Tag "SIRHA Budapest 2024"

Playful ice cream competition

The Hungarian Confectioners Guild was present at SIRHA Budapest once again, as the event’s confectionery partner. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 This year the biggest...

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Another successful trade fair presence by the Future Store

Trade magazin, the official journal of SIRHA Budapest 2024 was present at the trade fair with its traditional Future Store Innovations stand, showcasing the latest product innovations, technological solutions and...

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The MMSZ HoReCa and Event department is preparing for a new event

On June 11, the HoReCa and Event section of the Hungarian Marketing Association held its current quarterly meeting at the METRO Gastro Academy, where the membership evaluated the results of...

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SIRHA Budapest 2024 was successful in every respect

This year’s SIRHA Budapest was a big success. HUNGEXPO welcomed the most important representatives of the Hungarian and the regional gastronomy sector for the sixth time. On 30,000m² more than...

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Cake of Hungary qualifiers

The first round of judging for the 18th edition of the Cake of Hungary competition was held live in front of a professional audience, at the SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair....

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Taste: cake, shape: anything you can imagine!

On 5 March 2024 the Hungarian Confectioners Guild organised the Pataki János Memorial Competition for students and adults for the fifth time, in the categories of cake decoration, artistry and...

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Ice Cream Adventure 2024

Organised by Hungexpo Zrt. and the Hungarian Confectioners Guild, “Ice Cream Adventure 2024 – A playful and creative ice cream competition” debuted this year, at the SIRHA Budapest trade show....

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What do shoppers say about the new retail tools?

At the beginning of the year, Consumer Panel Hungary GfK–YouGov asked panel members about their online shopping habits, shopping apps and payment methods, and also presented some retail innovations. This article is...

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Where next for Student Design?

In the morning of 5 March, there was a POPAI international meeting in pavilion A of the Sirha Budapest 2024 trade fair, where participants discussed the possibilities of expanding the...

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MVI conference at SIRHA

On the first day of the SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair, the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) held a trade conference. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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ChatGPT’s thoughts about awards

I asked ChatGPT what it thinks about awards and the answer was this: recognition for an outstanding performance, work or achievements; they can play a significant role in motivating people...

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SIRHA Budapest 2024 – summary video

As an accompanying event of the SIRHA Budapest 2024 exhibition, it was organized again this year on March 5-7. between Trade magazine, as the official newspaper of the exhibition, the...

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Finalists of Hungary’s Cake 2024 competition – Picture of the day

For the eighteenth time, the Hungarian Confectionery Industry Association announced the hugely popular “Cake of Hungary” competition. competition. The first round of judging took place live in front of a...

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Future Store area – Video of the day

The clerk of these lines, if necessary, swears: as many people as today have never tried to get into Trademagazin’s Future Store stand. Click on the picture for the video!...

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The second day of the KÖSZ cooking competition

The finals of the KÖSZ 2023-2024 catering cooking competition are going full steam ahead.   The audience award is offered by Trademagazin to the favorites of the dayOn the second...

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The awards of the SIRHA Budapest 2024 Innovation Product Competition were presented

On March 5, after the opening of the SIRHA Budapest 2024 exhibition, the awards of the sixth SIRHA Budapest Innovation Product Competition were presented. A total of 19 applications were...

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The SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair has opened

The imprint of Hungarian agriculture is the SIRHA Budapest International Food Industry and HORECA trade fair, said Dr. Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the opening of the most important...

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SIRHA Budapest 2024 A HoReCa szektor legnagyobb hazai ünnepe

Március 5-én nyitja kapuit Közép-Kelet-Európa legjelentősebb nemzetközi élelmiszeripari és HoReCa szakkiállítása. A SIRHA Budapest már hatodik alkalommal várja a hazai és külföldi szakembereket a HUNGEXPO Budapest Kongresszusi és Kiállítási Központba!...

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Everything you need to know about the KÖSZ 2023-2024 catering cooking competition

The KÖZZ special issue of the KÖZSZÖV newsletter summarizes the most important information about the competition....

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Fear and security

Recently we have been hearing these two concepts juxtaposed from more and more angles at a growing number of events. From the point of view of consumers and their purchasing...

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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SIRHA Budapest 2024 – A tökéletes szakmai fórum

A SIRHA Budapest 2024. március 5. és 7. között várja az élelmiszeripar és HoReCa-szektor reprezentánsait a megújult HUNGEXPO-n. A nemzetközi rendezvény találkozási helyszínt biztosít és változatos programlehetőséget is kínál kiállítóknak...

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Kösz 2023-2024

In October the semi-final of the 9th Public Sector Catering Competition (KÖSZ) 2023-2024 took place at the Metro Gastro Academy. 12 teams qualified from this autumn round of the competition –...

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SIRHA Budapest 2024 – discounted pre-registration

In 2024, Sirha Budapest, the region’s most important food industry and HoReCa trade fair, is once again waiting for the most important players in the relevant industries. Register for next...

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