Tag "McKinsey"

Budapest is facing serious tourism growth, especially in the field of conference tourism

The future growth of tourism in Budapest can be double-digit if the capital implements the developments that will enable it to catch up with the capitals of neighboring countries. In...

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Retail trade 2023: rationalising consumers, technological development

In this article we try to paint a picture of what happened in retail trade last year. 2023 was a challenging year for the food sector in Europe and overseas....

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Shift to modern grocery consumption slows down

Spending in modern grocery, including the online channel, slowed down in the fastest-growing markets as the growth of modern grocery networks “failed to keep pace” with other channels amidst the...

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Food Safety, Hygiene Concerns Lessen as Consumers Shift Toward Sustainable Packaging: McKinsey

Consumers are coming out of the pandemic with a renewed focus on sustainability, according to a new report from McKinsey based on a survey of consumers across 11 countries. It’s...

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Walmart to increase the number of its health centre locations in 2024

Walmart will open 28 new healthcare centres in the United States next year; the first ones will be in Missouri and Arizona. By the end of 2024, the nation’s largest...

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McKinsey: The digital economy in Hungary has expanded by 50 percent in four years

The performance of the digital economy in Hungary increased by 50 percent, from 6.6 billion euros to 9.8 billion euros, between 2017 and 2021, according to the McKinsey consulting firm’s...

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McKinsey restrained the performance of perfume wholesalers

The pandemic has had a significant impact on perfume wholesale companies, with the three largest companies unable to increase their net sales in 2020, consulting firm McKinsey told MTI on...

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Digital economy skyrocketing in the region

‘Digital Challengers in the Next Normal in Central and Eastern Europe’ is the title of McKinsey’s latest report that reveals: in the first five months of the pandemic – January-May...

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Business Dinner 2020: ‘It is unlikely that we will have to step on the brake this hard again’

Trade magazin’s traditional end-of-May Business Dinner was organised online this year. The participants were Dr Zsolt Feldman – state secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, András Báldi PhD – scientific...

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Magazine: Coronavirus: A threat to the world economy

When the COVID-19 pandemic started in China, nobody thought that in just a few weeks the virus will appear in other parts of the globe too. As the coronavirus disease...

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Does your company have a Chief Happiness Officer?

Obviously it is the happy worker who does a good job. Still, it isn’t easy to tell what is it that workers need? The economic, technological and social changes of...

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McKinsey: online FMCG retail is in a vicious cycle

New York-based global consulting firm McKinsey has analysed online FMCG sales in Europe. Their report states: the fact that masses of European consumers haven’t started buying food and drinks online...

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Big Data changes the future of HR

Big Data analysis can help to optimise the recruitment process for HR managers, for whom certain personal characteristics and competences (soft skills) have become more important by now than previous...

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