Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Negotiations about the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy

The EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council negotiated in Brussels about the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy and about the significant reduction in the relevant legislations. Czerván György Minister of...

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Jackfruit pálinka at the model farm in Uganda

A Hungarian business delegation is negotiating in Kampala of the possibilities of economic cooperation between Hungary and Uganda – globoport.hu wrote. After the successful negotiations it became apparent that the...

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Tenders for the development of the fruit and vegetable sector to appear soon

In the following months, several proposals will be published to support improvements in the fruit and vegetable sector. In the applications, in addition to the individual farmers, producer marketing organizations...

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NGM: the slowdown in growth is due to the weaker performance of agriculture this year

The slowdown in GDP growth is due to the weaker agricultural performance this year, compared with last year, which is the result of the droughty summer and previous year's high...

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The NGM is working on an agricultural lending stimulus package

The government is working on an incentive package to assist agricultural enterprises to get loans, in accordance with EU financial regulations – Hornung Ágnes, Minister of State for Finance in...

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According to archaeological finds, humans are keeping bees for almost 9,000 years

Traces of beeswax found on ancient pottery from Europe, the Near East and North Africa suggest the first farmers kept bees. The research, published in Nature, shows our links with...

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Medium fish harvest in Tolna County

The fish farms in Tolna county expect a medium fish harvest that will be similar to last year’s amount. This year, the Polish market can improve the export opportunities. Csibi...

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92 percent of the corn is in the granaries

The harvesting works are approaching to the end in Zala county. More than 90 percent of the corn produced on 40 thousand hectares have already been transported to the granaries....

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FruitVeB: 100 thousand tonnes less vegetables has grown

About 100 thousand tonnes less vegetables has grown this year, compared to last year. This year 1.7 million tonnes of vegetables are expected to be harvested – the President of...

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Czerván: wine producers expect a better than average vintage

The wine producers expect a better than average vintage, based on the quantity and quality of the grape harvest – Czerván György Minister of State responsible for agri-management said in...

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The leasing companies will also be involved in the financing of investments in agriculture

In the EU budget cycle that lasts until 2020, 628 billion per year will be available for the support of agriculture, of which 80 percent will be available for investments...

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Closer agriculture ties between Kazakhstan and Hungary

Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) negotiated with Szaparhan Keszikbajevics Omarov Kazakhstan’s Deputy Minister of the Agricultural Ministry to tighten agriculture ties between Kazakhstan...

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The young farmers were given support for more than 150 thousand hectares this year

This year, the young farmers claimed supports for about 154,000 thousand hectares, for an average of 15 hectares – Czerván György said on Thursday at the ceremonial handover of the...

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An almond orchard of one and a half hectares was handed over in Balatonakali

The Hungarian economy needs outstanding premium products. The almond orchard of one and a half hectares create also create premium products – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry...

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FM: the production of high-protein feed need to be increased

The government has set a goal to expand the production of GMO-free soya-based high-protein feed in Hungary – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State said in Ulm, at the an...

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The European Parliament opposes national bans on GMO-food imports

The European Parliament rejected a draft law that would give individual countries in Europe scope to ban imports of genetically modified food and animal feed, potentially killing an initiative that...

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Agricultural exports decreased slightly

The agricultural export balance only moderated slightly in the first seven months of 2015, however, the Russian embargo remains a concern – the Magyar Idők wrote on Tuesday. On the...

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FM: genetically modified varieties of maize cannot be grown in Hungary

On the basis of the Hungarian request submitted to the European Commission, the production licence of the previously approved genetically modified (GM) maize and the to be approved GMO maize...

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Successful agricultural research is needed for the development of agriculture

The development of the Hungarian agriculture and the ensuring of its competitiveness can not be achieved without effective agricultural research activities in Hungary – the Parliamentary Minister of State of...

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700 billion HUF is at stake: the new applications are being prepared

Application working groups have been established with the participation of the Prime Minister's Office, the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (MVH), the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and the National Agricultural...

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The purpose is to make small farms viable

The Hungarian government aims to make small farms viable – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said at the 20th Tiszántúli Plant Protection Forum. He...

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The Russian partners welcomed the cooperation with the Hungarian companies

The Russian partners welcomed the cooperation with the Hungarian companies that have reference in Russia already – Budai Gyula, ministerial commissioner told MTI. Budai Gyula negotiated about agricultural cooperation and...

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MVH: The area based support helps to balance the market prices

The SAPS area based support helps to balance the market prices. The advance payment of SAPS has begun on Friday – Gyuricza Csaba, president of Agricultural and Rural Development Agency...

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The number of cow cuts increased moderately

The number of cow cuts increased slightly this year. Until August 7.6 percent more cows and and 11.1 percent more heifers were slaughtered in Hungary than in the previous year...

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International conference on the role of rural women in the economy

It is an important task worldwide to enable women to contribute to production, to social stability and to tradition preservation – Vladimir Rakhmanin, the European and Central Asian regional representative...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices decreased by 3.8 percent in August

Agricultural producer prices fell by 3.8 percent in August, compared to the same period of the previous year. The price of crop products increased by 0.9 percent, while the price...

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The sale of state lands has begun

The Ministry of Agriculture told MTI that the sale of a portion of the state lands has begun on Tuesday with the announcing of the lands, less than 3 hectares....

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FM: sugar beet growers will receive 2.5 billion HUF from 1 December

The sugar beet growers will receive about 2.5 billion HUF production-linked subsidies in 2015. The payment of the subsidies is expected to start from 1 December. The amount of the...

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FM: the administrative burden on grape growers and the mountain judges to be reduced

Due to the regulation amendment of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), the administrative burden on grape growers and the mountain judges will be reduced from mid-October. The Ministry of Agriculture...

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The payment of the withheld agricultural subsidies has started

The payment of the withheld agricultural subsidies started on Friday. Czerván György, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI, that the 8.4 billion HUF support comes...

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