Tag "NGM"

OTP: the tightening in the usage of the Széchenyi Rest Cards can have an adverse effect on tourism

The OTP Bank is concerned about the proposed amendmentof the Széchenyi Rest Card system that was raised last week, because the Bank believes that any tightening the usage of the...

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Tállai: the ekáer is successful

The introduction of the electronic road freight traffic control system (ekáer) is effective and successful. The system contributes to the whitening of the Hungarian economy. Since its introduction tax authorities...

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1.5 billion HUF for the student work program this year

The government spends 1.5 billion HUF on the summer student work program program this year – Varga Mihály, Minister for Economic Affairs announced on Wednesday. The summer student work program...

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Tourists spent more money in Hungary

The expansion of the amount spent by tourists in Hungary exceeded the growth rate of their guest nights. Ruszinkó Ádám, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy...

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The tourism tax may be terminated

The tourism tax (IFA) may be terminated, while the fast-food restaurants may be excluded from the range of Széchenyi Rest Card (SZÉP Cards) accepting locations – Glattfelder Béla, Minister of...

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NGM: two to three percent inflation would by healthy

Although the prices in May increased by half a percent, the average of inflation in the past five months is still minus 0.6 percent – Balogh László, Deputy Minister of...

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NGM: the growth in retail sales is continuous for 22 months

It is very positive that the growth in retail sales is continuous for 22 months – Lenner Áron Márk, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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910 million HUF remained on the Széchenyi Rest Cards

Last week, domestic tourists spent about 600 million HUF with Széchenyi Rest Cards, but a total of 910 million HUF remained on the Széchenyi Rest Cards – Ruszinkó Ádám, Deputy...

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NGM: retail sales increased further even after the introduction of the Sunday rest day

Hungarian retail sales increased after the introduction of the Sunday rest day – Glattfelder Béla, Minister of State for the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told on Wednesday to M1...

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Sunday opening may be easier

Within weeks, the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) may change the decree which lists the specific qualifications required for the sale of products – the Magyar Nemzet wrote. If certain...

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VAT on pigs: a price decline in consumer prices may come

After the VAT reduction on live pigs, the government may reduce the VAT on pig carcase meat as well the next year. The Meat Marketing Board told that this measure...

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The NGM would check the price of pork

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) will chech whether the 22-percentage-point VAT rate cut will appear in the price of pork or not, and if necessary, will take action –...

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NGM: the demand supports the strengthening of foreign trade

Behind the upturn in foreign trade the strengthening of external and domestic demand can be both observed – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) commented to the report of the...

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It is worth to pay with SZÉP-cards on the long weekend

The Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy highlighted that the expiry date of the 2013 Széchényi Rest cards is 31 May. Therefore, who still have money...

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Sunday store closure has been extended to World Heritage sites

The government is extending the ban on Sunday working in trade to World Heritage sites in its bill submitted to the National Assembly on Tuesday. Vámos György, the General Secretary...

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The VAT reduction should be reflected in consumer prices

The government is reducing the VAT of pork. It makes it possible that the consumer prices to be effectively reduced. It is important that traders should not swallow it –...

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Hop on hop off service in the vineyard

Ruszinkó Ádám Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) suggested to launch a hop on hop off service in the wine growing regions at a professional...

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The money on the Széchenyi Rest Cards can be spent until 31 May

One and a half months before the expiration, there is still an amount of 2.8 billion HUF of the 67.8 billion HUF on the Széchenyi Rest Cards that were uploaded...

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The favorable international economic environment can improve the sustainability of growth in Hungary

The improving international economic situation can have a positive impact on the external conditionality of the economic growth in Hungary. It can improve the Hungarian economic growth sustainability – the...

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NGM: a growth in room revenues and guest traffic

Room revenues increased in February, and the number of guest nights increased by more than 10 percent as well – Ruszinkó Ádám, Deputy Minister of State for of the Ministry...

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The VAT reduction on drinking milk could be an element of utilities reduction

The VAT reduction on drinking milk to 5 percent could be an element of utilities reduction – the president of the Milk Marketing Board Interprofessional Organization told in Budapest on...

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NGM: the Hungarians have more purchasing power

The January retail sales increased by 8.7 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, which shows that the the Hungarian consumer purchasing power became higher. The growth...

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The NGM investigates the possible effects of the VAT reduction

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) is examining the financial and real economic impact of the reduction of the value added tax (VAT), but the primary goal is to make...

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NGM: the use of online cash registers would be mandatory for money changers

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) would require that the use of online cash registers would be mandatory for money changers mandatory use of online cash for the money-changers –...

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Significant improvements are expected in the wake of the food strategy

Significant improvements can be implemented in the Hungarian food industry by 2020, due to the food industry development strategy. According to the plans, the available funding will be about 300...

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The document about the Sunday shop closure is available

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) has published the public opinion poll carried out in 2011 about Sunday shop closure. The document was uploaded to kormany.hu. The Ministry of National...

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KSH: average earnings rose by 4.1 percent in January

Average earnings rose by 4.1 percent in January, compared to a year earlier, at firms and budgetary institutions employing at least five people and in the non-profit sector – the...

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Sunday store closure without impact study

The Ministry of National Economy published a communication, after the Népszabadság on Friday wrote that in 2011 an impact study was made in the ministry about the Christian Democratic draft...

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KSH: the turnover of hotels increased by 8.9 percent January

Foreign visitors spentt 7.5 percent more, while Hungarians spent 10.5 percent more guest nights at commercial accommodations in January. The total increase was 8.9 percent, compared to the previous year...

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The NGM expects the further expansion of retail trade

The retail sales reached a ten-year record in 2014 – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI on Thursday MTI, commenting the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH)....

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