Tag "Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara"

This year, the weather was favorable for pumpkins

Although the summer storms caused serious damage in several places, overall this year the weather turned out to be favorable for growing pumpkins, FruitVeb Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Trade Organization...

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The Chamber of Agriculture promotes the consumption of local products

Hungarian farmers produce quality food all over the country, and by buying a higher proportion of local products, consumers can help rural producers to get to the market quickly, the...

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Local products must play a prominent role

With local products, the transportation route of food can be reduced, and the producer, the processor and the consumer are not only physically “close” to each other, but a relationship...

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Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century

Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century, thanks to the development resources it can return to the forefront of Europe within a few years – said...

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AM Deputy State Secretary: innovation is also key in the food industry

The role of innovation in the food industry is also becoming more and more important, encouraging it will be an important task in the next period, Hungarian manufacturers can apply...

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Advance payments for some agricultural subsidies will start on October 16

On October 16, the advance payment of basic support, redistributive support and production-related subsidies will begin. According to EU rules, a maximum of 70% of the total support can be...

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In order to protect egg producers, it is necessary to take action against faulty EU decisions

The domestic egg sector has developed significantly in the past decade, however, the achieved results are threatened by the thoughtless actions of the European Commission. While the EU allows Ukrainian...

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More than half of the children know the European Fresh Team! The program of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy has completed three successful years

The final press conference of the program of the European Fresh Team, which promotes the consumption of vegetables and fruits of the National Chamber of Agriculture, was held at a...

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The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy and the European Fresh Team program handed over 100 kilograms of vegetables and fruits

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and its program promoting the consumption of vegetables and fruits, the European Fresh Team, handed over 100 kilograms of vegetables and fruits, a packet...

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Autumn harvest situation

Based on the latest report of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, the readiness of the sunflower harvest, which was produced on 676 thousand hectares this year, has risen to...

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The soil will appreciate the use of organic fertilizers

Farmers can achieve higher crop yields if they pay attention not only to the health of the plants, but also to the health of the soil.The use of organic fertilizers...

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He organized a nut presentation for Nébih and NAK Pölöske

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) held a nut presentation in Pölöske on September 28. During the presentation, possible solutions to the...

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Cheap foreign boxed milk and semi-hard cheese have reappeared on the market, making it impossible for the domestic dairy industry to operate

Domestic milk production and processing companies are not in an easy situation. While the purchase price of milk is constantly decreasing, the demand for dairy products is decreasing due to...

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A more balanced nut crop is expected this year than before

Farmers on domestic walnut plantations are confident of a good harvest this year. After last year’s drought, a significant improvement in the quantity and quality of the harvest is expected. However,...

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Hungarian pears are already ripening, they are harvested by the end of October

The pear season is in full swing, one of autumn’s favorite fruits is picked on domestic plantations until the end of October. In our country, pears are grown on nearly 2,000...

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Hungarian agricultural professional organizations are asking the EU to limit grain imports from Ukraine again

At the farmers’ demonstration in Záhony organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (Magosz) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), it was announced that Magosz...

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Let’s dispel misconceptions about animal husbandry and meat consumption!

The National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders consider it a priority task to create balance in the debates surrounding the livestock sector, as well as...

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Szigorítást sürget a NAK a növényi eredetű termékek elnevezésére vonatkozóan

Az európai mezőgazdasági termelőket összefogó Copa-Cogeca állásfoglalást adott ki a növényi alapú hús- és tejimitátumokkal kapcsolatban. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. A növényi alapú fehérjetermékek (hús- és...

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NAK launched a series of autumn career orientation programs

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) is promoting agricultural vocational training throughout the country as part of its autumn career orientation program series, which has just started.  With the help...

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Hungarian farmers demand decisive action from Brussels! Extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain by the EU!

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) and the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK), a farmers’ demonstration was held at the Záhony border crossing...

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Seed production is a production alternative in the shadow of the Ukrainian grain market

Due to the presence of Ukrainian crops on the European market, Hungarian farmers should also establish themselves on several legs, in which seed production can be a viable alternative for...

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Szeptember végéig is eltarthat a hazai dinnyeszezon

Július elején indult a hazai dinnyeszezon, amely kedvező időjárás esetén akár szeptember közepéig-végéig eltarthat. Részben az exportpiacok beszűkülése okán a termelők jelentős változtatásokat vittek végbe a fajtaválaszték és a termelési technológia...

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A fenntarthatóság a helyes út a PENNY-nél – Innovációk, úttörő megoldások és segítségnyújtás a kiskereskedelmi üzletláncnál

A PENNY-nél már az 1996-os hazai indulása óta kulcsfontosságú szerepet játszik a fenntarthatósági célok kitűzése és megvalósítása, valamint a társadalmi felelősségvállalás kérdése. A vállalat mindig örömmel tesz a jó ügyekért,...

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NAK: amending proposals to improve the operation of the territorial monitoring system

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has put together a package of proposals regarding the operation of the territorial monitoring system (TMR) affected by satellite monitoring of uniform support...

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We can be a decisive player in European tomato processing

Farmers engaged in industrial tomato production expect a good harvest this year as well. The success of the sector in recent years is well exemplified by the fact that products...

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Mango and popcorn ice cream are the hits of this season

The popularity of ice creams among Hungarians is unbroken, and in addition to cooling desserts with a traditional flavor, products with a special taste and texture are becoming more and...

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This year, GOSZ-VSZT is also helping farmers with objective variety test results

The national post-registration trial of winter wheat and winter cabbage rape has come to an end. The organizers published the results of the objective survey in 2023 in summary publications for...

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The focus is on local products

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Hungarian National Rural Network (MNVH) are holding a “Local product” event in four more cities. After the spring four in autumn –...

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A helyi termékekről készít felmérést a Széchenyi István Egyetem

A Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara által támogatott kutatás fókuszában a rövid ellátási láncok, s ezen belül is elsősorban a helyi termékek előállítása, illetve a fogyasztási és vásárlási szokások állnak. A cikk...

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The rainy summer was favorable for domestic apple orchards

The domestic apple producers can count on a good harvest this year, after last year’s severe drought damage, for the time being it seems that there will be something to...

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