Tag "mezőgazdaság"

A rural development tender has been launched to help the smallest farmers

In order to support their activities and expand their opportunities, the Ministry of Agriculture provides the lump sum flat-rate support for the development of their production activities in the amount...

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We are importing more and more poultry meat

According to the data of the KSH, the export of poultry meat in Hungary decreased by almost 12 percent to 129 thousand tons, while the import of poultry meat increased...

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There are no restrictions on agricultural work

From 4 November 2020, the Government introduced exit restrictions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. According to the measure, everyone is obliged to be at their place of...

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AM: Hungarian interests are asserted in the CAP negotiations

Hungarian interests will be asserted in the negotiations on the reform of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), but the meeting of the agriculture and fisheries ministers of the...

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A wine investment support program is launched

Almost 3.4 billion HUF in multi-phase support for the purchase of machinery related to grape processing and wine technology will be available to wineries from 2 November – the Ministry...

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CAP: Europe turns green

The new cycle of the Common Agricultural Policy can bring significant changes, with a focus on sustainability measures, such as Biodiversity and the Farm-to-Table strategy. At the same time, the...

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Minister of Agriculture: Hungarian farmers have successfully coped with the difficulties

Hungarian farmers were able to cope with the extraordinary natural and environmental conditions – the Minister of Agriculture said at his annual hearing before the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture on...

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The Minister of Agriculture announced a drought situation

The Minister of Agriculture has announced a drought situation for the 2020 year for the entire territory of the country – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI on Monday....

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According to Takarékbank, the outlook for agriculture has improved

Compared to the previous quarter, the outlook for Hungarian agriculture has improved, with almost all stakeholders became more optimistic than during the first wave of the epidemic, according to Takarékbank’s...

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An agreement on the common agricultural policy has been reached

An agreement on the new Common Agricultural Policy was reached in the Agriculture and Fisheries Council at dawn on Wednesday – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture told MTI. The agreement...

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PortfoLion’s Green Fund has completed a successful transaction with the NAGISZ Group

PortfoLion acquired a 97.91 percent stake in the NAGISZ Group after the transaction was approved by the Hungarian Competition Authority. The successful operation of the company group will continue to...

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Minister of Agriculture: research and development to ensure long-term sustainable management

Research and development activities, knowledge transfer and innovation are such a profitable investment that ensures long-term sustainable management in Hungary – the Minister of Agriculture said at a handover ceremony...

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AM: Hungary issues a separate opinion on the European Commission’s Farm-to-Table strategy

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council is expected to adopt the Farm-to-Table strategy developed by the European Commission at its meeting on 19-20 October; However, Hungary will make a separate statement...

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Nagy István: new tender will help to modernize horticultural plants

A new tender with a budget of 30 billion HUF will help to modernize horticultural plants. The support applications can be submitted from Monday – the Minister of Agriculture announced...

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Agriculture: on the road to the digital revolution

The present and future of agriculture can be shaped by two factors. On the one hand, the use of data-driven digital technologies and, on the other hand, the widespread use...

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The size of ecoregions has doubled in five years

What the future will bring? An online conference titled Trends and Challenges in Sustainable Agriculture was organized by the Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi). The meeting revealed that in 2019...

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Billions of support for Hungarian livestock farmers

The Ministry of Agriculture announced a tender with a budget of 2 billion HUF for the development of disease control systems in poultry and pig farms – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Under...

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Corn is harvested in Tolna with a high average yield

Due to the rains in July and August, 8.9 tons of corn per hectare were harvested in Tolna County with a high average yield, approaching half of the harvest, the...

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KAVOSZ: the new Agrár Széchenyi Investment Loan PLUS can already be applied

Businesses in the agricultural sector can already apply for the new Agrár Széchenyi Investment Loan PLUS with a high level of state interest, management costs and guarantee fees – Krisán...

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Minister of Agriculture: paying advances on agricultural subsidies will start from 16 October

The advance payment of agricultural subsidies will start on October 16, the Minister of Agriculture announced at a press conference in Budapest on Tuesday. Nagy István emphasized that within the...

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Good quality sunflowers with the right oil content were grown in Zala

Sunflowers with adequate oil content and quality were grown in Zala County, but the average yield was lower than expected due to the droughty weather – the county president of...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the ice mitigation system prevented a lot of damage this year again

The national ice mitigation system prevented a lot of damage again this year: during the 169 days of this year’s defense period, which ended at the end of September, the...

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Vintage Panorama: there is an opportunity for an excellent vintage

Compared to last year, harvest began later in each wine region. In the case of the varieties affected by drought and spring frost, a 15-20 percent yield loss is expected...

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Nagy István: It is important for agriculture to change generations and supply professionals

Generation change and the supply of specialists are extremely important for agriculture, the Minister of Agriculture told MTI after his tour in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. Nagy István about his visit to...

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The competition authority has conditionally approved the expansion of the OTP group in agriculture and the food industry

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) has authorized the OTP Group to acquire the NAGISZ Group, which is active in the agricultural and food markets, but under conditions that are able...

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Trade in food and agricultural products has doubled in twenty years

Between 1995 and 2018, global food and agricultural trade rose to 1.5 trillion USD, more than doubling, as developing countries’ exports expanded, accounting for a third of global exports today,...

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NAK: drought makes autumn sowing difficult

The dry weather of recent weeks has a double effect, the harvesting works are going well in the absence of rainfall, but seed preparation and sowing have been made very...

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A plant production center was built in Somogycsicsó

The plant production center of Csicsó Pig Kft., which belongs to the Claessens group of companies and was built for half a billion forints, was handed over in Somogycsicsó on...

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Choose domestic products to support Hungarian workplaces and to protect the environment!

This year has shown how vulnerable the world has become as a result of globalization and how important self-sufficiency is. It became clear that Hungary’s agriculture and food industry survived...

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