Tag "MNB"

MNB: households’ willingness to save in the third quarter declined

Households’ financial savings fell by a third to 681 billion HUF in the third quarter compared to the previous year, by 14 percent year-on-year, according to preliminary data published by...

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MNB: the price of fuels, manufactured goods and unprocessed foods raised inflation

Compared with the previous month, inflation rose by 0.3 percentage points to 4.9 percent in August, while core inflation and core inflation adjusted for indirect taxes rose by 0.1 percentage...

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MNB: accelerated household borrowing in the second quarter

In the second quarter, households’ net financial assets increased by 657 billion HUF, of which 433 billion HUF came from fresh savings and 213 billion HUF from market yields, according...

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A significant amount of cash remained with the population, according to central bank experts

Since last year, a significant amount of cash has remained with the population, said the participants of Tuesday’s online book presentation of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB). The head of...

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Varga Mihály: the higher level of inflation is temporary

The higher level of inflation is temporary, if the central bank uses its existing assets, then inflation may return to the 3 percent range in 2022, the Minister of Finance...

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The energy drink producer Hell issued HUF 67 billion worth of green bonds

Hell Energy Magyarország Kft. issued green bonds with a nominal value of 67 billion HUF in the Growth Bond Program of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the energy drink manufacturer informed...

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No escape, massive inflation remains, MNB expects nothing else

From a certain point of view, it is a good sign that inflation has soared in Hungary because it indicates that economic growth has started, says the MNB’s senior official....

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MNB: In terms of sustainability, the Hungarian economy is in the midfield within the EU

In terms of sustainability, the Hungarian economy is in the middle of the EU, according to the MNB, it is the 15th among the countries of the European Union, the...

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MNB: households’ financial assets grew in the first quarter

Households’ net financial assets increased by 1,412 billion HUF in the first quarter, reaching 56,655 billion HUF at the end of March, 5,441 billion HUF – 10.6 percent – more...

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Blokkk.com: that’s the way online tills work

There is not much data on forints going through online tills. However, the MNB’s data can be defraied. This, of course, is money spent not only on the shopkeeper, but...

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Matolcsy: fastest economic recovery in 100 years may come

Keeping interest rate conditions unchanged means that we will continue to maintain a favorable financing position, said Matolcsy György, Governor of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), at a press conference...

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MNB: MKB Bank can also offer consumer-friendly personal loans

MKB Bank can start distributing its qualified consumer-friendly personal loan (MSZH) after the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) has approved the product’s rating – the central bank told MTI on Wednesday....

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Futureal issued 55 billion HUF in green bonds

Thanks to the Growth Bond Program (NKP) of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the Futureal Development Holding Ingatlanforgalmazó Kft. issued its first, at the same time outstandingly successful green bond issue...

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MNB: credit dynamics were at the forefront of the EU last year

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the credit market performed outstandingly last year, and Hungary is at the forefront of the EU in terms of both corporate and retail credit dynamics, an...

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The MNB expects five percent economic growth

We can be optimistic about the recovery of the economy – this was also highlighted by last year’s gross domestic product (GDP) data – economic growth is expected to average...

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MNB: clear progress in green finances last year

Despite the pandemic, there was clear progress in green finance last year, many banks are working to introduce green loans, and the Hungarian state has successfully issued green government securities,...

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Analysts: base rate remained unchanged as expected

The market did not expect the central bank base rate to change, the decision of the Monetary Council of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) on Tuesday met analysts’ expectations, experts...

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A new code makes online shopping safer

In the Financial Corner section of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), origo seeks answers to the following question from central bank experts: “I would have bought online with my bank...

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According to the MNB, the economy will regain its 2019 performance by the end of the year

The Hungarian economy may regain its 2019 performance by the end of 2021, after GDP growth is expected to approach 6 percent this year – the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)...

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ITM-GVH-MNB: Enhanced cooperation for consumer protection

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) and the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) have renewed their cooperation agreement aimed at eliminating unfair commercial practices against...

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MNB: Rising tobacco prices boosted core inflation last December

The contribution of demand-sensitive products and fuels to inflation rose in December last year, offset by a decline in the contribution of food to inflation, so that overall inflation remained...

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It turned out how much cash was in circulation in December 2020

The average stock of cash in circulation increased in the last month of the year, according to a statement presenting the preliminary balance sheet of the central bank – origo,...

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Consumer solvency improves, a W-shaped recovery might follow

Households continued to strengthen their financial situation at the beginning of the 3rd quarter, but by the end of the 3-month period the Intrum Solvency Index (IFI) dropped again: its...

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MNB: progress in two thirds of the proposals of the Competitiveness Program

Progress was made in two-thirds of the 330 proposals set out in the central bank’s Competitiveness Program. The program was 34 percent full by November, compared to the 22 percent...

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MNB: 3.5 percent increase in households’ monetary assets

Households’ net financial savings increased by 432 billion HUF, or 3.5 percent of GDP, in the third quarter. Financial assets increased by 719 billion HUF and liabilities by 287 billion...

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MNB: PIN code-free touch card payments next year of 15,000 HUF limit may remain next year

The value limit for contact card payments without a PIN code of 15,000 HUF may remain the same next year, as card companies and financial institutions also support maintaining the...

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Mobile payment set new records in Hungary

Mobile payments in Hungary set new records. The number of mobile wallet transactions almost tripled between September 2019 and September 2020, according to Mastercard. According to a statement sent to...

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According to the company managers, the Hungarian economy may be cash-free in the foreseeable future

The financial digitization was significantly accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic in Hungary, and according to the company executives interviewed by Intrum, the cash-free economy is also within reach. However, the...

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The MNB’s 50-point package of proposals has been published

On the website of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB), a 50-point package of proposals was published on Tuesday to support the government’s crisis management and economic recovery work in the...

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