Tag "Szlovákia"

Slovak cattle breeders give up caging

Slovak egg producers today have agreed to abandon cage-laying and switch to alternative technologies from 2030, according to an agreement with the Minister of Agriculture and merchants, – magyarnemzet.hu wrote....

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Avian influenza also appeared in Slovakia

Bird flu spreading in the neighboring Poland has already appeared in Slovakia since the end of last year – the Slovak Public Service Agency (TASR) reported on Friday, referring to...

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Slovak-Hungarian cooperation facilitates cross-border tourism

The aim of the Cultractive initiative is to showcase the natural and cultural values of Csallóköz and Szigetköz, and to promote cross-border cooperation, offering thematic hiking trails, architectural attractions and...

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Lidl launches online shopping in Slovakia

Slovakia has become the latest country where Lidl has launched an online store, but currently the site is non-food only. Lidl has been continuously accelerating its e-commerce developments. Since the...

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Nébih: the African swine fever virus appeared in Slovakia as well

After the outbreak of African swine fever (ASP) in Slovakia, the protection and surveillance zone set up for the case extends to Hungary, to Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen County – the National Food...

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Hungarian-Slovak tourist cooperation along the Danube

The Dunamente Card will be introduced from May 1, with the cooperation of five tourism organizations in Komárom-Esztergom County and the Slovak tourism organization operating in Révkomkárom and Párkány –...

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AM: Hungary and Slovakia support each otherat the EU agricultural negotiations

The importance and role of Hungarian-Slovakian agricultural relations goes beyond bilateral relations. An intensive joint work is also taking place within the framework of the Visegrád four cooperation, and in...

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Pálinka brewing will be legal in Slovakia from own-produced fruit

In Slovakia, it will be legal to brew pálinka from own-produced fruit. The proposal of the Hungarian-Slovak Now-Bridge party was approved by the coalition government on Wednesday – TASR Slovakian...

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Last year, the offices of the national trading house in Slovakia helped to conclude 420 million HUF worth business deals

The offices of the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) operating in Slovakia helped to conclude 420 million HUF worth business deals last year and more than 1 billion HUF, since...

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The number of tourists choosing to travel to Slovakia has increased

In the summer high season and in the first eight months of the year, the number of tourists choosing Slovakia for their destination has risen this year – the Slovak...

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Slovak retail trade increased

The retail trade in Slovakia rose by 7.8 percent in May, after the 6.5 percent increase of April, the Slovak Statistics Office told on Tuesday. Retail sales growth in May...

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The yield of cereals is poor in Slovakia

Yields weaker than in previous years are expected in Slovakia for cereals this year – was revealed by the preliminary data published by the Feed Manufacturers Federation on Thursday. In...

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Slovakia’s agri-food foreign trade

Slovakia is the second most dynamically developing economy in the region. The inflation rate was -0.3 percent in both 2015 and 2016. Slovakia’s level of indebtedness is a bit above...

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Investor interest towards Czech and Slovak commercial real estates is great

Last year, investor interest towards Czech and Slovak commercial real estates grew significantly, and this year’s Q1 did not disappoint as well. According to a statement released on Monday by...

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The Slovak stores will be closed on all public holidays

The Slovak legislature on Tuesday in Bratislava approved the amendments to the Labor Code, which extends the store closure on public holidays. The amendment tabled by the ruling coalition take...

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Őszre megépül az Amazon felvidéki telephelye

A kis Szered megelőzte a nagy Brünnt, a morva főváros helyett ezt a 15 ezres szlovákiai települést választotta az Amazon, itt épül az amerikai online óriásáruház logisztikai központja – olvasható...

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Tourism in Slovakia closed a record year in 2016

Tourism in Slovakia closed a record year last year. The number of tourists with domestic guests surpassed five million – according to the data of the Slovak Transport and Construction...

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The share of domestic foods continued to decline in the stores in Slovakia

The share of domestic foods continued to decline slightly last year in Slovakia – was revealed in the survey of the Slovak Agriculture and Food Chamber (SPPK). According to a...

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Hungarian gray cattle can be registered in Slovakia as well

Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture and Csicsai Gábor Minister of State of the Slovak Ministry of Agriculture negotiated over the possibility of the Slovakian...

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The Slovak Government plans to extend the opening hours of shops

The Slovak Government plans to extend the ban on shops’ opening hours for all public holidays – Ján Richter work, family and social affairs minister said – the Hospodárské Noviny...

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Trading House: bilateral agreement helps the Hungarian-Slovak relations

The Slovak-Hungarian economic relations are expanding dynamically. In order to the continuous growth, the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) and the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) signed a...

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The Christmas market in Pozsony has opened

The market, which this year started a week earlier, lasts until 23 December. The central location of the event can be found again at the Main Square and the Franciscan...

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The population borrows more and more consumer loan in Slovakia

The consumer loan portfolio continued to rise by approximately 14.1 percent on an annual basis by the end of September in Slovakia and the pace of indebtedness continued to accelerate...

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Food is the most expensive in Slovakia among the Visegrád countries

Among the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland) the highest food prices can be found in Slovakia, although they still remain under the European Union (EU) average,...

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Slovak livestock is in trouble

The production value of agriculture in Slovakia decreased steadily by a total of 12 percent over the last 20 years – Slovenské Noviny news portal wrote, referring to Milan Semancsik...

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The share of domestic food stop signs should be removed in Slovakia

According to a European Union (EU) provision, the practice that indicates the proportion of Slovakian food should be abolished by the end of the year – the Új Szó wrote...

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The Hungarian-Slovak trade relations are expanding

The regional office network of the Magyar Nemzeti Kereskedőház Zrt. (Hungarian National Trading House Plc.) is successful. The office of the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) is outstandingly successful in...

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The proportion of domestic foods in stores decreased to its historical minimum in Slovakia

The proportion of domestic foods in stores in Slovakia decreased to a historical minimum of 39 percent in Slovakia in April this year – the survey of the Slovak Chamber...

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A record number of tourists came from Slovakia

According to preliminary statistics, in 2015, 170 thousand tourists from Slovakia visited Hungary. This is a historical record – Renács Szilvia, head of the representation of the Hungarian National Tourist...

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Slight increase in retail sales in Slovakia last year

Retail sales in Slovakia increased by 1.4 percent on an annual basis – the analysis of the Poštová Banka reveals. Retail sales in Slovakia in 2015 amounted to 19.139 billion...

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