Tag "Okostányér"

MDOSZ: The SMART PLATE® for children is ready

The National Association of Hungarian Dietitians (MDOSZ) has issued a new nutritional recommendation, this time for the 4-6 year olds. After adults and school children, kindergarteners have now also received...

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They are starting it early

Schoolchildren can learn good nutrition from their peers, thanks to a new educational method of the Hungarian Dietetic Association. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 What...

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Korán kezdik

Az ország 150 általános iskolájából közel 400 csapat indult el a Magyar Dietetikusok Országos Szövetségének Tudáspróbáján, ahol a hatodikos-hetedikes diákok az egészséges táplálkozásról szerzett ismereteikről adtak számot. A cikk a...

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Students from Budapest and Gyula won the national Knowledge Test of Hungarian Dietitians

Nearly 400 teams from the country’s 150 elementary schools took part in the Knowledge Test of the National Association of Hungarian Dietitians, where sixth- and seventh-grade students gave an account...

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The domestic beverage manufacturer is opening up to a new segment

Sunnywood Farms, a new product line primarily for children, will appear on store shelves from mid-November. For the first time in Hungary, drinks with a high milk content will be...

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A well-balanced diet can protect against cardiovascular diseases

There really are no superfoods. Although the term is already in the dictionary as “a food that is rich in substances considered beneficial to health (e.g. antioxidants, dietary fibers, unsaturated...

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Plant-based foods have a place in our healthy diet

Cow’s milk and its dairy products contain nutrients that are essential for the body in a well-utilized form: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, very rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium,...

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The Association of Dietitians issued new dietary recommendations

The Association of Hungarian Dietitians (MDOSZ) has compiled the latest nutritional recommendations – the MDOSZ told MTI Thursday. According to the Communication, the recommendation prepared for healthy adults suggests to...

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