Tag "MTÜ"

The deadline for applying for private accommodation has been extended

The deadline for the tender for the development of other and private accommodation establishments has been extended until 30 September due to the coronavirus pandemic, so there is more time...

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Travel agency: there is a chance for a successful summer

After the restrained spring in tourism, there is a chance for a successful summer based on the intensively initiated reservations – the tourism director of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ)...

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MTÜ: Hungarians are intensively planning their travels

By April, 518 thousand guest nights were booked in the database of the National Tourist Information Center (NTAK), and the number of bookings is growing day by day, the Hungarian...

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Cultural organizations have put together a package of proposals to help tourism and hospitality

The Music Hungary Association, the Hungarian Festival Association and the Hungarian Association of Event Organizers and Service Providers have compiled a package of expert proposals to help the Hungarian tourism...

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MTÜ: last year, almost 80 percent of the guests were domestic

Last year, 8 million guests spent 22.7 million guest nights at accommodation establishments in Hungary, compared to 43 million a year earlier; 79 percent of the guests were domestic, the...

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Guller Zoltán: Tourism can resume in the summer

Tourism can be relaunched in the summer, as hoped – Guller Zoltán, CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ said in a video uploaded to Facebook on Monday. He pointed...

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Accommodation providers can already claim an 80 percent refund after their missed bookings

From now on, accommodation providers can reclaim 80 percent of their loss of revenue for their bookings between November 11 and December 10. Stakeholders can apply for the support through...

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(HU) Az MTÜ válaszai a szakma legfontosabb kérdéseire

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The Széchenyi Tourist Card helps SMEs with liquidity

The Széchenyi Tourist Card effectively helps the liquidity of small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the tourism sector – Lengid László, Deputy Director General of Tourism and General Management of...

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(HU) Borismereti képzés vendéglátósoknak

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(HU) Új típusú bormarketing

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(HU) Hurrá, nyaraltunk!

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A tourism campaign was launched to present the cultural values of Lake Balaton

A tourism campaign has been launched to promote the cultural and gastronomic values of Lake Balaton – the Deputy CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ)told M1 news channel on...

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Grants from Kisfaludy2030 will be transferred from 4 August

Referrals to the Kisfaludy2030 program began on August 4, and by the end of the month, all beneficiaries will receive development support, the Hungarian Tourism Agency told MTI. Of the...

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MTÜ: guests spent almost one and a half million guest nights at Lake Balaton

About 430,000 guests spent almost one and a half million guest nights around the beaches of Lake Balaton in July – Lengid László, Deputy CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency...

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(HU) Járványhelyzetben is lehet gondtalan a külföldi nyaralás

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Renovation of nearly 14,000 private and other accommodation facilities can begin

The tender of the Kisfaludy program for the development of private and other accommodation has been closed; In the one and a half month period, more than 16,000 rural accommodation...

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MTÜ: the number of guest nights is increasing dynamically

The June data show that the number of guest nights in the country is growing at a dynamic pace, with 500,000 guests spending almost one and a half million guest...

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MTÜ: The willingness to travel has been growing for weeks

The pandemic has significantly pushed back tourism, but the willingness to travel has increased in recent weeks, the Hungarian Tourism Agency told MTI on Friday. The abolition of the quarantine...

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The Hungarian Tourism Agency is campaigning with personalized messages in nearby countries

In parallel with the international Budapest campaign, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) has also launched a campaign to promote Hungary, with advertisements targeting residents of countries that are within reach...

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MTÜ: it may take a few months for foreign guests to return to Budapest

We have to wait a few more months for foreign guests to return to Budapest, so the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) would stimulate domestic tourism, it was said on Friday’s...

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MTÜ: 67 beaches will be renewed for 2.7 billion forints at Lake Balaton this year

This year, 2.7 billion HUF will be spand on the renewal of 67 beaches at Lake Balaton – the Deputy CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) said in Zánka...

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Domestic tourism resumed in May

Thanks to fast and coordinated government measures, the domestic tourism season was relaunched in May, and based on the data so far, the annual domestic turnover may exceed the data...

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25 Tourinform offices may be renewed by the end of the year

After the recently handed over office in Zalakaros and Keszthely, the Tourinform offices in Hajdúszoboszló, Sopron and Tokaj will be renovated, but another 25 renovations are possible by the end...

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Private accommodations in Hévíz can be renewed from more than 1.3 billion HUF

The private accommodation establishments in Hévíz can receive a total of about 1.3 billion forints if they use the tender option of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) for the development...

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MTÜ: domestic tourism can close the summer with expansion

Domestic tourism could end the summer with an expansion, as it is likely to surpass last year’s performance, said the organisation’s CEO in a statement published on the website of...

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(HU) A tenger helyett vidékre vágynak a magyarok – állapítja meg az MTÜ legújabb kutatása

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(HU) Visszajövünk! – Az MTÜ felhívása

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