Tag "sertéstenyésztés"

The export of live pigs increased by 58 percent

According to KSH data, Hungary’s live pig exports increased by 58 percent (8.7 thousand tons) in January-March 2024 compared to the amount in January-March 2023. The main partners were Romania,...

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In the first quarter, the number of pigs slaughtered in slaughterhouses increased

1,160,000 pigs were slaughtered at Hungarian slaughterhouses in the first quarter of 2024, 6.2 percent more (+67,000 pigs) than in January-March 2023. The total live weight of slaughtered animals was...

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The campaign to encourage the consumption of pork has been launched

This year, for the eleventh time, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the Association of Hungarian Butchers launched their campaign to encourage the consumption of...

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Croatian farmers demonstrate for the sixth day due to government measures aimed at curbing the swine fever epidemic

In Croatia, farmers are protesting for the sixth day due to government measures aimed at curbing the swine fever epidemic, Croatian public television reported on Monday. Nearly seven hundred pig...

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African swine fever is getting closer to Hungary’s southern border

In the middle of October, the presence of African swine fever (ASP) in domestic pig herds was confirmed in the Eszék-Baranya county in Croatia, bordering Hungary. Since the start of the...

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The producer price of slaughter pigs is 6 percent higher than a year earlier

In the European Union, the slaughterhouse entrance price for pigs belonging to the “E” commercial class was 2.27 euros/kilogram cold carcass weight in September 2023, an increase of 8 percent...

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A pig farm in Békéscsaba was built with almost six billion forints

A pig farm on the outskirts of Békéscsaba was built with almost six billion forints, where 25,000 slaughter pigs are expected to be sold annually, the investor Hajdúsági Agráripari (HAGE)...

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Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia are also severely affected by the African swine fever epidemic

More than 34,000 pigs had to be killed in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina due to the African swine fever epidemic present in the region, and the competent ministries of the...

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Minister of Agriculture: Hungary protects its pig herd from African swine fever

It is vital for Hungary to protect its domestic pig population from African swine fever, so it is working on official measures that reduce the chance of the infection spreading,...

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More than HUF 6 billion in extraordinary support was given to poultry and pig sow farms

To support the producers most affected by the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war – under pressure from the EU member states, including Hungary – an extraordinary EU agricultural crisis management...

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(HU) Jövő héttől igényelhető az új, jövedelempótló kocatámogatás

The new, income-replacing sow allowance can be applied from next week Domestic pig holders may submit their new income replacement support application to the Hungarian State Treasury (MÁK) between 28...

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Ministry of Agriculture: pig farmers to be in trouble

Along with several member states, Hungary has called on the European Commission to use its mandate and take immediate market measures to prevent the crisis in pig farmers from deepening...

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Hungarian agriculture can come out of swine fever well

According to the agricultural analysis of the Atradius credit insurance company, the swine fever (ASF) epidemic caused short-term uncertainties for the sector, but the it did not cause a significant...

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A Hungarian-developed procedure can reduce the spread of swine infections

The spread of swine infections may be diminished by a Hungarian-developed diagnostic procedure created with the support of the EU – the Galen Bio Diagnosztikai és Biotechnológiai Kft. (Galen Bio...

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The slaughterhouse in Mohács can be launched during the autumn

The Bonafarm Group, owned by Csányi Sándor Chairman-CEO of OTP plans to slaughter 1 million pigs a year, from next year. It is a very ambitious vision in a country...

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Fazekas Sándor: the decline in the pig population has stopped

The decline in the pig population has stopped in Hungary in the past few years, now the pig population is around 3.2 million again – the Minister of Agriculture said...

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Meat Market Changes

The domestic pig breeding is supported with high amounts for the fifth year and now the government is eager to favor the consumers. As a part of the domestic pig...

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Pig population is on nadir

The domestic pig population is on the level of the 1940s and the post-war times – was said at the event of the K&H and the Agrár Európa Kft. In...

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