Tag "OMV"

Fuel card: a real trump card

It is very important for FMCG fleets to be able to refuel quickly, without queuing. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/8-9 In June the Shell MobilePayment...

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Summer sandwiches and espresso with ice cream: the gastronomic offer of OMV VIVA has been renewed

From July, the gastronomic offer of OMV VIVA was renewed: Attila Bicsár, the creative chef of Sauska 48, came up with two sandwiches with a summery flavor. In addition to...

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The image of OMV’s retail network is getting a new look in Central and Eastern Europe

OMV has taken another step in the transformation of the company: in the next three years, the company will introduce its new image in seven countries, in addition to Hungary,...

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OMV VIVA gas stations in Hungary await customers with a new premium sandwich offer

In the spring, the gastronomic offer of OMV VIVA will be renewed in almost every aspect: in addition to two new gourmet sandwiches, guests of OMV VIVA filling stations can...

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There is no challenger to espresso

Based on data collected in the Hungarian network of OMV Hungária, in 2024, 55 percent of motorists visiting a coffee shop chose espresso, while another 20 percent of guests chose...

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OMV is starting to distribute medicines at nearly 100 filling stations in Hungary

Since spring, over-the-counter medicines have been available at 99 OMV filling stations across the country. As part of the distribution carried out in cooperation with Goodwill Pharma Nyrt., fever and...

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Az OMV-vel közös új üzletformátumot vezet be a Billa Csehországban

Az OMV és a Billa új élelmiszer-kiskereskedelmi láncot indított Viva Billa néven Csehországban. Az új formátumot képviselő első üzlet a prágai Chuchle melletti egyik benzinkúton nyílt meg, és a kiskereskedő...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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They shop 20 million times a year in OMV Spar express stores

In October, it was 10 years since OMV Hungária and SPAR Hungary opened the first OMV Spar express in Budapest, at the filling station on Fehérvári út. There are currently...

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NASA inspired the charging station network’s travel products

Suitcases made of airplane window material, glow-in-the-dark blankets and thermal thermoses: at OMV filling stations, you can now buy special products for astronauts on earth, inspired by NASA. When designing...

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Billa And OMV Launch New Format In Czechia

Petrol station operator OMV and retailer Billa have launched a new food retail chain under the Viva Billa banner. The first Viva Billa store opened at the Strakonicka gas station...

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This is what Hungarians eat when they go on a road trip by car

94% of Hungarians tend to eat food while traveling, and the most important aspects when choosing it are practicality, price and quality – a recent national survey by OMV Hungária,...

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National research: this is what Hungarians eat when they go on a trip

94% of Hungarians tend to eat food while traveling, the most important aspects of which are practicality, price and quality when choosing them – a recent national survey by OMV...

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A life-saving step on the highways: OMV installs defibrillators

It is an alarming figure that 27,000 deaths occur every year in Hungary due to sudden cardiac arrest, which means 70 patients per day. However, this number can be reduced...

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OMV will renew its gastro portfolio in the spring

In the spring, the gastronomic offer at OMV filling stations was updated. A brand new breakfast offer, Gourmet Selection sandwiches and a Mexican Leberkäse variant made its debut at filling...

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New shades of black

Márton Vajda, premium spirits and coffee manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország, told our magazine that Hungarian coffee consumption was more than 19,000 tonnes in 2022. “Coffee bean prices elevated by...

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Winter flavours at the filling stations

It started four years ago that OMV comes out with a gourmet product selection in every season. This time Attila Bicsár, the well-known creative chef of Sauska48 has compiled the...

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Collection of used cooking oil at OMV filling stations

Used cooking oil is still not properly treated in many households. Cooking oil that is no longer suitable for food use is considered hazardous household waste, and it can also...

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OMV has installed containers for the safe collection and storage of used cooking oil at its 40 filling stations across the country

Used cooking oil is still not properly treated in many households. Cooking oil that is no longer suitable for food use is considered hazardous household waste, and it can also...

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The popularity of espresso at home is undeniable

Hungarians drink an average of two cups of coffee a day and their favorite is espresso, according to a recent survey by OMV, which was completed by more than 6,000...

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The popularity of espresso at home is undeniable

Hungarians drink an average of two cups of coffee a day and their favorite is espresso, according to recent OMV research. Most people consume black locally and experience it as...

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OMV opened its EuroTruck filling station at Hegyeshalom

OMV Hungária Kft. opens its new EuroTruck filling station in Hungary at the Hegyeshalmi border crossing. The automatic, unmanned filling station was built specifically for trucks and buses. The filling...

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The gourmet offer of OMV and Attila Bicsár comes with winter flavors and a special vegetarian offer

For four years now, OMV has presented a new gourmet selection every season: during the current update, Attila Bicsár, the creative chef of the restaurant Sauska48, which recently received a...

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Thoughts on the Hungarian motor fuel market

When last November the government set the maximum consumer price for motor fuels, the then 3-month fixed price period seemed very long, and even if the difference from the market...

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(HU) Ott voltunk a (játék)szeren (1. rész)

Between 19 and 23 September, the Trade Playground was full: Trade magazine organised its Business Days conference for the 15th time. Almost 900 decision-makers gathered from the HoReCa and FMCG...

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Attila Bicsár designed OMV’s latest gourmet range

OMV is working with a new gastro ambassador: Attila Bicsár, the creative chef of Sauska48, put together the exclusive offer of the gas station network. In the new gourmet sandwich...

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OMV’s petrol stations in Hungary may close, Mol will not be able to cover the shortage

The Austrian OMV refinery in Schwechat will not be able to restart in time after regular maintenance due to the plant’s shutdown, VG wrote on its website on Friday, citing...

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Leberkäse: available from OMV wells from April

Visitors to OMV Hungária’s shops will be able to taste not just any sandwich from April. Austria’s big favorite, Leberkäse, is available at the company’s 43 filling stations. The meatbread...

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Atypical hospitality

These days the term ‘atypical’ is most frequently used in the domain of employment. In in the context of hospitality it describes not special restaurant concepts or extremities, but the...

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The cooperation between OMV and Norbis Michelisz continues

The cooperation between OMV Hungária and the most successful Hungarian racer, Norbert Michelisz, will continue this year as well. However, the relationship will reach a new level compared to the...

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