Tag "nyúlhús"

A Hungarian development enables cost-effective rabbit meat production

The digital development of the University of Veterinary Medicine and Tetrabbit Kft. makes cost-effective rabbit meat production possible, the university told MTI on Monday. The my-rabbit.eu IT system supervises the...

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Digital Revolution in rabbit meat production: the innovative project of Tetrabbit and the University of Veterinary Medicine has been successfully concluded

Digitalization is transforming all areas of life. It is now clear to everyone that whether we can enter this new era is a matter of life in animal breeding as...

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Rabbit meat is rare in Hungary

Rabbit meat is a traditionally popular ingredient in Hungary, and can be excellently used fried, fried or roasted. High-quality rabbit fillets, rabbit shoulder blades and rabbit liver can be special...

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Chamber of Agriculture: rabbit meat consumption in Hungary is undeservedly low

Hungarians undeservedly ignore one of the healthiest sources of protein, even though rabbit meat has excellent nutritional and physiological properties; Although the dynamically developing trend of the domestic rabbit sector has...

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Rabbit meat is an excellent source of protein, but it is rarely on Hungarians’ plates

Hungarians undeservedly neglect one of the healthiest sources of protein. Rabbit meat not only has excellent nutritional and physiological properties, it also tastes great. The domestic rabbit sector has undergone significant...

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National campaign to promote the consumption of rabbit meat

The next stop of the “Rabbit-go-bele” national campaign series to promote domestic rabbit meat consumption was at the Farmer Expo in Debrecen. At the event, Zsolt Papp, Deputy Secretary of...

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National campaign to promote the consumption of rabbit meat

Get into it” national campaign to promote domestic rabbit meat consumption in the Auchan department store in Soroksár. At the event, Péter Ondré, managing director of the Agrármarketing Centrum, Róbert...

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The domestic rabbit industry relies on tenders

Hungarian rabbit breeders are in a particularly difficult situation as the increase in their costs has led to most of them operating at a break-even or loss-making level in rabbit...

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The organizational operation of domestic pigeon and pet breeding is 140 years old

The National Association of Hungarian Pigeon and Pet Breeders, with its organizational network covering the entire country, ensures the maintenance of Hungarian pigeon and pet breeding at a high standard...

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More and more rabbit meat is being sold in Hungarian retail chains

The interest in rabbit breeding and the sale of rabbit meat is increasing – said the president of the Rabbit Professional Organization and Product Council at Farmer Expo in Debrecen...

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Ministry of Agriculture: Canada has opened its doors to Hungarian rabbit meat

Exports of rabbit meat and meat products to Canada may begin. Following a successful audit and a series of negotiations of the past several years a new product line to...

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NAK sees significant sales problems in the rabbit sector

96 percent of the domestically produced rabbit meat products are sold on European markets, but demand in some countries has fallen dramatically, according to an analysis conducted by the National...

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A promotional campaign is launched to promote rabbit meat

The campaign to stimulate the consumption of rabbit meat organized by the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agrarian Marketing Center (AMC) and the Rabbit Inter-Trade Organization and Product Council was...

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Nagy István: the aim is to reach seven million animals in the rabbit sector

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) and the Rabbit Product Board aim to bring domestic producers to 7 million animals by 2022 compared to the current 4-4.5 million rabbits – the...

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FM: the campaign that was launched to increase rabbit meat consumption was successful

According to the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), this year’s campaign aimed to increase rabbit meat consumption was successful. Ugron Ákos, on the harvest day...

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FM: the export of beef and rabbit meat to Singapore may soon begin

Hungary’s export of beef and rabbit meat to Singapore may soon begin – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said, after a meeting with Lawrence Wong, head of the Singaporean National...

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FM: the campaign to promote rabbit meat is effective

The campaign that aims to promote the consumption of rabbit meat is effective. More and more people are looking for the products in the stores – Nagy István, Minister of...

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Increasing consumption can improve the situation of the rabbit farmers

The consumption of rabbit meat in Hungary needs to be increased in order to stabilize the situation of rabbit farmers – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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A campaign to promote rabbit meat consumption has begun

Events, promoting rabbit meat consumption as well as tastings will also be part of the national campaign launched in June – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry...

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A national campaign was launched to promote rabbit meat consumption

A national campaign was launched to promote rabbit meat consumption at the Auchan store in Budaörs. At the event Nagy István, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and the main patron of...

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A campaign to be launched to promote rabbit meat consumption

A national campaign to be launched to promote rabbit meat consumption – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture announced at a professional conference in Kaposvár. According to...

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Unknown origin rabbit meat was seized

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) seized more than 60 kilograms of unknown origin rabbit meat – the agency told MTI on Friday. The NÉBIH checked meat shops containing...

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