Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Grant programme for gene preservation

The Minister of Agriculture has announced a grant programme for 2018, the main objective of which is to finance the work done to preserve, manage and develop the genetic material...

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Indian guest workers at the Hungarian cow farms

Those who have face with job vacancies in their farms for years can find workforce in India. The country’s many cow farms employ Indians, and the locals seem to be...

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The Farmer Expo of Debrecen has ended

During the four days of the expo, 35-36 thousand people visited East Hungary’s largest agricultural and food industrial exhibition. The Farmer Expo ended on Monday evening at the Böszörményi Road...

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We do not use the irrigation capacities

According to the Minister of Agriculture, “drought is the main source of danger for the Hungarian agriculture today”. Nagy István said at the Agricultural Forum of the opening of the...

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German farmers: almost three billion euros drought damage

Almost three billion euros (966 billion forints) damage happened to the German farmers due to the low precipitation weather of the recent months, according to the first estimates made after...

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4,84 million tons of winter wheat was produced this year

The harvest of winter wheat has been completed. Almost 4.850 million tonnes were harvested in Hungary from almost 950 thousand hectares – the Minister of Agriculture said on Thursday in...

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Syngenta: crop prospects are good in the Hungarian sweetcorn sector

Larger crops can be harvested this year by the domestic sweetcorn growers. Hungary continues to be the leader in both the production and the export of frozen and canned finished...

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The IT support of the national hail damage reducing system was handed over

The IT support of the national hail damage reducing system was handed over on Thursday in the headquarters of the Hungarian National Meteorological Service (OMSZ) in Budapest. Löwinger Endre, System...

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The decline of cereals is slowing down

Grain is still dominant in Hungary’s production structure – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of the publication of the main crop area of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office. The...

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Agricultural producer prices were stagnant

In June, the agricultural producer prices increased to the same level as in the same period last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Tuesday. The price of...

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The water demand of plants can be calculated

As a result of an interesting experiment in Lower Saxony, it was revealed that it is precisely possible to measure how much irrigation water is needed for a single potato...

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Where did the corn disappier?

According to the latest official forecast, the cornfield sowing area in Hungary decreased by 130 thousand hectares, compared to last autumn and spring – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The only reason for...

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Less grains to be harvested in the Czech Republic this year than last year

About 7.5 percent less, 6.345 million tons of grain to be harvested in the Czech Republic this year. The forecast of the Czech Statistical Office announced on Monday that the...

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AM: the support of the cattle sector remains after 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) wants to maintain production-related subsidies, market programs and national subsidies for the cattle sector after 2020 – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry...

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AM: Agriculture needs to be prepared for the challenges of climate change

Hungarian agriculture needs to be prepared for the challenges of climate change – Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) said on Friday in Hajdúböszörmény...

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Drought reduced German grain yields

The German Raiffeisen Alliance summed up the harvest results and lowered the expected yields of maize again – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Germans have not reached such bad results since 1994. This...

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Agricultural Chamber: pear yields will be 15 percent more this year

According to the preliminary data, pear yields will be 15 percent more ie 38 thousand tonnes this year. The quality seems to be good – the National Chamber of Agriculture...

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Higher than average soy crops are expected in Baranya county

Eberhardt György, the manager of the Mohács-based Margittasziget 92 Kft. expects 3.5-4 tons per hectare yield. According to Eberhardt György, the plants would need 5-8 degree lower temperature and some...

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FruitVeb: it is difficult to protect against high heat

Vegetable and plant growers face difficulties to prevent the deterioration of the crop in the high heat. They use modern technology, variety selection and abundant irrigation – Ledó Ferenc, the...

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The northern part of Europe has been badly affected by the spring weather

This year’s spring weather was extraordinary, which negatively affected Europe’s half, especially the northern areas, according to the USDA report on world agricultural production in July. With an average yield...

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Cereal growers: Hungarian exports can grow due to the drought in Europe

The increased Polish and German market interest in free cereal stocks due to heat loss and drought loss can increase the Hungarian cereal exports – the chairman of the National...

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Nearly 420 exhibitors at the 25th Farmer Days in Szentlőrinc

Almost 420 exhibitors will be present at the Farmer Days in Szentlőrinc, Hungary’s third largest agricultural fair, which will be held between 10 and 12 August in Szentlőrinc Baranya, county...

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The price of corn seeds may slightly increase

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Council published an informative price of 96,000 HUF after processing of the data collected from the members of the association. This year’s forecast...

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The sowing area of the malting barley was halved in the past 5 years

The sowing area of the malting barley was halved during the past five years, while the sowing area of fodder rose by one fifth – agrarszektor.hu wrote. “These lands in...

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The Agricultural Ministry announced a tender to carry out gene conservation tasks

Recognizing the importance of gene conservation activities, the Minister of Agriculture has issued an open call for proposals under the 2018 central budget, the main objective of the grant is...

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Technological development helps competitiveness, but does not replace workers in agriculture

The National Agricultural Chamber organized a Roundtable discussion on the effect of the modernization of agriculture on the countryside at the XXIX. Bálványosi Summer Free University and Student Camp. Participants...

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Rapeseed prices are expected to be good

The price of rape was full of hope since the end of April this year, as the droughts of spring brought news of a decline in crops. Unfortunately, Hungarian farmers...

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80 percent of the wheat has already been harvested in Zala County

Almost 80 percent of the wheat has been harvested in Zala County, the average yield per hectare is 5.1 tons, and the quality of the crop is worse than usual...

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Over 60 million tonnes of cereal crops are expected in Ukraine this year

The Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture has not changed its previous forecast after the harvest has begun and continues to expect 60 million tonnes or slightly more cereal production this year,...

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More than expected flour price increase may come

This year there will be more feed wheat than mill quality – the professionals experienced as the end of harvesting is approaching. Wheat prices are constantly increasing, mills and bakeries...

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