Tag "márkák"

A good day to die hard

Perhaps the least interesting question is what actually happened in 2023. Business as usual, you could say, since Covid abnormal is the “new normal” – we will get through this...

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KPMG: The perception of brands may suffer due to falling living standards

According to the global research of KPMG Customer Experience Excellence, consumer satisfaction has worsened in the past year according to all aspects examined. The global livelihood crisis is primarily behind...

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Kantar published the list of the most valuable brands of 2023

More measurable efficiency, significantly improved financing and investment opportunities, and in the event of a company acquisition, the achievement of even a multiple mark-up – among other things, these are...

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The strength of brands

On Thursday Gábor Tolnai, head of the marketing insight division at Kantar Hoffmann gave a presentation at the Business Days conference. He shared the results of their global survey, which...

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Brands with a high EQ are also superior in business

In 2020, Carat released a proprietary research report revealing the world’s most emotionally intelligent brands. In 2022, we extended our scope to 15,000 people, across 15 markets to ask about...

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Promotional television commercials from a neuromarketing perspective

There is fierce competition between brands and service providers, and companies have great influence on the decisions of consumers. It isn’t an easy job to conquer the hearts of consumers,...

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(HU) Szenvedélyünk a márkák már 30 éve

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Social Index 2020 ranked the most popular brands, based on online reviews

In 2020, car brands were the most mobile in the online community, with most posts on beauty forums and increased internet dialogue around grocery stores due to restrictions imposed by...

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Magazine: Sustainability in business and everyday life

According to a recent online survey by Nielsen, consumers all over the world are the most concerned about air and water pollution. At a global level, 73 percent of consumers would...

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Magazine: Brands as an engine of growth and looking into the crystal ball

One of the engines of economic growth is strong brands. Trade magazin has asked Dr Ágnes Fábián, president of Branded Goods Association Hungary (BGA ) and managing director of Henkel...

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Magazine: FMCG brands and sports: Brand building and mission (Part 2)

OMV sponsors athletes in several countries, because the company is fully aware of the fact that the values of the world of sport fall in line with the expectations of...

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Apple and Google have remained the world’s most valuable brands this year

For the fifth consecutive year this year, Apple and Google proved to be the world’s most valuable brands in the global ranking of the Interbrand US consulting firm. In the...

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Magazine: MagyarBrands: Our best brands

MagyarBrands is a programme that evaluates and presents Hungary’s best brands. This year the best brands with a Hungarian connection were picked for the sixth time by a jury of...

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