Tag "ökoturizmus"

The bird theater in Hortobágy will be a unique eco-tourism attraction

According to the State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office responsible for active Hungary, the bird theater in Hortobágy will be an ecotourism attraction that is unique not only in...

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Domestic ecotourism is developing

The national parks are now the biggest custodians of domestic ecotourism – stated the State Secretary responsible for nature conservation of the Ministry of Agriculture at the opening of the...

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An eco-tourism center was established in Várgesztes

n eco-tourism center called Keltike Ház was created as part of a municipal investment in Várgesztes, the mayor of the Komárom-Esztergom county settlement told MTI. Rising Károlyné  (independent) said that...

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AM: exciting sights in Northern Hungary

Last year, the Zsófia lookout and tourist facility of Északerdő Erdőgazdasági Zrt. in Lillafüred won the titles Lookout of the Year and Tourist House of the Year. The Lillafüred and...

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The government spent 27 billion HUF on ecotourism investments

The government has spent 27 billion forints on ecotourism investments through state forest farms since 2010, the state secretary for forests of the Ministry of Agriculture said in Szentendre on...

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AM Secretary of State: Ecotourism developments are taking place in a value of more than 22 billion HUF

State and ecotourism developments are taking place at forest farms for more than 22 billion HUF, the State Secretary for Forests and Land Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD)...

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The Center for Active and Ecotourism Development is launching a tourism campaign

The aktivmagyarorszag.hu, the tourism recommendation site of the Active and Ecotourism Development Center launched its Welcome homecampaign with the aim to present places in Hungary that are less known. The...

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The development of tourist houses continues

Tourist houses developments continued with governmental support. Within the Téry Ödön National Tourist Houses Development Program in 2018, 6 tourist accommodations received 996 million HUF support, while in 2019 20...

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Billions have been spent by the government for the tourism development of forests and national parks

Since 2010, the Government has invested 16 billion HUF for the tourism development of forests and national parks – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said at a press conference in...

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A model Farm construction began in Budakalász

An eco-tourism demonstration area an adventure park, and a kind of model farm is being built on the outskirts of Budakalász fom 100 million HUF. The local government covers the...

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The Lake Balaton has become an all-season tourist destination

The Lake Balaton – thanks to the development of and marketing of the recent years – has become an all-season tourist destination. It is providing special programs at any time...

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FM: the national parks can spend more than 46 billion HUF on eco-tourism developments in 2020

FM: the national parks can spend more than 46 billion HUF on eco-tourism developments in the 2014-2020 EU budget period – V. Németh Zsolt, Minister of State of the Ministry...

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The SEFAG Zrt. has received a Tourism Award

The SEFAG Zrt. has received a prestigious tourism industrial recognition from the Magyar Turizmus Zrt. The South Transdanubian marketing department of the Magyar Turizmus Zrt. (Hungarian National Tourist Office) rewarded...

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Six hundred million HUF for fisheries management tasks

The Ministry will give six hundred million HUF for fisheries management-related tasks, and to support programs and procurement – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture announced on Monday in Tiszafüred. Fazekas...

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