Tag "MTÜ"

MTÜ: the number of foreign pre-bookings increased as a result of the image film about Budapest

As a result of the image film made about Budapest, the number of pre-bookings from the United States and the United Arab Emirates increased by 40 percent in the first...

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MTÜ: the commercial promoting Budapest can reach hundreds of millions worldwide

The latest tourist commercial promoting Budapest can reach hundreds of millions worldwide, and its effects can already be measured in the pre-booking data – said the CEO of the Hungarian...

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Tensions and obstacles to data provision in the Hungarian tourism market

Perceptible internal tensions in domestic tourism and the problems of data provision have a significant impact on the actors of the sector. Smaller tourism businesses complain that they are adversely...

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MTÜ: This is how Budapest conquers the world

The Hungarian Tourist Agency’s latest image film presenting Budapest, which was made in the framework of a three-day influenza media trip in the capital in May 2024, has been completed....

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The new wave of flu drugs and tourism: The Hungarian Tourist Agency’s innovative marketing campaign

In recent years, the role of influenza drugs has become increasingly important in tourism, especially among the 25-40-year-old age group. Zoltán Guller, the president of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ),...

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40 Budapest restaurants and 16 bistros offered gypsy music with their meals on the Dankó Pista Memorial Day

The Dankó Pista memorial day ended successfully: almost half a thousand musicians from around 100 gypsy bands played for 303 hours in nearly 80 restaurants in the capital – the...

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The Hungarian Tourist Agency welcomes the transfer of Liszt Ferenc Airport to Hungarian ownership

The capital’s airport is the country’s primary gateway, and in 2023 the majority of foreign visitors arrived by plane. The primary strategic goal of Hungarian tourism is to improve the...

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Tourist agency: Tourinform offices can be renewed for one billion forints

The government is providing HUF 1 billion non-refundable support for the infrastructure and service development of domestic Tourinform offices, the operators of Tourinforms can apply for the tender involving around...

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A subsidy program to strengthen tourism competitiveness is launched with a budget of 15 billion

A support program to strengthen the competitiveness of players in the tourism sector is being launched: the most important goal of the complex, three-pillar 15 billion HUF support program package...

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MTÜ: HUF sixty million aid for the restoration of Hotel Silvanus

At the beginning of March, the top floor and roof structure of the Silvanus Hotel in Visegrád, one of the most visited hotels in the region, burned down. The restoration...

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MTÜ: Easter traffic increased at accommodation facilities

Compared to last year’s holiday long weekend, Easter brought 3 percent more traffic to accommodations this year, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) told MTI on Thursday. According to the data...

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MTÜ: the Hungarian team advanced to the European selection of the Bocuse d’Or with the special prize for the best bowl

On March 19-20, Trondheim, Norway hosted the European selection of the international Bocuse d’Or cooking competition, where the Hungarian team secured its place in the final in Lyon, which will...

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MTÜ: Budapest and the spa towns attracted the most guests during the holiday long weekend

Heavy traffic characterized the long weekend of March 15, which can also be considered the opening of the tourism season, according to the data of the National Tourist Information Center...

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MTÜ: a legtöbb belföldi turista Pest vármegyéből indult útnak tavaly

Last year, guests spent more than 19 million guest nights in rural accommodations, most of whom traveled from the Pest county, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) announced based on data...

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MTÜ: most domestic tourists set off from Pest County last year

Domestic guests spent more than 19 million guest nights in rural accommodations last year, most of whom traveled from the Pest County, the Hungarian Tourist Agency (MTÜ) told MTI on...

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MTÜ: campsites and communal accommodation are also becoming more and more popular

Camping and communal accommodation are also becoming more and more popular: Germans and Poles come to our country to camp, and communal accommodation is mostly used by people under the...

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MVI conference at SIRHA

On the first day of the SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair, the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) will host a conference: on 5 March the topics will include the National Tourism Data...

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MTÜ: the Chinese New Year brought prestigious international tourism awards to Hungary

The Hungarian tourism sector received five significant professional recognitions from China, one of the most important sending countries. The Chinese National Geographic Travel recommends Hungary as one of the top...

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MTÜ: guests spent seven out of ten nights in the countryside last year

Last year, the international turnover of the tourist areas of 2.8 million exceeded the 2019 value by 3 percent, while the 19.3 million domestic nights practically repeated it – the...

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MTÜ CEO: the most important task is to strongly increase the number of guest nights

Thanks to the large-scale developments, Hungarian tourism has been renewed, the most important task in the future is to increase the number of guest nights – said the new CEO...

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MTÜ: BAHART’s passenger numbers last year broke a decades-old record

Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. closed a record year, nearly 2,150,000 passengers traveled on BAHART flights in 2023. In the past 22 years, there has been no example of such a large...

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Tourist agency: more people traveled during the winter break, bookings for two were the most common

During the winter vacation, 6 percent more people went on vacation than a year earlier. After the capital, Lake Balaton and the Mátra-Bükk area were the most popular destinations among...

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A surprising number of people spent their winter break at Lake Balaton

During the winter vacation, 6 percent more people went on vacation than in the same period a year earlier. After the capital, Lake Balaton and the Mátra-Bükk area were the...

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Felívelőben a hotelipar

A hazai és a nemzetközi adatok is megerősítik, jó évet zár idén a szállodaipar. A Nemzeti Turisztikai Adatszolgáltató Központ adatai alapján több mint 6 millió vendég érkezett a magyarországi szálláshelyekre a...

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Tourist agency: SZÉP card spending reached a peak

Spending on the SZÉP card peaked in 2023, the currency remains the engine of domestic tourism, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) told MTI on Wednesday. According to the information, SZÉP...

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At the end of the year, accommodation turnover was more than a fifth higher

In the last days of the new year, tourism grew strongly, so the turnover of accommodation was at a higher level than previously expected. At Christmas, the number of guest...

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Tourism agency: the number of New Year’s Eve reservations has increased, most of them for at least 2 nights

For the last weekend of the year, 11 percent more pre-bookings have already been received than in the same period last year, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) told MTI on...

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MTÜ: Hungary’s tourism attractions and the new rules for the operation of spas can increase competitiveness

Hungary’s tourism attractions are thermal and adventure spas, therefore the new regulation on their regulation, which has just been published, takes a modern approach to the operation and establishment of...

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More than one million guest nights were registered during the autumn break in domestic accommodations

During the autumn break, nearly half a million guests set out in Hungary. Most of the visitors came from abroad, while 45% of the guests were domestic guests. According to...

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MTÜ: Kecskemét, Visegrád, Szeged, Debrecen and Eger are the most popular rural conference locations

The Hungarian capital is one of Europe’s most popular business tourism destinations, but demand is increasing outside of Budapest as well, especially during the spring and autumn peak periods, the...

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