Tag "olajosnövény"

More sunflower seed crops are expected worldwide than last year

Oil World experts for 2023/2024. 4 percent higher than last year, almost 60 million tons of sunflower seeds are expected worldwide in 2024/2025. financial year. The expected use is 60.6...

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Despite the rainy weather, the Hungarian fields have a good harvest

Despite the warm weather and lack of rainfall this spring, according to the harvest results of Talentis Agro Zrt., the quantity and quality of autumn barley is acceptable. The holding...

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10 percent more sunflower crops are expected in the EU this year

Oil World expects a worldwide sunflower seed harvest of 57.9 million tons in 2023/2024. economic year, this may exceed the previous year’s volume by 4 percent. The global output may...

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The export of rapeseed rose

According to Tallage, the spot export (FOB) price of canola seed delivered to the western border in Ukraine increased by $10 to $365/ton between February 16 and March 15. In Russia,...

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A 5 percent higher sunflower seed yield is expected

The USDA expects a world sunflower seed harvest of 55.1 million tons in 2023/2024. economic year, this may exceed the volume of the previous year by 5 percent. The global output...

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Brussels must act now to protect European farmers

In a joint letter, the agriculture ministers of the bordering member states once again call on the European Commission to act so that Brussels can find a solution and help...

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The world market price of rapeseed decreased

According to Tallage’s information, the world market price of rapeseed decreased between September 15 and October 13 due to the drop in the price of crude oil and the good...

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60 percent of the corn was harvested in Zala county

More than 60 percent of the corn was harvested in the county of Zala, the average yield per hectare in the 15,500-hectare area was 8.9 tons, the county president of...

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AM: most of the sunflowers have already been harvested

Based on the latest report of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, the readiness for harvesting sunflowers produced on 676,000 hectares this year has risen to 92 percent and has...

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Harvesting has been completed in most places

The head of the ministry drew attention to the fact that the significant amount of precipitation that fell in the last week made harvesting work difficult and stopped. Unharvested grain has...

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An extraordinary adaptation is needed in agricultural production

It is impossible to prepare for the frequent changes that have affected agricultural producers every day in the past two years. This summer, the extremely low purchase prices of grain...

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Domestic producers are encouraged by the start of a rise in European crop prices

The war and the sanctions in agriculture resulted in a new situation in field crop cultivation, which was used to stability and security in the previous decade, said Zsolt Feldman,...

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New measures to curb grain dumping in Ukraine

Our country is introducing new measures and will even more strictly control the Ukrainian grain coming from Ukraine on the solidarity river, so that it can actually reach the original...

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EU Minister of Agriculture meeting on grain imports from Ukraine

The Polish, Czech, Romanian, Bulgarian and Hungarian agriculture ministers agreed that at the Brussels agricultural council in January they will call on the European Commission to take measures aimed at...

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The government introduces the grain export notification obligation

In view of the grain market situation in Europe, the government has decided to phase out the export notification system introduced in March last year for grain and oil crops,...

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