Tag "NGM"

The increase in real wages affects consumption, which is important for stimulating the economy

The increase in real wages means that more money remains in people’s pockets, more money is left for consumption, which is very important for stimulating the economy – the state...

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Sándor Czomba: real wages increased by more than 10 percent in May

As a result of targeted and effective government measures, inflation has remained unabated, as a result of which real wages have been rising continuously since September 2023, i.e. for 9...

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NGM: the SZÉP card is still the engine of domestic tourism

The popularity of the SZÉP card continues to grow, as shown by the fact that in the first half of 2024, the total value of top-ups increased to more than...

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More than 21,000 people are already working in the Summer Student Work Program

For the twelfth time this year, the government has announced the Summer Student Work program, which is popular across the country, with a budget of around HUF 3.8 billion. Due...

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Sándor Czomba: expanding employment contributes to increasing competitiveness

The goal of the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union is to ensure the increase of European competitiveness by expanding employment, the State Secretary responsible for...

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NGM deputy state secretary: the launch of the Budapest-Brassó flight is an important step for both cities

The launch of the Budapest-Brassó flight is an important step for both cities and both countries – said the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) at...

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NGM: tourist interest in Hungary has increased spectacularly

The visitor traffic of the Pentecost long weekend also made a significant contribution to the extremely spectacular results of the tourism sector in May, as the number of guest nights...

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NGM State Secretary: the machine industry plays a decisive role in industrial development

The development of the machine industry is essential for Hungary to be at the forefront of European industry by 2030 – said the State Secretary responsible for industrial policy and...

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NGM: the government has suppressed inflation, the mandatory promotions will end on July 1, 2024

With the mandatory sales – thanks to which families were able to get basic food such as bread, meat, milk or various vegetables at a cheaper price – the government...

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NGM: fuel prices remained below the average of neighboring countries

Fuel prices remained below the average prices of neighboring countries, and in order to protect families, the government continues to continuously monitor the evolution of prices – the Ministry of...

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NGM: the recovery of consumption continued, the volume of retail trade increased again in April

Overall, the significant increase in retail turnover indicates that as a result of the government measures, consumption is in the recovery phase, this process is substantially supported by the suppression...

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Registration for this year’s Summer Student Work Program has begun

Since 2013, the government has been announcing the Summer Student Work Program with unbroken success, for which eligible persons can apply for a HUF 3.8 billion budget this year –...

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NGM: trust is unbroken, Moody’s also continues to recommend Hungary for investment

Despite the escalating war situation, confidence in Hungary is unbroken: Moody’s also continues to recommend our country for investment – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) emphasized in its statement...

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NGM: in the first 4 months of the year, domestic hotels registered nearly 10 million guest nights

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH) and the National Tourist Information Center (NTAK), between January and April 2024, domestic hotels registered a total of around...

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NGM: handed over high-tech developments to Fábián Gergely Sárvár

Thanks to the support of economic revitalizing investments, the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) promotes sustainable and inclusive economic growth throughout the country, thus creating higher competitiveness and new perspectives...

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NGM State Secretary: the interest rate cap protected SMEs from the negative effects of the rising yield environment

The interest rate cap protected SMEs from the negative effects of the rising yield environment; the introduction of the measure did not mean an additional burden for them thanks to...

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NGM: the weakness of the export markets continues to worsen the performance of the industry

Based on the data of the Central Statistical Office, in March 2024, according to calendar-adjusted data, the volume of industrial production decreased by 2.8 percent compared to the previous year....

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NGM: the recovery of consumption is becoming more and more dynamic, retail turnover increased by 4.2 percent in March, which means that consumption has increased for three consecutive months

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the volume of retail trade increased by 4.2 percent in March 2024 compared to the same period of the...

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NGM: innovation means the future of the food industry, State Secretary Gergely Fábián handed over new developments

In the framework of the Food Supplier Development Program (ÉLIP BFP), the company received nearly HUF 500 million in support, which was used, among other things, for the purchase of...

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NGM: the lives of families are significantly affected by food and health expenses and fuel prices

According to the surveys, the most significant expenses of the population, in addition to food and health expenses, are fuel expenses. This means that in the case of the population,...

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The quarterly results of the SZÉP card confirm the entrepreneurs’ proposal

According to the announcement issued by the Ministry of National Economy on April 22, looking at the first quarter of 2024, it can be established that in the first three...

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NGM: tourism demand is increasing, the SZÉP Card was also a popular means of payment in March

The SZÉP Card also generated strong traffic in March, which remains the engine of tourism, the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI on Monday. While 2.6 million users had...

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NGM State Secretary: the ESG Act strengthens the competitiveness of Hungarian businesses

The aim of the law defining the framework for responsible environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) is to strengthen the competitiveness of Hungarian enterprises and promote the creation of a...

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NGM: the government will restart it in 2024 and further increase the rate of economic growth in 2025

After the successful suppression of inflation, the government will restart it this year and increase the rate of economic growth next year, and when the war is over, Hungary will...

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Márton Nagy negotiated with representatives of the 13 fastest growing domestic companies

On Thursday, Minister of National Economy Márton Nagy received in his office the senior managers of the 13 domestic companies that are among the fastest growing economic companies in Europe...

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Márton Nagy also addressed the alleged expansion of Mere in Hungary

The value of state assets has doubled since 2010, from HUF 11.6 billion in 2010 to HUF 21.8 billion by 2022, and it accounts for 25 percent of GDP, Márton...

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NGM: the recovery of consumption continued in February, on an annual basis, retail sales increased for the second month running

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistical Office, the volume of retail trade in February 2024 increased by 4.6 percent according to raw data and 1.1 percent according...

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It will also be possible to withdraw HUF 150,000 per month at post offices

The availability of retail cash withdrawals can be significantly expanded, it will be possible to withdraw HUF 150,000 per month at post offices, the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told...

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Gergely Fábián: integrated, data-based development in the food industry improves competitiveness and security of supply

In the food industry, the competitiveness of the sector can be increased with the integrated, data-based development of the product path, which also contributes to security of supply and sustainability,...

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NGM: the performance of the tourism sector is growing dynamically

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH) and the National Tourist Information Center (NTAK), in February 2024, both the number of guest nights and the number...

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