Tag "NAK"

The food supply of our country is secured

While hundreds of millions in the world are threatened by famine, food supply in Europe and Hungary is guaranteed – magyarnemzet.hu wrote. It is an opportunity for domestic producers that...

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New development can help Hungarian companies that are loss-making due to the coronavirus

Companies suffering a sudden loss of market due to the coronavirus pandemic will be helped by the new NAK Piactér (NAK Marketplace) website of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK)...

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NAK: The Criteria for Cleaning handbook is available

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has prepared a handbook for food enterprises entitled “Criteria for Cleaning” – agrarszektor.hu wrote. In the current epidemic situation, hygiene is also particularly important...

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NAK prepared a food situation panorama

The food supply of the population is continuous and will continue to be continuous in the future. The National Chamber of Agriculture, based on information from 1 April, carried out...

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NAK sees significant sales problems in the rabbit sector

96 percent of the domestically produced rabbit meat products are sold on European markets, but demand in some countries has fallen dramatically, according to an analysis conducted by the National...

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NAK: Don’t accumulate! There will be enough food in Hungary!

Hungary is an agri-industrial country, a serious exporter, and our country’s self-sufficiency is about 120 percent of its basic food. In the current emergency, this has a particular importance: the...

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NAK: Which food companies can be key companies

A 2012. CLXVI. Act includes the 65/2013 Enforcement Order , which spells out in a systems, and facilities. From an agricultural point of view, the Implementing Regulation 540/2013 regulates which...

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The Chamber of Agriculture urges all market participants to act ethically

In the current situation, ethical behavior between operators in the agricultural and food markets is particularly important. The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) is actively involved in maintaining orderly relations...

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Almost a quarter of spring barley was sown in Zala County

Thanks to the favorable weather, spring sowing began in Zala County in the days, almost 24 percent of the spring barley area was sown, and in a smaller area spring...

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There is huge potential for development in the horticultural sector

The Hungarian horticultural sector has a great potential for development, reaching only 30-40 percent of its capacity for years. The National Chamber of Agriculture, together with the strategic partner professional...

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AM: 2021will be a transitional period for EU agricultural support

There will be a transition period next year for EU agricultural subsidies, while the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will be governed by the regulation for the 2014-2020 period for...

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Domestic onion growers have joined forces to continuously have Hungarian onions on the market

Hungarian onion production has fallen significantly since the change of regime, and with the help of the National Chamber of Agriculture, producers are working together to supply domestic onions to...

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A new strategy has been developed for the development of the herbal industry

A new strategy for the development of the herb industry has been developed by the participants of the industry – the president of the herbal division of the National Chamber...

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Five hundred kilograms of honey were donated to the Transylvanian orphans as part of the “Make Every Day Honey Day” campaign

The Agricultural Marketing Center offered an additional 100 kilograms of honey to the four hundred kilograms of honey donated by the beekeepers, so a total of five hundred kilograms of...

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NAK: significantly less damages occured thanks to the hail damage mitigation system

The hail damage mitigation system, which has been operating in Europe for two years and is unique in Europe, has resulted in significantly less damages – the president of the...

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NAK: V4 agricultural chambers jointly urge the reform of several EU regulations

The Chambers of Agriculture of the Visegrád Countries urged the reform of several EU regulations and the maintenance of a favorable EU agricultural policy at their meeting in Poland on...

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The Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Slovak Chamber of Agriculture jointly address a number of issues

Strong EU regulation is needed to reduce the risk of African swine fever; there is a need for increased controls on cereal imports from Ukraine, and the management of the...

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AM Minister of State: agricultural productivity and profitability need to be increased

The performance of Hungarian agriculture has increased significantly in recent years, but there is still a significant lag in productivity and profitability – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the...

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There are many misconceptions about beef farming and beef consumption

There is more public uncertainty about beef rearing and beef consumption. It is not true that 15,000 liters of water is needed to produce one kilogram of beef, nor can...

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Honey consumption is promoted with honey breakfast in over 1000 schools and kindergartens nationwide

More than 1000 schools and kindergartens have joined the European Honey Breakfast program launched by the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association (OMME), the Agricultural Marketing Center and...

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The Chamber of Agriculture has fulfilled its hopes for the hail damage reduction system in agriculture

The application of the hail mitigating system has halved the hail damage in agriculture: farmers reported hail damages on 37,000 hectares this year, compared to the 71,000 hectares of two...

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The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Chamber of Agriculture concluded a strategic agreement

The strengthening of the Hungarian agri-food sector and asserting its interests can only be achieved through a broad-based social partnership – Nagy István, Minister said after signing a partnership agreement...

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Magazine: The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 1)

This year our magazine organised the Business Days conference in Tapolca under the name Trade Parliament, between 16 and 20 September. A record-breaking 750 FMCG experts and decision-makers came to learn...

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Hungarian goose production is also dominant at European level

Hungarian goose production is also dominant at European level, with 1.3 million geese last year – the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Poultry Product Council (BTT) announced on...

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Frutti and Veggi raise awareness of the importance of consuming vegetables and fruits again this year

The National Chamber of Agriculture’s European Fresh Adventures campaign drew more than a million people’s attention on healthy eating, on the consumption of vegetables and fruits in the second year...

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NAK: the European Fresh Adventures campaign reaches over one million people

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has called the attention of more than one million families to the importance of eating healthy foods and vegetables in the second year of...

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AM Minister of State: the ice mitigation system protects the country from damages worth tens of billions

Due to the operation of the soil generator ice mitigation system, the expenses paid by the Compensation Fund for ice damage were reduced by 1 billion HUF and it protected...

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The rainy weather in Zala County helps the harvest and the development of sowing

In Zala County, rainy weather makes harvest idifficult, but rainfall helps plant crops – the county president of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) announced on Monday. Almost 60 percent...

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The NAK draws attention to the difference between Halloween pumpkins and real pumpkins

Pumpkin consumption is increasingly popular in the fall and Halloween pumpkin carving at the end of October, but while the former are delicious, not all of the pumpkins for decorative...

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The NAK has started to reconcile the data of the single requests

On 14 October, the Hungarian State Treasury (MÁK) commenced data reconciliation of area-based single claims, which will be sent to more than seven thousand farmers – the National Chamber of...

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