Tag "mezőgazdaság"

FM: research and development co-operations can be established with African countries

Research and development co-operations can be established between Hungary and the states of Africa. The Ministry of Agriculture also plans to establish a Hungarian- African ecological institute for organic agriculture...

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Agricultural Chamber: the production value of horticulture can be doubled

The production value of the Hungarian horticultural industry is about 400 billion HUF annually, which can be increased by up to 800 billion HUF through modernization, rationalization of regulation and...

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Seventy thousand new jobs have been created in agriculture in the past 7-8 years

About 70,000 new jobs have been created over the last seven to eight years in agriculture in Hungary, the majority of them in Zala and in other counties of Transdanubia...

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FM: Hungarian wheat exports to Egypt can start

Negotiations on the approval of wheat export to Egypt were successfully concluded with the Egyptian plant health authority – the Ministry of Agriculture informed MTI. The ministry said: As a...

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Agroforestry against climate change

One of the important tools for adapting to climate change could be the use of the several centuries old agro-forestry production culture in Hungary – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture...

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The export of agricultural products increased by one-third

The export of agricultural products increased by one-third over the past 7-8 years, of which 83 percent is aimed to the European Union’s (EU) member states – Fazekas Sándor Minister...

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The Hungarian agriculture is ready for the digital switchover

The digitization of Hungarian agriculture has its foundations, and the sector is ready to the digital switchover – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State, responsible forAgriculture said at the opening...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the farmers would expand the size of the irrigable area to fivefold

Instead of the current 80,000 hectares, the farmers would irrigate on 377,000 hectares in the future – according to the results of the irrigation water demand survey of the National...

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Fazekas: The EU must support family farms

The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) should represent the interests of the small and medium-sized family farms and the present level of support can not be reduced – Fazekas Sándor,...

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The Hőgyészi Agrokémiai Kft. plans a huge growth

This year, the Hőgyészi Agrokémiai Kft., which mainly sells agrochemicals and seeds, plans to increase this year’s sales revenue significantly. Last year the revenue growth was about 10 percent. The...

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Fifty thousand new jobs can be created in agriculture

Over the next ten years fifty thousand new jobs could be set up in Hungarian agriculture – the Minister of Agriculture said on Friday at a farmer forum in Szatmárcseke,...

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The CAP’s legitimacy must be justified after 2020

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the oldest EU policy that has played a major role in the creation of a unified common market and must justify its legitimacy beyond...

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The price increase of agricultural products has slowed down

In December last year, agricultural producer prices rose by 5.1 percent, compared to the year before, following the 7.7 percent increase of November. The price of vegetable products increased by...

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KSH: the cattle population has grown, the number of pigs has decreased

Over the past year, cattle grew by 18,000, the sheep stock with 6,000, while the number of pigs decreased by 37,000 pigs and the humber of hens by 183,000 –...

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Agricultural exports last year amounted to nine billion euros

Agricultural export last year reached a historical record of about 9 billion euros, while in 2010 it was only 5.2 billion euros – Fazekas Sándor, Agriculture Minister told M1 news...

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“The long forgotten plant” has risen

The Szarvaskerep loves the country’s rainy climate. But researchers of the University of Debrecen do not let it extinct. Seeds available in Hungary are now largely from Western Europe, where...

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Egyre népszerűbb a mangalica és sikeres a sertéságazat is

Egyre népszerűbb a mangalica és sikeres a sertéságazat is, ami az agrártárca által az elmúlt években bevezetett intézkedéseknek köszönhető, így például a sertésstratégia és az állatjóléti, tenyésztésszervezési támogatások egyaránt hozzájárultak...

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FM: The success of agriculture depends on adaptation

The success of Hungarian agriculture depends on whether digitalisation can be used, how quickly it applies the most up-to-date computing techniques and precision management – the Parliamentary Minister of State...

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The Seed Association published a 92,000 HUF net price per tonne for sealed seed of spring cereals

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and the Board of Products has published a net price of 92,000 HUF per tonne for sealed seed of spring cereals. According to the interbranch...

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Special Hungarian fruit varieties to be promoted

The vote initiated by the Hungarian Horticultural Propagating Material Nonprofit Kft. (MKSZN) promotes special Hungarian fruit varieties – was said on M1 news channel on Sunday. Kasztovszky Zoltán, Managing Director...

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A village economist office was opened in Mezőcsát

The Hungarian National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) has opened a village economist office in Mezőcsát, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county. At the event, Tállai András, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy,...

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GMO-free products are a competitive advantage for Hungary

It is a competitive advantage for Hungary to produce GMO-free products that can be sold at a higher price on the world market Gyuricza Csaba, Director-General of the National Agricultural...

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FruitVeB: the Hungarian fruits and vegetables will be promoted again this year

The fruits and vegetables promotion campaigns of the Hungarian Vegetables and Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (FruitVeB) will continue this year. Within the campaign, one of the most important...

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The use of modern technologies helps in market entry

The owners of 12 family farms in Nagyrécény Zala county produce berry fruits in covered plantations. The farmers have invested 1.2 billion forints into the production sites and expect that...

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Hungary insists on maintaining EU agricultural subsidies

Hungary insists that the level of EU agricultural subsidies should not be reduced and is against the solution that some Member States will counterbalance this by raising their own state...

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Hungary is willing to raise its payment for EU agricultural subsidies

Hungary is interested in a simpler and more prosperous EU common agricultural policy (CAP) in the post-2020 period – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told in Brussels on Monday. Fazekas...

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Fazekas discusses the preservation of agricultural subsidies

Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture is negotiating over the post-2020 support system for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) at the International Grüne Woche exhibition in Berlin – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The...

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The hail-reduction system will start from May

From May it is possible to use the Jéger, the hail damage reduction system in the whole country – agrarszektor.hu wrote. However, according to the experiences of insurers and the...

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The larger the seed mass, the smaller the spread

The larger the seed of a plant species, the narrower the area of distribution – this hypothesis was confirmed by the staff of the MTA-DE Impact Functional and Restoration Ecological...

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There is a need for a strong EU common agricultural policy with adequate resources

The EU’s common agricultural policy must serve quality, natural and healthy food production. Hungary supports GMO-free production, while the farming policy must also help ensure the livelihood of the rural...

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