The Nébih warns of the dangers of wild mushrooms

It is important to ask for professional inspector examination of wild mushrooms, before consumption, both for the operators of catering unit and for hikers and mushroom collectors – the National...

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The Nébih suspended the operations of two vegetable cleaning plants in Budapest

Due to food safety and food hygiene deficiencies, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) suspended the operations of two vegetable cleaning plants in Budapest with immediate effect. During the...

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Dangerous pathogens are attacking the vines

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) told MTI on Monday that the gold vine jaundice disease appeared again in the Hungarian wineyards. The Plant Protector Inspector General ordered a...

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The Nébih tested special salts

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested special salts – for example, iodinated, fluorinated or reduced sodium content salts. As the result of the investigation public proceedings were initated...

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The Nébih closed down a slaughterhouse in Pest county

The inspectors found serious hygiene problems in a slaughterhouse in Pest County. The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) banned immediately the functioning of the plant. According to the communication...

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Bluetongue disease was detected in three additional counties

The laboratory tests showed bluetongue disease in cattle herds in Baranya, Somogy and Tolna counties, therefore, the authorities amended the surveillance and protection zone. The previously imposed measures remain valid...

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The Nébih withdrew rice flour containing gluten

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) ordered the withdrawal of three rice flour produced by the Szarvasi Agrár Zrt. – the Nébih told MTI on Thursday. The health risk...

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Nébih: almost half of the check of the fish vendors have failed on Nébih’s test

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found irregularities at 43 percent of the examined 81 fish vendors and caterers – the Nébih informed MTI on Wednesday. According to the...

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Nébih: bluetongue disease appeared in Somogy county

Bluetongue virus-infected cattle was found in Hajmás, Somogy County after last week's incident in Tolna county – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Wednesday. According to...

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Nébih: bluetongue disease detected in Tolna County

Bluetongue disease was detected in case of two animals in Tolna County within a cattle of 350 heifers. The animal health authority has taken all the necessary measures without delay...

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The chocolate pralines withdrawn from circulation can cause severe allergic reactions

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) told MTI on Friday that an alert arrived on September 3 on Thursday night through the European Union’s the Rapid Alert System for...

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The Nébih found food products that were expired seven years ago

The experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found foods that were expired in 2008 at a restaurant near the M1 motorway, during the check sessions held near...

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The team of NÉBIH won the 20th Hungarian Wine Route Rally

The team of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) won the 20th Hungarian Wine Route Rally ended Sunday. The results ceremony was held at the Manis Square of Gyöngyös....

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The Nébih found no quality errors in chocolate milks

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) examined a total of 39 products chocolate milks and drinks. During the examination of the products (19 of chocolate milks and 20 chocolate...

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The NÉBIH seized relabeled melons

The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) seized relabeled melons at a farm near Nagykálló and banned the marketing of the fruits. According to the communication of...

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The Nébih closed down a bakery in the capital

According to the communication of the Hungarian Baker’s Association, the closed bakery is not the member of the association. The Nébih carried out inspections at several bakeries in recent days:...

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Food chain management fee: more than 10 billion HUF came in last year

The amount of the food chain management fee was 10.979 billion HUF last year: the development money amounted to 1,097 billion HUF. The Nébih (National Food Chain Safety Office) spent...

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Grape growers are expecting better protection from the Nébih

The protesters who demonstrated on Wednesday in front of the National Food Chain Safety Authority’s (Nébih) Wine and Alcoholic Beverages Board of Directors, asked for stricter controls more than ever...

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The NÉBIH will test the freshly harvested grain

In order to filter out contamination in grains, the NÉBIH will test the mycotoxin ie fungal toxin content of cereals – the deputy director of NÉBIH told M1 news channel...

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FM: the Italian wine remains under lock until the completion of the investigations

Until the completion of the tracking investigations the 50 thousand hectoliters of Italian wines will be blocked by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture...

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The mountain village leader expects a similar grape yield to last year

Tornai Tamás President of the Mountain Village Wine Communities told Kossuth radio on Sunday that accurate estimation data will be communicated early next week. The mountain village leader about the...

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NÉBIH: herbal tea bags were withdrawn from circulation

Due to its high content of senna, herbal tea bags they were withdrawn from the markets of fifteen EU member states, including Hungary – the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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Nébih: food security is good in the ice cream parlors near the Lake Balaton

The food security is especially great in the ice-crem stalls near the Lake Balaton, but because of some minor deficiencies 9 ice cream parlors were fined by the food safety...

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Nébih: Hungary’s food security level remains good

The level of food safety in Hungary continues to be good, because less than 0.9 percent of the notifications in the EU’s rapid alert system were related to products produced...

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Törökszentmiklósi Mezőgazdasági Zrt.: the authority found GMO-contaminated seeds in one case

The Törökszentmiklósi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. told MTI that the authority found GMO-contaminated seeds in one case among the 11 maize items, during the checks cdarried out in February. As advised, the...

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The Nébih checks beef products according to the EU quota

The check of beef products should be implemented according to the EU quota, to explore any horse meat contamination. This could mean hundreds of examination a year – Helik Ferenc,...

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The Nébih closed down a confectionery factory in Budapest

Mainly due to sanitary irregularities, the operations of a confectionery factory in Budapest was suspended for days – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Tuesday. The...

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Wine Communities: the blocking of import wines was an established decision

According to the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT), the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) made an established decision when ordered the blocking of certain imported wines – the HNT told...

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Nébih: consuming vegetables and fruits sold by public roads do not pose risk to health

Nébih (National Food Chain Safety Office) has been testing vegatables and fruits sold by busy public roads. According to their laboratory tests the products do not or hardly contain any...

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FM: the US authorities are satisfied with the Hungarian Food Safety Authority System

The US authority (FSIS) are satisfied with the Hungarian Food Safety Authority System, so the companies producing and distributing pork and pork products may find additional US export opportunuities. The...

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