Tag "MVI"

(HU) A Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestületének áfakulcs-csökkentő javaslatai

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Deregulatory recommendations

Regulations that are obsolete or nearly impossible to comply with in practice make the life of hospitality businesses difficult, plus they increase the likeliness of the authorities imposing fines on...

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(HU) Megvannak 2020 Gundel-díjasai!

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(HU) A vendéglátást érintő új vírusvédelmi intézkedések

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Annual meeting

This year the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) held its annual meeting on 5 August. Members listened to and accepted the 2019 presidential report by László Kovács, the report of...

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(HU) Meghosszabbított határidő: szerdáig még szavazhat, ki kapja az idei Gundel-díjat!

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(HU) Még péntekig szavazhat 2020 Gundel-díjasára

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Magazine: Hospitality 2019: A statistical report

Károly Zerényi has prepared the annual report of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) on the current situation of the hospitality sector. Basically there were as many hospitality units, 51,000...

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(HU) Szavazzon Ön is, ki kapja az idei Gundel-díjat!

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(HU) A Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestülete még várja a jelöléseket a Gundel-díjra

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(HU) Jelöljön Ön is a Gundel-díjra!

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(HU) Van jelöltje a Gundel Károly-díjra?

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(HU) Aktualizált tájékoztató a borravaló és a felszolgálási díj kezeléséről

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(HU) A turizmushoz köthető vendéglátás 2019-ben

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(HU) Az MVI javaslatai a Gazdaságvédelmi Operatív Törzs ülésére

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(HU) A vendéglátás 2019-es HR-statisztikái

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(HU) A magyar vendéglátás 2019-es forgalmi adatai

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Government Decree on the emergency operation of cooling and heating equipment

The Hungarian Catering Industry Association draws the reader’s attention to the regulation on the emergency operation of refrigeration and heating equipment, the essence of which is that, with a few...

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Magazine: Recommendations for cutting the taxes on representation expenses

The opinion of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) is that representation is crucial in the marketing work of HoReCa units. Since 2012 there hasn’t been any category in representation...

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Remembering a great person

At a press event organised in early March, president of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) László Kovács introduced the book commemorating László Jakabffy in the Hungarian Museum of Trade...

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Magazine: More exhibitors and visitors at this year’s Sirha trade show

International food and HoReCa trade show Sirha Budapest took place between 4 and 6 February 2020, and it was very successful from both professional and business perspectives. The venue was...

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A chance for survival?

Those sole traders and small businesses – both owners and employees – that are forced to suspend or discontinue their business operations due to the coronavirus pandemic can register at...

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Magazine: Restaurant guests with special needs

Access4You is an organisation that describes, certifies and rates places that are accessible by guests with special needs, trying to make the lives of these people easier. Founder Balázs Berecz...

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The Gundel Károly award ceremony gala lunch was organized by MVI

This year’s Gundel Awards were handed over at the Gundel Restaurant on Sunday. In 2019 Szulló Szabina, Széll Tamás and Meskál Tibor earned the recognition. The executive chef at the...

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Magazine: WorldSkills competition in Kazan

In 2019 Kazan hosted the WorldSkills competition, which is also called the Olympic Games of trades. Hungary was represented by 24 young professionals in 22 trades. Bernadett Bíró, secretary of...

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(HU) Vegyen részt az MVI Gundel-díjkiosztó gálaebédjén a Gundel étteremben!

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Magazine: Excise duty inspections

The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) has prepared a recommendation for managing the excise duty inspections of hospitality units.  Hospitality businesses must meet several tax and excise duty requirements, and...

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A competition that also tests practical knowledge

As part of KVIK’s 50th anniversary programme series, the university organised a competition that tested both the theoretical and the practical knowledge of cook and waiter students. What is more,...

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