Tag "pálinka"

The awards of the Gyula Pálinka Festival were handed over

The Tuzsér-based Gyümölcspárlat Bt. won the Best Commercial Distillery title at the Brillante-2018 spirits competition of the 19th Gyula Pálinka Festival – the organizers informed MTI. The best commercial pálinka...

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The Drink of National Affiliation in the Carpathian Basin will be ready for the Gyula Pálinka Festival

The Drink of National Affiliation in the Carpathian Basin will be ready for the Pálinka Festival in Gyula. At the event that will be held between 27 and 30 April,...

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ProWein 2018 – Top-Notch Supporting Programme as Source of Information for Wine and Spirits Pros

The well-attended ProWein Forums show just how important the information events are for the trade audience at ProWein. According to Marius Berlemann, Global Head of Wine & Spirits and Director...

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Foreigners love pálinka

Budapest’s tourists spent record number of pálinka at the weekend, although it is well-known that Hungaricum is considered to be too strong to the foreigners. The unusual popularity is due...

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The EU rules do not allow the use the name pálinka in Transylvania

Today, the EU rules do not allow the use the name pálinka in the labels of distillates produced in Transylvania. Recent days Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture has announced that...

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Going uphill

Just recently the Book of Excellent Pálinkas has been published in Hungary. Within the framework of the National Pálinka Excellence Programme, a committee of independent experts selected the best fruit distillates,...

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Hungarian pálinkas will also be present at the Düsseldorf trade fair next Spring

Hungarian pálinkas will also be showcased at the ProWein Fair, one of the most important business forums of the international wine and spirits sector in Düsseldorf, between March 18-20, 2018...

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The Vasi wild pear pálinka was given origin protection

The Vasi wild pear pálinka has become an origin protected product, within the Origin Protection Program – the Minister of Agriculture announced at the press conference in Budapest in the...

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Information on the handling of home-made pálinkas at events in and outside the restaurant

The Hungarian Catering Corporation turned to the National Tax and Customs Office with questions to clarify the rules about taking the home-made pálinkas (possibly other excisable goods) to events (eg....

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The pálinka of the year was cooked from indigenous grapes

The Konkordi-Izabella pálinka of the Mályinkai Pálinka Distillery has become the best pálinka in Hungary this year, while the Brill Pálinka House won the award for the most successful pálinka...

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The Hungarian pálinka is purchased in 76 countries of five continents

The pálinka, the national drink of Hungary, is transported to 76 countries of five continents – the Minister of Agriculture announced on Tuesday in Budapest at the announcement of results...

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Magazine: Pálinka, my love…

According to Dr Gedeon Totth, head of the Institute of Commerce and Marketing at Corvinus University of Budapest, the popularity of real pálinkas is growing among members of Generation X....

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Magazine: Destillata then and now

This year’s Destillata competition was taking place when the present issue of our magazine went to press. By this time Hungary has already won 5 grand gold medals! We finished...

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Magazine: Pálinka, my love…

According to Dr Gedeon Totth, head of the Institute of Commerce and Marketing at Corvinus University of Budapest, the popularity of real pálinkas is growing among members of Generation X....

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The awards of the Gyulai Pálinka Festival competition were handed over

The Szicsek Pálinka Distillery won the Best Commercial Distillery title at the 18th Gyulai Pálinka Festival Brillante-2017 competition on Saturday – the main organizers informed MTI. The Best Commercial Pálinka...

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On can enter to the Pálinka country tasting for another two weeks

The samples can be sent to this year’s Pálinka country tasting for two weeks, until 5 May – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said...

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The evaluation of the distillates sent to the Gyulai Pálinka Festival begins

The sensory evaluation of the samples sent to the Brillante – 2017 Pálinka és Párlat Verseny (Brillante – Pálinka and Distillate Competition) has begun on Thursday. This year, more than...

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Békés county pálinka competition again this year

The Békés County Council announced the county pálinka competition again this year. The winner will be announced at the 18th Pálinka Festival in Gyula. Zalai Mihály, Chairman of the Békés...

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The Agárdi Pálinkafőzde has become the winner of the Hungarian National category at the Destillata

The Agárdi Pálinkafőzde has become the Hungarian National winner at the Central Europe’s largest distillate competition, the Destillata in Austria – Wolfgang Lukas, the director of the event organizer company...

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Seklerland would also use the pálinka product name

Kovászna, Hargita and Maros counties in Székelyföld asks for the amendment of the pálinka law from the Hungarian government. They also want to use the pálinka product name. The Hargita...

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The secret of fruit pálinka

The composition of the fruit pálinkas can be transformed consciously with the changing of the parameters of distillation, so the fruit characters appear more intensively – agrarszektor.hu wrote. As a...

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The raspberry pálinka of the Sáppusztai Pálinka Distillery won the pálinka competition

The raspberry pálinka of the Sáppusztai Pálinka Distillery won the 8th Quintessence Pálinka and Spirits Competition. The 8th Quintessence Pálinka and Spirits Competition was organized by the Cultural Association of...

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The distillate competition of the Pálinka Festival in Gyula will be Internationalized

The International distillate competition of the 18th Pálinka Festival in Gyula will be Internationalized – the organizers informed MTI. As they wrote, they received a number of requestsso they decided...

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The Pálinka of the Year 2017 is made of cherry

In line with the traditions of the past years, the country's best pálinka distilleries will prepare their joint product. The unique blending can be tasted by the audience during the...

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Rézangyal showcased pálinka flavored salmon fillet slices

Hungary's leading pálinka brand and one of the largest domestic marine fish importer, the Hering-Trade Kft. introduced a joint product. At the demonstration event of the Royal Rézangyal smoked salmon...

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The Márton és Lányai pálinka house created a separate product line for its gold medalist pálinkas

The Márton és Lányai (Márton and Daughters) pálinka house unveiled its new product family, the Márton és Lányai GOLD50 pálinka selection. The Márton és Lányai pálinka house has more than...

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The plum and quince pálinka of the Nagykunság may get EU origin protection

According to Gál Péter, Deputy Minister of State certain geographical areas in Hungary are extremely capable for the cultivation of fruit varieties, and on these lands high-quality pálinkas are made...

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Fazekas Sándor: this year's pálinkas have high quality

This year's pálinkas have high quality and the amount is almost double than last year’s, according to the data of the first half year – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture...

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The sales revenue of the Rézangyal Kft. may reach 1 billion HUF

The Rézangyal Kft. estimates that the company’s sales revenue this year may reach 1 billion HUF after last year's net 925.5 million HUF. In the communication, sent by the company...

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Pálinka celebrations in Tarpa

The 13th Szatmár-Beregi Plum Days awaits the guests with the ceremonial presentation of fruit spirits, crafts, culinary specialties, local food tastings and cultural programs on Saturday in Tarpa, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county....

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