Tag "MNB"

MNB: corporate lending accelerated in 2018

According to the data of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB), corporate loan demand picked up last year. At the end of December, the debt of non-financial corporations against domestic...

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Last year was the best of the decade

According to GKI’s estimation, the Hungarian economy grew by 4.6 percent in 2018 – this growth rate was exceptionally good in the European Union (ranked 2nd or 3rd in the...

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The MNB will issue new 500-forint banknotes from 1 February

One can pay with the old version of the banknotes until 31 October 2019 – the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) told MTI on Monday. They also noted that with the...

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The MNB warns about the prudent recruitment of consumer loans

The central bank warns of a deliberate recruitment of smaller consumer loans linked to Christmas purchases. Depending on the type of loan and the financial institution offering the loan, the...

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MNB: Households’ assets increased by 524 billion forints in the third quarter

Net financial savings of households (financing capability) amounted to 524 billion forints in the third quarter, which is 4.9 percent of the quarterly GDP, while in the year until September...

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The change in prices of vegetables and oil has spurned inflation

The 2.7 percent inflation in the first nine months of the year can be explained by the price change of seasonal vegetables and the international rise in oil prices –...

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MNB: households in September took more loans than the value of their fresh deposits

In September this year, households took loans in a value of 37 billion HUF, while placed 13 billion HUF deposits at domestic financial institutions. In the first nine months of...

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MNB: food and tobacco products increased inflation in September

Inflation increased by 0.2 percentage points in September, compared to the previous month. The growth was driven by rising food and tobacco prices – Várhegyi Judit, head of the Hungarian...

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MNB: Október 31-ig lehet fizetni a régi 1000 forintos bankjegyekkel

Már csak egy hónapig, október 31-ig lehet használni a készpénzes vásárlásoknál a régi – 2017 előtt kibocsátott – 1000 forintos bankjegyeket, mert október végén a Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) bevonja...

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Hungarian cash stock is significant

Hungarian cash stock is about 5,700 billion HUF. From a part of it, the population’s securities and equity purchases could be increased – Nagy Márton, the vice president of the...

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MNB: cash machines exchange currency abroad on unreasonably high prices

Abroad, an increasing number of POS and ATM recognize the currency of the bank cards and provide forint payments besides local currency payments, but this can result in unfavorable exchange...

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MNB: inflation will be slightly above 3 percent in the short term

According to the latest inflation report of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB), inflation is expected to be slightly above 3 percent in the short term. In a sustainable manner...

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Private borrowing to be tightened from October

From October 1, the National Bank of Hungary regulates the percentage of income that a household can spend on repaying a loan. The goal is for more people to choose...

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MNB: turnaround in corporate and retail lending

A turnaround in corporate and retail lending occurred in 2015, after the crisis – Nagy Tamás, head of department of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) told M1 news channel. He...

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MNB: lending expanded significantly in the second quarter

In the second quarter of this year, the loan portfolio of corporations, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) expanded considerably. However, lending of long-term fixed-rate loans in corporate lending did...

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The loans and deposits of households and companies have grown

Both the lending and deposit portfolio of households and companies rose in June according to the seasonally adjusted data, only taking the transactions into account – the Hungarian National Bank...

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More than seventy-five million HUF worth bank transfers over three months

The turnover of transfers has risen to a peak: in the first quarter of this year, the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) has registered turnover exceeding 75 million forints – Világgazdaság...

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It is getting harder for banknote counterfeiters

The MNB (Hungarian National Bank) has started the exchange of forint banknotes in 2014. The security features of the renewed banknotes now provide much more complex protection against possible counterfeiting,...

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MNB: rise in inflation is temporary

Inflation is only temporarily and exceeded 3 percent in June, due to external reasons – Várhegyi Judit, head of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) told M1 news channel on Wednesday....

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Another ÖRT resolution – now about banking advertisements

ÖRT regularly provides guidance to help the work of its members to comply better with the legislations. The MNB has made valuable contributions to the preparation of the material. Knowing...

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MNB: inflation increases gradually

Inflation will fluctuate around 2 to 2.5 percent in the coming months, but price increases will gradually rise – Várhegyi Judit, head of department at the Hungarian National Bank (MNB)...

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MNB: consumption, investment and exports promise a more than expected growth in 2018

Based on the data received since December’s Inflation Report, the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) expects more favorable consumption and investment processes and a slightly stronger export growth. The experts of...

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MNB: a bankrendszer több mint kétszeresen teljesítette kkv-hitelezési vállalását

Az MNB piaci hitelprogramjában részt vevő bankok 2017-re vállalták, hogy közel 230 milliárd forinttal növelik kkv-hitelezésüket, a vállalását minden bank teljesítette, ennek eredményeként szektorszinten az egy évvel korábbit is meghaladó,...

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The new one thousand HUF banknote to come from Thursday

The new one-thousand HUF banknote will be launched on Thursday, March 1 – said Gerhardt Ferenc vice president of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) at a press conference in...

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Cash accumulation is slowing down

Cash accumulation of the households has slowed down somewhat last year, due to the decline in savings in foreign currencies – Világgazdaság Online wrote. However, the volume and proportion of...

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Households’ money assets increased in 2017

The net financial assets of households grew by 3262 billion forints in the past year, and its value of 39,287 billion HUF slightly exceeded the amount of the annual gross...

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MNB: households and companies have saved more when borrowing in 2017

Companies and households have raised their bank deposit last year more than their credits -according to the data released by the National Bank of Hungary on Thursday. It can be...

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The new 1,000 HUF bank note comes from March

The National Bank of Hungary started the renewal of the forint banknotes in 2014. Within the framework of the program, four of the six denominations have been renewed in recent...

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The NGM and the MNB are expecting a GDP growth of around 4 percent in 2017

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) and the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) expect a GDP growth of around 4 percent in 2017. At the Central and Eastern European Forum...

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MNB: new security measures do not affect the comfort of electronic payments

The new security rules, which provide double security, do not affect the speed and convenience of everyday electronic payments – Binder István, supervisor of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB)...

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