Tag "munkaerő"

Many young people lack respect in the workplace

Half of working young people, 51 percent, feel their jobs are secure, only 11 percent said their jobs are insecure, the K&H youth index survey concluded in the third quarter....

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How can we detect the signs of burnout caused by work in ourselves and our colleagues?

For many workers, December is less about the beauty of preparing for the holidays: in certain industries, instead of slowing down, acceleration is typical, which often causes significant additional workload...

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Almost a third of domestic companies will start the next year with an increase in staff

Although there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding the path of the economy next year, in the first quarter of 2024, 31 percent of domestic employers plan to expand...

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Favorable labor market situation for companies recruiting physical, specialized and trained workers

In the current economic environment, labor market actors are characterized by caution. In addition to the decreasing number of advertised jobs, however, activity can be measured on the employee side,...

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Kőbánya presents its unique face as an employer

With the goal of creating a tradition, the Kőbánya Career Festival will be held for the first time on November 8, 2023, the mission of which is to present Kőbánya’s...

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Women play an important role in food supply

Last year, 53,000 women worked full-time in the domestic food supply, their role is outstanding in the sector – said the Deputy State Secretary responsible for agriculture Anikó Juhász at...

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Hungarian companies can count on increased job-seeking activity

Employee activity increased further in the third quarter of 2023 in Hungary. In all but three counties, the number of applications increased compared to the same period of the previous...

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A significant number of employees support the home office, yet their opportunities for this are narrowing

In Hungary, six out of ten employees do not have the opportunity to work from home at all – some of them do not have the opportunity to do so...

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GKI: Do we need 500,000 guest workers?

In a previous speech, the Prime Minister identified bringing 500,000 guest workers to Hungary as a real need. This was established by the parliament with various laws, which made it...

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László György: the aim of the Teach for Hungary program is to mobilize the country’s labor reserves

The Teach for Hungary program is about mobilizing the country’s labor force reserves – the government commissioner responsible for the coordination of the program announced on Thursday at the site...

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Profession.hu: Employee well-being can be improved by properly separating jobs

From the point of view of employee well-being, even though it is a determining factor, merely having an adequate amount of benefits is not a sufficient factor. If the mental...

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Trenkwalder: The average hourly wage of manual workers increased by 19 percent in the second quarter

In the second quarter, the average gross hourly wage of skilled and trained workers performing physical work was HUF 1,853, which is a 19 percent increase compared to HUF 1,553...

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There are many employees applying for jobs – now is the time to recruit

In the second quarter of 2023, employee activity on the domestic labor market continued to increase. The number of applications received for job advertisements increased in all counties of the...

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Work Force: more than 45 percent of career starters plan to stay at a workplace for at least five years

In Hungary, more than 45 percent of the 18-25-year-old age group plans to stay in a workplace for five or more years – Work Force Kft. announced on Tuesday with...

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According to 40% of young people, artificial intelligence would help them in their work

12% of employees have already used artificial intelligence for some purpose, experimentation is more common among young people, those with higher education and those living in Budapest. According to most...

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K&H: only a third of young people in their twenties feel that they are valued at work

Working young people who feel that their work is valued are still in the minority, according to the K&H youth index, which examined the situation of employed members of the...

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On average, Hungarian students can receive a gross hourly wage of HUF 1,763

The proportion of job opportunities looking for students in relation to the total number of advertisements in the Profession.hu database has increased. Based on the first five months of 2023,...

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The nationality ratio among foreign workers seems to be reorganizing

In the coming years, it is necessary to increase the number of employees by about 500,000 people, and for this the employment of foreign workers is essential – highlights Magdolna...

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According to a survey, career starters want a salary of half a million forints

Since last year, the wage demands of career starters have increased significantly, those between the ages of 18 and 25 now want a salary of around half a million forints,...

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Domestic companies are actively recruiting again for the third quarter

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The majority of job seekers miss the salary offered most from the ads – industry overview of current salaries

In addition to employees, companies also need information on current salaries within the industry. This knowledge can significantly contribute to effective workforce management, as well as retaining existing colleagues and...

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Sándor Czomba: 26-27 thousand students are expected to participate in this year’s Summer Student Work program

This year, the Ministry of Economic Development expects the participation of about 26,000-27,000 students in the Summer Student Work Program, for which the government has provided HUF 3.5 billion in...

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The majority of student workers are employed in trade, catering and agriculture

This summer season, based on estimates, 100,000 students nationwide can take up jobs in a number of fields, from commerce to catering to industry and agriculture – the Meló-Students school...

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Labor situation in the USA and Germany

The latest newsletter of VIMOSZ provides an interesting summary of the current German and American labor market problems – we quote some interesting data from it below. According to the...

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Businesses operating in agriculture, tourism or catering receive support for student work

Even in the severe economic situation caused by the war and the failed sanctions, the government is doing everything to protect families, pensioners, and jobs. Since 2010, the government has...

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GFM: the number of registered job seekers has never been so low

Despite the war times, in the last 30 years, the number of registered job seekers in Hungary has never been as low as in May this year, the Ministry of...

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Most student workers work in logistics and trade

According to the Prohuman Diákmunka school association, the average hourly wages of student workers are between HUF 1,700 and HUF 2,000 this year, but in priority areas, you can earn...

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A quarter of companies hire new colleagues based on employee recommendations

In our country, employee referral programs are often still frowned upon, assuming that the colleagues hired in this way did not win the given position based on their professional merits....

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Home officers are more committed to their workplace

The role of work requiring an office presence has been greatly reevaluated in the last two years. The hybrid work schedule, partial or full home office, and more recently the...

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VIMOSZ: in April, the business mood in tourism deteriorated slightly

In April, the TKI tourism business index stood at plus 2 points on the scale between minus 100 and plus 100, which indicates that the players in the sector perceive...

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