Tag "munkaerőpiac"

KSH: the number of employees grew by 70,000 in one year

From December 2017 to February 2018, the average number of employees was 4 million 441 thousand, 70 thousand more than a year before, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on...

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The domestic confectionery industry is growing, but the lack of staff may hamper further development

Since 2012, there has been a steady increase in the sales revenues of the Hungarian confectionery companies – according to the data of the OPTEN company information service provider. However,...

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Eurostat: half of the unemployed young people would leave their their homes if they could find jobs elsewhere

In the European Union (EU), about half of the unemployed between the ages of 20 and 34 would leave their homes if they were able to work elsewhere, while the...

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The number of employed people in the EU and in the euro area broke records again

In October-December last year, the number of people employed in the European Union and in the euro area rose to a new record for the fourth consecutive quarter, indicating that...

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The average cafeteria is 390 thousand forints

This year, companies spend an average of 390 thousand forints on a worker’s cafeteria, 4.5 percent more than in 2017 – Fata László, cafeteria expert told Világgazdaság. The Monday issue...

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The number of jobseekers dropped by 6.9 percent last year

The number of registered jobseekers decreased by 6.9 percent in Hungary in one year, while the National Employment Service (NFSZ) recorded 254 800 jobseekers at the end of 2017, more...

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FM: agricultural professions will be more appreciated with the strengthening of the agricultural sector

Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture spoke on Friday at the “The Future Vocational Training – the Future of Vocational Training 2” confence about the restoration of the prestige of professions,...

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KSH: 4 million 436 thousand was the average number of employees in January

In the November 2017 to January 2018 period, the average number of employees was 4 million 436 thousand, 35 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of the...

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NGM: the number of employees in Hungary is increasing for more than five years

The number of employees in Hungary is increasing for 64 months, ie for more than five years – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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Employees with a changed ability to work are good for the companies

This year, a company with more than 25 employees who does not employ a sufficient number of people with reduced working capacity has to pay 1,242,000 HUF rehabilitation allowance –...

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Analysts: the labor market has reached full employment

The Hungarian labor market has reached the state of full employment in economic terms in 2017, which is why the unemployment rate may decline only marginally this year – market...

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The greatest need is towards workers and shopkeepers

In the last months of 2017, 17.4 percent more new ads were posted in Hungary’s leading jobs portal, than a year ago in the same period – mfor.hu wrote, after...

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The quality of VET should be further increased

In the development of vocational training, special attention should be paid to the rapidly changing economic environment and the labor market expectations – the Deputy Minister of State of the...

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There is also considerable workforce among public employees and retired people

Public employees, retired people and mothers with small children are also a major source of labor for the primary labor market – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the Ministry...

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The number of employees is close to four and half million

In the three months last September-November, the average number of employees was 4 million 450 thousand, 36 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds...

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The challenges of the digital economy

The Accenture has published a new study: The study seeks the answer to the challenges of the digital economy. The experts of Accenture interviewed more than 40 professionals, consultants and...

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Tens of thousands of new jobs are needed in the agriculture and in the food industry

Over the past six years, 50,000 new jobs have been created in agriculture and in the food industry, and in the coming years a same amount of new labor force...

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“Practice Makes the Master”: there is a growing demand for well trained trainees

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find skilled workers in the field of tourism and catering, so the importance of enterprise internship programs is growing. It is also important for...

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Up to 150-200 thousand workers may be missing from the domestic job market

The number of employees in Budapest grew by 134,000 in seven years – while the lack of skilled workers is also a serious problem in the capital. The growing domestic...

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Analysts: employment on historic peak

The number of employees has risen to record highs in the third quarter and the market analysts expect a further decline in unemployment, market analysts commented on the labor market...

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The communication and problem-solving skills are most appreciated by employers according to a survey

In all sectors, communication and problem-solving skills are the most appreciated by employers, and in case of the four-fifth of the jobs they require knowledge of English in addition to...

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The elderly can join to the pensioner cooperative in Békés County

The Keleti Szomszédok Közérdekű Nyugdíjas Szövetkezet (Eastern Neighbors Pensioners’ Association) opened a pensioner cooperative office in Békéscsaba and Szarvas, Békés County – Nagy Gábor President told MTI on Friday. Up...

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KSH: the number of employees has increased further

In July-September, the average number of employees was 4 million 451 thousand, 60 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds grew by 1.6 percentage...

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(HU) GKI: A munkanélküliség csökkenése ellenére nem tűnt el a félelem

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Why are so many young people are struggling on the labor market?

While the domestic unemployment rate is the third most favorable in the European Union, youth unemployment is still twice as high as this. Today, most of the companies are struggling...

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Coca-Cola HBC Hungary is launching a new educational program

Coca-Cola HBC Hungary is launching a new course under the title #énjövőm, within the compass of which young people get to learn about self-knowledge and handling job-interview situations. The motivation...

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MGYOSZ: lack of specialist means the biggest limit for growth of companies

According to the survey of MGYOSZ, 92 percent of the company executives indicated the lack of specialists as the biggest obstacle of growth. The National Association of Employers and Industrialists...

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KSH: the number of employees is over 4.4 million again

In the second quarter, the average number of employees was 4 million 420,000, 77,000 more than a year before, while the employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds grew by 1.6...

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GKI: internal migration is significant

According to the survey of the GKI Economic Research Co., there is a considerable internal migration in the country, and people migrate to where the quality of life is better...

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The number of employees increased further

In the February-April period, the average number of employees was 4 million 378 thousand, 84 thousand, or 2.0 percent more than a year earlier. The employment rate for people aged...

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