Tag "Oil World"

More sunflower seed crops are expected worldwide than last year

Oil World experts for 2023/2024. 4 percent higher than last year, almost 60 million tons of sunflower seeds are expected worldwide in 2024/2025. financial year. The expected use is 60.6...

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10 percent more sunflower crops are expected in the EU this year

Oil World expects a worldwide sunflower seed harvest of 57.9 million tons in 2023/2024. economic year, this may exceed the previous year’s volume by 4 percent. The global output may...

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8 percent more sunflower seed production is expected in the EU

Oil World expects a worldwide sunflower seed harvest of 56.7 million tons (+3 percent) in 2023/2024. financial year. The global output may be 0.5 million tons below the indicated consumption of...

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Soybean production could be 7 percent more than last season

In the September forecast of Oil World, it expects a global soybean harvest of 394.4 million tons in 2023/2024, which is almost 7 percent higher than the previous season. financial year....

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