Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Pakistani-Hungarian agricultural cooperation has a serious future ahead of it

Dr. Oszkár Ökrös, Deputy State Secretary responsible for international relations, and Asad Rehman Gilani, President of the Pakistan Investment Board (BOI), discussed the possibilities of bilateral agricultural cooperation. During the...

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Farmer Expó in Debrecen begins

One of the country’s largest, four-day agricultural fairs begins on Wednesday in Debrecen: at the 31st Farmer Expo and the 17th Hortico vegetable, fruit and horticultural trade fair held as...

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With new support options, AM will focus on encouraging water-retaining management practices in the future

For the new agricultural support period starting in 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture planned new and more effective tools to encourage agricultural producers to use water-conserving management practices, but it...

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Agricultural producer prices in Germany slowed down in June

Agricultural producer prices in Germany rose by 1.9 percent less than the previous month, by 33.9 percent, according to the Monday report of the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis. In...

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Contractual agricultural water applicants receive the required quantity

The water directorates are still able to meet contractual agricultural water needs, the National Water Directorate General told MTI on Friday. The OVF points out: in the first seven months...

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The future of successful agriculture is digitization and robotization

The future of successful agriculture is digitization and robotization, and the use of precision tools, as this can significantly influence its efficiency already at sowing, as well as the dynamics...

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We have good news for farmers: the increase in agricultural producer prices accelerated again in June

After the previous month’s stagnation, the increase in agricultural producer prices accelerated again in June: after 45.4 percent in May, purchase prices were on average 48.3 percent higher in June...

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An agricultural robot startup from the United Kingdom received £1.5 million for its development

Muddy Machines, an AgTech and robotics company that helps automate crop harvesting, has been awarded £1.5m in project funding. The latest funding round was led by Regenerate Ventures, which specializes...

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Farmers can count on the government even in drought

Hungarian farmers can count on the government just as they have until now, even during the historic drought, the Minister of Agriculture said on Thursday in Újszilvás, where he explained...

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Ministry of Agriculture: autumn works should be planned according to the new rules

As of this fall, it will be possible to farm according to the new rules, in accordance with the growing EU green expectations, but within the framework of the agricultural...

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These are the rules for loan moratorium and damage payment due to drought

The regulations governing the new loan moratorium due to the drought and special payments by insurers due to drought damage have been published. A loan moratorium and interest-subsidized loans will...

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A global shortage is coming, Hungarians’ favorite side dish may disappear from the shelves

India, the world’s largest rice exporter, is struggling with serious problems, so its exports may decrease, warns Bloomberg. In India, despite praying for rain, they have not sown rice in...

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This is the message of the FAO food price index, which has started to fall

There is no sign of domestic food prices yet, but the FAO food price index has been falling for the fourth month. Zoltán Fórián, the leading agricultural expert of the...

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The USDA believes in a growing organic sector, new, uniform standards are coming

On Friday, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) previewed the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards (OLPS) proposed rule in the Federal Register. With this publication, USDA proposes requirements for organic poultry and...

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EUROPEAN COMMISSION: farmers can get at exemption to produce more food on their lands

At the request of the member states, due to the uncertain global food supply situation, the European Commission will allow farmers in 2023 a temporary exemption from certain crop rotation...

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Without collecting rainwater, we will not be able to cope with drought in the future

According to the climate researcher, the current devastating drought and 20 persistently hot days are just the beginning, it is hard to imagine what will await us when the temperature...

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Despite the drought, a good sugar beet yield is expected in France

France’s largest sugar industry group, Tereos, has announced that it currently expects this year’s sugar beet yield to be above the five-year average despite the lack of rainfall. The largest...

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Spanish farmers fear that olive oil production could drop by a third

Farmers in southern Spain fear that this year’s extreme drought and successive heat waves could cut olive oil production in the world’s biggest producer by nearly a third in the...

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AM: the government’s goal is to further develop irrigation farming

Irrigation is a public interest, the basis of a safe food supply – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy in a video published on his social media page, in which...

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Research: the drought situation in Europe demands an immediate solution

The drought situation demands an urgent solution to the serious situation of European agriculture and the reconstruction of soil moisture – ELTE researchers warn. ELTE’s announcement on Wednesday stated that...

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Fertilizer sales were interrupted in the second quarter

In the second quarter, fertilizer sales in Hungary decreased by 44 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, while sales prices rose by 2.2-3.8 times – read...

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The Drought Emergency Task Force proposed a five-point action plan

As we wrote about earlier, a separate operative group will deal with the emergency due to the drought. Hungary is hit by a historic drought. The government and the Ministry...

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AM: the government decided on HUF 15 billion EU development support for domestic food industry plants

As a result of the call for complex development of food plants, four Hungarian food industry enterprises will receive a total of HUF 15 billion worth of development resources as...

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Climate change is not only a risk but also an opportunity

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Experts: the number of severe drought years in Hungary may continue to increase until the end of the century

In a large area, this year is expected to be the most severe drought in the last 50 years in Hungary, and the number of severe drought years may continue...

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(HU) Agrárminisztérium: befejezéshez közelednek a nyári aratási munkák

Due to the high heat and the extreme drought, the harvest of the ears of corn was completed earlier this year. The yields of field crops fall short of the...

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The potato growing area has shrunk a lot

It was not possible to stop the decrease. The potato growing area has continued to decrease in Hungary. In 2019, edible potatoes were planted on 13,287 hectares. According to the...

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A separate section will deal with the drought emergency

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced that the government is forming a drought emergency operational team in order to take government measures to deal with the extraordinary drought situation and...

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The action that lowers the price of melons in the middle of the season is unjustified

In the medium term, melon cultivation in Hungary may cease, mainly because the producers cannot validate their costs in the transfer price to retail chains – draw the attention of...

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Even in Western Hungary, the corn situation is becoming more and more worrying

Eastern Hungary has completely fallen on the corn front, and now there are more and more problems with sowing in the west – Petőházi Tamás, president of the National Association...

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