Tag "napraforgómag"

The producer price of sunflower seeds rose by 10 percent

In Argentina, spot sunflower seeds traded unchanged at $430/ton (FOB Buenos Aires) between June 14 and July 12. In Ukraine, the immediate export price of oilseed delivered to the western...

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More sunflower seed crops are expected worldwide than last year

Oil World experts for 2023/2024. 4 percent higher than last year, almost 60 million tons of sunflower seeds are expected worldwide in 2024/2025. financial year. The expected use is 60.6...

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Producer prices for soybeans and rapeseed exceeded last year

In Hungary, according to AKI PÁIR data, edible wheat was traded at an average producer price of HUF 72.9 thousand per ton without VAT and transport costs in the third...

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A 5 percent higher sunflower seed yield is expected

The USDA expects a world sunflower seed harvest of 55.1 million tons in 2023/2024. economic year, this may exceed the volume of the previous year by 5 percent. The global output...

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8 percent more sunflower seed production is expected in the EU

Oil World expects a worldwide sunflower seed harvest of 56.7 million tons (+3 percent) in 2023/2024. financial year. The global output may be 0.5 million tons below the indicated consumption of...

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Brussels must act to ensure the onward delivery of Ukrainian grain

Our country is calling for the introduction of progressive EU transit support so that Ukrainian grain, which is stuck in Central and Eastern Europe and causes significant market difficulties, reaches...

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The agriculture ministers of Central European countries are once again taking joint action against Ukrainian imports

The agriculture ministers of the Central European member states suffering from Ukrainian imports discussed the need to limit the duty-free status of Ukrainian agricultural products. There is complete agreement that...

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10 billion HUF food industry investment begins in Kiskunfélegyháza

A 10 billion HUF food industry investment will start in Kiskunfélegyháza with state support – the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade announced the investment of the Kiskunfélegyháza NT Kft....

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