Tag "MNB"

The loan portfolio of the population and companies grew

There was a significant increase in household and corporate loan portfolio in the second quarter, according to the August issue of the MNB’s Lending Processes report, quoted by népszava online....

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The financial wealth of households has grown further

In the second quarter, the households’ financial assets increased by 874 billion HUF to 45,963.5 billion HUF and their liabilities increased by 25 billion HUF to 8,577 billion HUF, thus...

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MNB: the 3 percent inflation target could be realized at the beginning of 2019

The growth rate of consumer prices in Hungary is expected to reach the central government’s 3 percent long-term inflation target at the beginning of 2019, Várhegyi Judit, head of department...

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One can pay with the old 2000 and 5000 HUF banknotes until Monday

One can pay with the old 2000 and 5000 HUF banknotes until Monday, because at the end of July the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) withdraws them from circulation, from...

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The number of corporate bank cards is increasing

The number of business bank cards issued in Hungary has increased dramatically over the past two years, while the total market has virtually stagnated in terms of the number of...

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MNB: Vending machines should be upgraded to accept the new banknotes

The National Bank of Hungary has called the attention of the operators of parking, ticket machines, beverage and vending machines that after one can pay with the old 2000 and...

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Banks have raised their SME lending commitments by more than 30 percent

Credit institutions have raised their SME lending commitments by more than 30 percent on Thursday on the Hungarian National Bank’s (MNB) HIRS tender – the central bank published on its...

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(HU) GKI: Kik a vesztesek? – Jövedelemarányok változása Magyarországon 2010 óta

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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MNB: households took more loans than repaid, companies were net credit repayers in May

Households took more loans than they repaid in May, but companies were net credit repayers and deposits in both sectors grew according to seasonally adjusted data, published on Tuesday by...

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The MNB expects the expansion of investments and consumption

The most recent inflation report of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank was published: the target can only be realized in 2019 – privatbankar.hu wrote. Private household investments are growing dynamically, according...

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MNB: almost two-thirds of the card purchases were contactless payments

The expansion of electronic cash flow in the first quarter of 2017 continued to rise: contactless payment has become dominant, 63 percent of the purchases were carried out this way,...

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MNB: Hungarian households are more wealthy than their Slovak and Polish counterparts

According to statistics, the financial savings of the Hungarian households compared to the GDP have increased significantly since the economic crisis in 2008 and are high in international comparison as...

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MNB: In May, food and energy prices mainly caused the increase in inflation

In May, mainly the volatile, food-and-energy prices had an impact on price increases – May inflation figures were evaluated on Thursday by the National Bank of Hungary (MNB). According to...

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The SME lending grew by 12 percent in 2016

Corporate lending increased in 2016 in an extent has not seen since the crisis. Corporate lending increased by 4 percent. The SME loan portfolio increased by 8 percent, and extended...

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MNB: corporate and retail borrowings increased in the first quarter

The growth in corporate lending continued in the first quarter. The volume of loans in terms of transactions increased by 4 percent. The lending dynamics of the household sector also...

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MNB: the convergence of the SME sector would increase the GDP by 3 to 5 percentage points

If the productivity of the Hungarian small and medium sized (SME) sector would reach the average of the region and would approach to large corporations, the Hungarian gross domestic product...

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MNB: the wealth of households and companies is growing

In March, households put 18.6 billion more, and companies put 5.2 billion more forints deposits into the domestic banking system than the amount of loans they borrowed, according to the...

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Analysts: inflation rate this year may be around the purpose of the MNB

Inflation decreased to 2.7 percent in March, lower than the expectations of the analysts, after the 2.9 percent in February. In the rest of the year, inflation will temporarily exceed...

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The Growth Loan Program has been completed

The contract period of the third, leading out phase of the Growth Loan Program (NHP) ended on 31 March. Within the third phase of the Growth Loan Program (NHP), since...

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The store of chains help the National Bank to develop financial awareness

The Hungarian National Bank (MNB) signed a cooperation agreement with five store of chains – the kamaraonline.hu wrote. The customers therefore have access to informations, developing financial awareness in a...

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MNB: household wealth increases continuously

The net savings of households increased by 522 billion HUF in the fourth quarter of 2016, while in the total year by 1574 billion HUF. In the proportion of the...

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MNB: the new 2000 and 5000 HUF banknotes will be available from March

The new 2000 and 5000 HUF banknotes will be available from March. The security features of the new banknotes will be more modern than before, and their design will also...

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MNB: 38 thousand enterprises received favorable financing in the growth loan program

In the three stages of the growth loan program, since June 2013, 38 086 enterprises received favorable financing in a value of 2652 billion HUF – was published on the...

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China has become one of the most important trading partner of the EU and Hungary

At a panel discussion at the Lámfalussy conference, Palotai Dániel, managing director of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) emphasized that China has become one of the most important trading partner...

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Agriculture is the least indebted sector

According to the National Bank of Hungary, the data of the past five years suggests that the national economy’s overall failure rate for the second quarter of 2016 can be...

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SME lending may expand after the closure of the National Bank’s credit growth program

In the three stages of the credit growth program (NHP) 36 103 enterprises received fundings worth 2459 billion HUF. The program has contributed significantly to economic growth and employment expansion....

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MNB: household savings are growing slower

The financial savings of households steadily decreased in recent quarters: in the third quarter amounted to 201 billion HUF, which is 2.2 percent of the quarterly GDP. In the previous...

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MNB: businesses used 231.8 billion HUF in the third stage of the NHP so far this year

In the third phase of the growth loan program (NHP) between 1 January to 30 September, the companies concluded contracts amounting to 231.8 billion HUF, of which 68 percent were...

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The MNB created a credit risk model from the data of two hundred thousand companies

The Hungarian National Bank (MNB) created a credit risk model from the data of about two hundred thousand companies – Banai Ádám, head of the department of the Hungarian National...

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MNB: SME lendings grew in the second quarter by 5 percent

Improving trends occured in the lendings of the credit institutions to the private sector. In this year's second quarter the loans to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME sector) grew...

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