Tag "MLE"

This is the professional organization with the strongest brand in Hungary: it has won only one Business Superbrands award

In more than 90 countries around the world, Superbrands awards the best consumer brands, and Business Superbrands awards the most successful business brands. There is only one professional organization among...

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Global polycrises in logistics: there are many challenges, but adaptation in the sector is constant

During May, the Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE) organized a number of professional events, including several conferences. In the diverse cavalcade of events, the actualities of logistics geopolitics, but also the...

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The Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE) and Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) celebrate Logistics Day at a joint professional conference

Today is Logistics Day. In this case, people interested in logistics can come across numerous programs across the country and beyond. A large-scale logistics conference was organized by the Hungarian...

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The jubilee Logistics Yearbook is coming: authors and sponsors are also welcome

The Logistics Yearbook, published by the Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE), has been one of the most prominent annual publications of the Hungarian logistics world for decades. Work has already begun...

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The Logistics Yearbook 2024 debuted

The Logistics Yearbook 2024 debuted at the yearbook presentation event of the Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE) on November 29. True to tradition, the publication is a collection of professional studies,...

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There is just over 1 year left until NIS2 comes into force – the logistics sector is also affected

There may still be many people who have not come across NIS2, the directive on measures to ensure a uniform high level of cyber security throughout the EU. However, the...

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Logistics training can start in Nyíregyháza

In addition to Debrecen, there are already plans to build a battery factory in Nyíregyháza. However, the development affecting Eastern Hungary also requires the existence of a high-quality logistics workforce....

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There is a brutal decline in road freight transport

The Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE) recently held an open professional day within the framework of the Advanced Logistics Manager training, the topic of which was road freight transport. The Budapest...

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A military logistics demonstration day was organized again

The Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE) held a career orientation military logistics demonstration day in cooperation with the Reserve Training and Support Command of the Hungarian Armed Forces on May 10...

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Print media has the third biggest slice of the media cake

According to data from the Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ), in 2022 the size of the so-called media cake was HUF 316.3bn, having increased by 3.7% from the previous year. Digital...

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Today we celebrate Logistics Day

This year, April 20, i.e. today, is Logistics Day. The event in Germany already has a history of more than a decade and a half, and our country joined the...

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The Hungarian Logistics Association and Trenkwalder concluded a cooperation agreement

On March 9, the Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE) and Trenkwalder signed an agreement on strategic cooperation at a conference jointly organized by the two parties. The highlight of the event...

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Innovation is almost a tradition in logistics

In sync with international trends, the domestic logistics sector is also characterized by continuous innovation. Even the Russian-Ukrainian war conflict and outstanding inflation data have not hindered this so far....

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Advertising Cake 2018: Trust in print is still strong

The 2018 advertising cake was presented on 27 February 2019 at a press conference organized by professional organizations, where Kovács Tibor, president of the MLE, presented the results of the...

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The domestic print media reached an eighteen and a half percent increase on the advertising market

The total advertising revenue of 2017 reached 106,783 billion forints. The press reached a two-digit growth. Its growth rate surpassed all market segments and the latest data show a significant...

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The MLE and the MTE are protesting against the increase of advertising tax

The position of the Association of Hungarian Newspaper Publishers and the Association of Hungarian Content Providers is unchanged, and again we express our serious concerns about the expected effects of...

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MLE: the advertising tax causes competitive disadvantage for the domestic media businesses

At the National Economic Committee’s meeting, Lázár János Minister spoke about the European Commission’s infringement proceedings against Hungary, due to the advertising tax law, and about the expected outcome. The...

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Advertising cake: the total press media market revenue became 100.416 billion HUF in 2014

The press market revenues of 2014 were published. The press media market achieved 34.637 billion HUF advertising revenues and 60.179 billion HUF sales in 2014. In addition, the print companies...

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