Tag "Magyar Szállodák és Éttermek Szövetsége"

The travel magazine awards for the best tourism service providers were presented

The awards for the best tourism service providers in Hungary and beyond the border were presented on Wednesday in Budapest, evaluating their performance in 2023 based on the vote of...

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The price increase at Lake Balaton is drastic

The prices of accommodation around Lake Balaton have increased by an average of 10% this year compared to the previous year, but the most popular settlements have experienced much higher...

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From January 1, you cannot pay with a SZÉP card in shops

As of January 1, 2024, it is no longer possible to buy cold food in stores with a SZÉP card. Payment with SZÉP cards was introduced in stores at the...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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Hotel association: the Hotel of the Year awards were presented

The Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ) announced the Hotel of the Year contest again at the end of 2022 after a three-year hiatus with the professional partnership of...

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Hotel association: traffic in hotels in December was outstanding

The performance of Hungarian hotels exceeded expectations in December, and was exceptionally good, despite the rise in inflation and the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ) announced...

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The Hotel Association elected a new president

The Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ) elected a new president and two vice-presidents at its autumn general meeting, the organization announced on its website. It was announced: from...

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The maintenance of wellness hotels is hopeless, according to the honorary president of the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants

Some of the guests go to the hotels specifically for the wellness, so it is not possible to close the hotels for a long time. The honorary president of the...

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Who are the Hotel Heroes?

At the end of winter HotelHero and the CSR section of the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ) cooked 1,600 portions of hot meal for poor families. In their second...

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(HU) Magyar vendéglátás, 2020, nyárközép

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Budapest sends messages to major cities through illuminated windows of empty hotels

A joint campaign is being launched by the Municipality of Budapest and the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants. In the windows of empty Budapest hotels, after dark, we can...

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What will the near future bring?

Tamás Flesch, president of the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ) has recently told at a conference that 1 January 2020 will bring the dawning of a new era. On...

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It will be a full house at the hotels at Christmas

It will be a full house in the hotels at Christmas, with traffic going 8-10 percent higher than last year – the president of the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association...

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The hotel industry in numbers

A monthly report by the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ) on the hotel industry’s performance in the first 9 months of 2019 reveals that there are approximately 60,000 hotel...

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Hotel Alliance: the Hungarians are planning in advance

“It’s hard to find accommodation in the country for six months before a long weekend, which shows that Hungarians are planning in advance” – the regional leader of the Hungarian...

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A wide range of programmes at Sirha Budapest

Sirha Budapest, the most important food and HoReCa trade fair in the region, will take place on 4-6 February 2020. Food, drink, confectionery and baking companies will be present on...

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50 years celebrated

It was 50 years ago that teaching started at the Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism of the Budapest Business School’s (BGE) predecessor institution. BGE celebrated the anniversary with a...

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Trade history exhibition at BGE KVIK


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Hotels perform better than before the crisis

Hungarian hotels achieved and even surpassed the pre-crisis performance of 2008 – Flesch Tamás, president of the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants told M1 news channel on Friday. Last...

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Pro Turismo

On 16 October the Pro Turismo prizes were presented at the Turizmus Summit. From the restaurant and culinary world the following people were honoured with the prestigious prize: creative chef...

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The new national campaign of the Hungarian Tourism Agency was launched

The Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) launched its autumn domestic traffic promotion campaign with a new digital platform – the MTÜ told MTI on Tuesday. In the campaign, MTÜ traditionally cooperates...

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Taxes on accommodation services may be reduced

The high 18 percent Hungarian VAT rate undermines the profitability of market participants, but according to a new government decision VAT could be reduced on the domestic accommodation market. Könnyid...

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Magazine: A meeting point

Preparing for Sirha 2018, our magazine interviewed László Könnyid, president of the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ). László Könnyid president Magyar Szállodák és Éttermek Szövetsége – In addition to...

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Hotels are full at Christmas and New Year’s Eve

Christmas and New Year’s Eve are also importan periods for Hungarian hotels, and they have a full house during both holidays – Flesch Tamás, vice president of the Association of...

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Hotel Association: the number of tourists from the neighboring countries has increased significantly

The number of tourists from the Czech Republic to neighboring countries, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine, increased significantly. The president of the Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants told M1 news...

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The number of guest nights has increased because of domestic tourism

Due to the strengthening of domestic tourism the number of hotel guest nights rose nationally by 5.6 percent in the first half of the year – the President of the...

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Indicators of the Hungarian have improved in the first half of the year

The performance of tourism in Hungary continued to improve this year. All the major indicators of the hotels have impoved in the first half of the year – according to...

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The performance of hotels improved further in the first quarter

The performance of tourism continued to improve in Hungary. The first-quarter gross sales of the hotels increased by 9.9 percent, while the gross room revenues increased by 13.1 percent, compared...

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The Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association welcomes the reduction of VAT on restaurant services

The Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ) welcomes the proposed VAT reduction on catering services. It can reduce prices and will help to maintain the workforce as well as will...

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Hotel capacity may continue to grow in the coming years

The hotel capacity rises with an average of 2.5-3 percent every year. It can be considered as a natural growth, but the growth in the coming years is expected to...

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