Tag "mezőgazdaság"

The experts of the Chamber of Agriculture help farmers navigate in the post-2023 agricultural subsidies

In the agricultural support system starting from 2023, each farmer has to decide individually which opportunities he can make the most of, therefore the experts of the National Chamber of...

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Farmers bought seven percent more new tractors last year

The economic environment was favorable for the purchase of agricultural machinery. Last year 3335 new tractors were put on the market in Hungary, 7.2 percent more than a year before...

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KSH: the rise in agricultural purchase prices accelerated further in October

The rise in agricultural producer prices accelerated further in October: the average purchase price of crop, horticultural and animal products and live animals was 26.1 percent higher than a year...

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Ministry of Agriculture: new regulation encourages generational renewal in agriculture

The law on the transfer of agricultural holdings, passed by the Parliament this week, ensures smooth administration, general legal succession and the maintenance of the functioning of the holdings, Minister...

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Nagy István: Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan pays more attention to young people and small farms

The new Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan will pay more attention to young people and small farms, the agriculture minister told M1 news channel on Monday. Nagy István explained that according...

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The Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan has been completed

The Ministry of Agriculture, in co-operation with professional organizations, has prepared a strategic plan containing the domestic support measures of the Common Agricultural Policy between 2023 and 2027, which will...

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KSH: agricultural output value increased by 13 percent this year

The total output value of agriculture in 2021 increased by 13 percent. Production volume fell 2.3 percent and prices rose 16 percent. The volume of crop production decreased by 6.5...

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Takarékbank puts agricultural investments at the forefront of its lending policy

Takarékbank’s lending policy prioritises higher value-added agricultural investments in order to support the strategic sector of the national economy, the financial institution operating as part of the Magyar Bankholding, the...

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Pix VR Training Kft. has developed a virtual education system developed for agricultural vocational training institutions

Pix VR Training Kft. has developed a virtual system for the training and use of work and power machines for agricultural training institutions – the company informed MTI. According to...

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Ministry of Agriculture: 262 billion HUF advance was paid to the farmers until the end of November

During the almost a month and a half of the advance payment period, the Hungarian State Treasury paid about 262 billion HUF direct and rural development support to producers, and...

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AM: Hungarian-Mongolian agricultural relations may expand

Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), and Tumur-Uya Jambalteren, State Secretary of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia, discussed further possibilities...

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Soil-friendly cultivation reduces soil loss and increases biodiversity

Soil-friendly cultivation is beneficial for both growers and the environment, confirmed by 18 years of soil protection research by Syngenta and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which was launched in...

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The national eco-wheat variety experiment was successful

A total of 21 winter wheat varieties, which are promising for eco-farming in Hungary and abroad, have been tested in seven locations in the eco-small parcel variety test network of...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the hail damage mitigation system is effective

This year, farmers reported hail damage for 39,000 hectares, compared to the 72,000 hectares in the year before the national hail mitigation system started to opeate, Győrffy Balázs, President of...

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Nagy István: The country’s largest apple growing facility will be completed by March 2022

The construction of the country’s largest apple-growing facility in Újfehértó will be completed by March next year, the Minister of Agriculture said at the inauguration ceremony of the 9.6 billion...

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Making agrifood systems more resilient to shocks: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

Countries need to make their agrifood systems more resilient to sudden shocks of the kind witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has emerged as a major driver of the latest...

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The European Parliament approved the reform of the common agricultural policy

By a large majority, the European Parliament (EP) on Tuesday approved a reform of the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) aimed at making agriculture greener, fairer, more flexible and more...

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Massive bankruptcies may come in the pig sector

The Hungarian pig sector is in a critical situation, domestic producers have been at a loss for months, and the sector has become unpredictable. The situation is not only bad...

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Ministry of Agriculture: The support of innovative and renewable enterprises is essential

In order to increase the competitiveness and export capacity of the Hungarian food industry, the presence and support of innovative, renewable actors is essential – for which we place great...

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Agricultural outut in the EU decreased in 2020

The agricultural production of the European Union decreased significantly last year, writes agrarszektor.hu. According to Eurostat, the sector’s output in 2020 was 1.1 percent lower than in 2019. The biggest...

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KSH: The rise in agricultural producer prices slowed down in September

The four-month acceleration in the rise in agricultural producer prices came to a halt in September: purchase prices were 23.6 percent higher than a year earlier, 0.5 percentage points lower...

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AM: investment program was launched for the competitiveness of agriculture

In the next seven years, agriculture will be characterized by priority support for investments and precision developments related to the digital switchover, encouraging technological change, which will help farmers increase...

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It is already possible to apply for investments against frost damage

The applications for the support of investments for the prevention of spring frost damage can be submitted from 17 November, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy informed in a statement of...

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Hungarian researchers received a grant of 2.5 million euros to study ecological grazing methods

Hungarian researchers have received 2.5 million euros in EU funding for studies to reduce the environmental impact of ivermectin use in agriculture, ELKH told MTI. Modern animal husbandry today is...

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The grape growing area in Hungary has been declining for decades

In the last thirty years, the grape growing area in Hungary has decreased brutally, agrarszektor.hu wrote. While according to the latest data published by the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the...

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NVI: more than 22,000 signatures for the initiative to protect bees and farmers

More than 22,000 signatures have been handed over by organizers to the National Electoral Office (NVI) for a European citizens’ initiative to protect bees and farmers, the NVI told MTI....

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MABISZ: this year’s agricultural damage is estimated at ten billion forints

By the end of October, insurers had paid about 10 billion HUF in plant damage, mainly due to hail. In the meantime, the Ministry of Agriculture has further increased the...

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The essential guide to food and agriculture

New findings indicate the food crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) shows little sign of abating, and could worsen in the coming months without scaled-up assistance, the...

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80 percent of the corn was harvested in Zala County

More than 80 percent of the corn produced on 31,630 hectares in Zala County has already been harvested, with an average yield of 8.4 tons per hectare, the county president...

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