages for the autumn harvest in Békés County were weaker than the preliminary, not very optimistic expectations, especially the small amount of corn and soybeans, the secretary of...

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Soybeans, sunflowers and canola prices exploded

In Hungary, rapeseed is traded at an average producer price of 269.7 thousand HUF per tonne, excluding VAT and transport costs, which is 43% higher than a year earlier, while...

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M&S To Switch To Soya-Free Animal Feed In Milk Supply Chain

UK retailer Marks & Spencer plans to eliminate soya from animal feed in its milk supply chain in a bid to curb deforestation. The move is also a part of...

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Coop Denmark To Tighten Soy Requirements

Coop Denmark has announced plans to increase the proportion of responsibly-produced soy in its private label brands, by tightening requirements. The new requirements will apply to products containing soy as...

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Nestlé launches plant-based sausages

Nestlé will launch plant-based sausages that look, taste, and cook like their meat-based counterparts in Europe and the United States. In Europe the food giant will introduce the soy-based Garden Gourmet...

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Soybean VAT frauders were caught by NAV

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) explored three criminal organizations recently in the soybean market. The soybean market is heavily infected with VAT frauds. The criminal organizations that were...

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Nagy István: soy production should also be promoted in the future

In the future, the cultivation of genetically modified soybeans (GMO-free) in Hungary should be encouraged, and the strategic aim is to preserve and process domestic yields – Nagy István Minister...

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Except for beet, harvesting of autumn arable crops has been completed

With the exception of sugar beet, the harvest of arable field crops has been completed. The country has safe supply of maize, sunflower and soybean yields and significant quantities can...

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China does not need US soy

Because of the customs war, China buys more soybeans from South America than from the USA – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The 2018-19 marketing year began a few weeks ago, and...

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Record American soybean yield decreased soybean prices

The price for soybeans dropped to 8.14 USD at the Chicago stock exchange, which is an almost ten year negative record – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The price peaked in August...

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The acreage of soy and rape increased in Romania

Over the past five years, the area of oily plants has grown steadily in Romania, which reached one third of all arable land last year. Especially the area of soy...

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Soybeans can also receive reverse VAT

By creating GMO-free feed, the Hungarian food industry can become more competitive, even can reach market leadership and can have market protection role. The long-term goal of the Ministry is...

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Higher than average soy crops are expected in Baranya county

Eberhardt György, the manager of the Mohács-based Margittasziget 92 Kft. expects 3.5-4 tons per hectare yield. According to Eberhardt György, the plants would need 5-8 degree lower temperature and some...

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Soy bean production of the world can exceed 350 million tons next year

This year’s production decline from this oily seed may be temporary. If Argentina shakes up and Brazil continues to grow as it did this year, next year we will have...

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Production of oilseeds is good for Ukraine

The area of sunflower growing in Ukraine is growing steadily, approaching the technologically possible ceiling. However, there is still a potential for growth in yields. The ripening of the rape...

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Hungary produces soy well below the demand

Hungary produces soy well below the demand – Gyuricza Csaba, Director-General of the National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation told M1 news channel on Monday. He said that the...

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Protein Program: 6 reasonable moves to spend 8 billion forints

Almost everyone has heard about the National Protein Feed Program in the sector, and in the days it was also found that the framework for the “five-year plan” approaches nearly...

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