Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Mészáros Lőrinc purchases the Mezort Általános Befektetési Zrt.

Mészáros Lőrinc purchases the Mezort Általános Befektetési Zrt. – the communication company entrusted by the businessman told MTI. According to the statement, the businessman takes over the agricultural company group...

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AM: the Industry 4.0 can contribute to the development of agriculture and the food industry

The solutions of Industry 4.0 can contribute to the development of agriculture and related processing industries significantly. The government’s aim is to help and accelerate this process thereby enhancing the...

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This year’s grain production exceeded 30 million tonnes in Romania

In Romania, this year’s grain production exceeded 30 million tonnes after last year’s 27 million tonnes – the Romanian Agriculture Minister Petre Daea announced on Monday. The minister said that...

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The Agricultural Chambers of the V4 countries should guarantee the continuity of EU fundings

According to the Agricultural Chambers of the Visegrad Four (V4) countries, the continuity of EU fundings, including payments to farmers, should be guaranteed and equal conditions of competition should be...

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AM Minister of State: it is important to transfer technological knowledge to the agricultural operators

In order to increase competitiveness, it is important that the technological know-how to be available in different agricultural research and educational institutions for agricultural operators, including agricultural entrepreneurs, Feldman Zsolt,...

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Hungarian-Ghana relations are on the rise

Hungary looks to be a special partner for Ghana and is proud of the fact that professional and diplomatic relations are on the rise – the Parliamentary Minister of State...

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Syngenta for sustainable agriculture

This August crop protection and seed specialist Syngenta announced: the company will start a worldwide consultation about the future of agriculture. At one of these forums Matthew Pickard, managing director...

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China is interested in Hungarian agricultural products

China has opened up for imports of Hungarian cereals, animal products and wine, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) said on Thursday following the meeting of Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary Minister of...

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Agro-logistics center for processing oilseeds was built in Nak

Agro-logistics center for processing of oilseeds was built in Nak, Tolna county with the 110 million HUF support of the Regional and Municipal Development Operational Program. The center was established...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased by 6.2 percent in September

In September, agricultural producer prices increased by 6.2 percent year-on-year. The price of vegetable products increased by 12.1 percent and livestock and animal products fell by 2.8 percent, the Central...

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A record grape and wine production is expected by the Ministry of Agriculture for this year

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) expects the largest grape production of recent years; 550,000 tonnes and 3,8 million hectoliters of wine from 62,000 hectares of land. According to the statement...

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Except for beet, harvesting of autumn arable crops has been completed

With the exception of sugar beet, the harvest of arable field crops has been completed. The country has safe supply of maize, sunflower and soybean yields and significant quantities can...

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The Hungarian seed sector remains in the forefront of the world with innovations

Hungarian seed production is operating at a high level, with great efficiency and innovatively, this advantage must be preserved for the next quarter century – was said at the 25-year...

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Grape restructuring aid can be applied again

Grape restructuring aid can be requested again until the end of November. In addition to the relocation and cultivation of vineyards, from the year of this year it is possible...

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The agricultural innovation operative groups’ network is being established in Hungary

The agricultural innovation operative groups’ network operators will be set up in Hungary as well, which will assist the participants involved in agricultural innovation in the implementation of their projects...

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Corn yields above nine tonnes in Tolna county

Corn yields exceeded nine tonnes per hectare this year in Tolna County, where the planting area of the plant has decreased by more than 10,000 hectares last year – the...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the growing area of vegetables can reach 2000 hectares

According to the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), domestic carrot production can develop considerably. The growing area of vegetables can reach 1800 to 2000 hectares. In a statement sent to...

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There is not enough fruit and vegetables in the world for everyone

If everyone wants to have a healthy diet, there would not be enough fruit and vegetables in the world – experts of the University of Guelph said. Canadian researchers have...

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The loan portfolio of the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Trust exceeded 300 billion HUF

The loan portfolio of the Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány (AVHGA) has more than tripled over the last five years and has exceeded the 300 billion forints. Herczegh András, the managing director...

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Payments for agricultural subsidies may begin

From 16 October, agricultural subsidies can be paid from the EU and the Hungarian budget – according to the Ministry of Agriculture regulation published in the latest Magyar Közlöny. The...

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OTP: fruit and vegetable production could be made more successful with development

According to the experts of OTP agro business, the strengthening of cooperation, the rationalization of subsidies and the development of infrastructure could make domestic fruit and vegetables more secure and...

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EU agricultural commissioner: the level of CAP funds can be maintained by increasing the contribution of the Member States

Phil Hogan European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development highlighted in Budapest at the event organized by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), that Hungary is a “key partner”, a...

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Less than half of the farms are covered by insurance

A total of almost 4 billion HUF worth plant damages were generated in agriculture, which was linked to more than seven and a half thousand announcements – Világgazdaság Online wrote....

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EU Commissioner for Agriculture: Hungary is a key partner in agricultural policy negotiations

Hungary is a key partner, a key factor in the bargaining process for the new EU budget period and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) rules -Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for...

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Több kukorica és napraforgó termett az idén Zala megyében

Kukoricából és napraforgóból is több termett az idén Zala megyében, mint az elmúlt évben. A kukorica hektáronkénti átlaghozama 8,7 tonna lett, napraforgóból pedig átlagosan 2,9 tonna termést takarítottak be hektáronként...

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Agrarian digitization is the future

The main objectives of agriculture is to increase the efficiency of the domestic agriculture and the food sector in the medium term, the safe food supply of the Hungarian population...

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The manager of AMC spoke about the challenges of agriculture at the Business days

Ondré Péter, Managing Director of Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC), talked about agricultural challenges of the future and solution-making domestic breakthrough points, at the Business Days conference organized by Trade magazin. At...

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This year 5 percent less grain was produced

This year, 6.9 million tons of grain was produced on a 1.3 percent more area, compared to the previous year, which is a 5.0 percent decline. The volatile weather had...

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Autumn wheat was tested at ten sites

A total of 46 autumn wheat varieties were tested by experts within the post-registration breeding experiment organized by the Seed Alliance Interprofessional Organization and Product Council, and the National Association...

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The harvest of maize stopped due to bad weather

The harvest of maize stopped temporarily due to the rainfall and storm in several regions, however, the amount harvested so far has a good quality and the yield is encouraging...

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