Tag "Magyar Sörgyártók Szövetsége"

Magazine: They dare to innovate

According to the Association of Hungarian Brewers (MSSZ), members sold 2 percent more beer in 2017 than in 2016. Sales of cheap beers kept decreasing and mainstream beer sales grew by...

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This year’s beer season started with a tapping and a call

The Association of Hungarian Beer Manufacturers and the Kraft Beer Association opened this year’s beer season with a joint tapping. The overwhelming majority of domestic consumption – about 120 million...

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We are looking for premium beers

Hungarians drank 6.2 million hectoliters of beer last year, according to the data of the Federation of Hungarian Brewers. The consumption of premium products is constantly growing. The success of...

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Increase on the alcohol-free beer market

According to the preliminary data of the Association of Hungarian Brewers, the consumption of non-alcoholic beers in Hungary has risen in the past year. The 25 percent growth far exceeds...

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Innovation work is strengthening in the beer industry

According to the Association of Hungarian Brewers (MSSZ), last year 6.7 million hectolitres of beer was sold in Hungary by the four major brewing companies – Borsodi Brewery Kft., Dreher...

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More and more quality beer products are available

The beer industry is growing stronger with agriculture. The consumerrs can choose among more and more quality beer products. The favorable legal environment and the dynamically expanding economy create good...

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Adventures in beer gastronomy

As part of the Beer Gastronomy Week’s programme, guests could enjoy special menus matching food with beer in 14 restaurants of Budapest and other cities, between 9 and 15 October. With...

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Together for lowering the VAT on draught beer

The Craft Beer Association, has joined the initiative of the Association of Hungarian Brewers and the Hungarian Association of Microbreweries, which aims at reducing the VAT on draught beer to...

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Magazine: Beer snacks and other finger foods

Finger food doesn’t denote new type of food: it means the regrouping of certain existing foods to meet 21st-century consumption trends. The rapidly growing popularity of street food has contributed to...

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Beer and more: the MSSZ is looking for Hungary’s best savoury snacks

Within the appliction of Beer and more, the Hungarian Brewers Association (MSSZ) is looking for Hungary’s best savoury snacks in three categories: wheat, lager, semi-brown / brown. The entries received...

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Beer Association: quarterly beer consumption can increase by millions of mugs

Beer consumption has increased over the last few days, the breweries are operating with full capacity, and if the heat persists, several million tankards more beers can be consumed in...

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The sales of the Hungarian breweries increased by 2.5 percent last year

Last year, the sales of the Hungarian breweries increased by 2.5 percent. Mainly the exports pulled the sales. According to the beer market indicators published by the Association of Hungarian...

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The Association of Hungarian Brewers would whiten the beer market with the Association of Small Breweries

In the wake of HVG’s article, the Association of Hungarian Brewers turned to NAV’s Excise Department in a letter. The Association of Hungarian Brewers compiling the major domestic beer manufacturers...

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Beer market: 2015 was a good year

The Association of Hungarian Brewers reported that 6.5 million hectolitres of beer was sold in 2015 by the four leading beer companies, Borsodi Brewery Kft., Dreher Breweries Zrt., Heineken Hungária...

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We drink less beer but chosse domestic

If the size of the country would be based on how many beers the citizens drink a year, the Czechs, would dominate with their consumption of 144 liters per capita....

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Beer consumption increased in Hungary

Hungarians drank more beer last year than in the previous year: the consumption increased by 4 percent – the Association of Hungarian Brewers (AHB) told MTI on Wednesday. The non-alcoholic...

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Beer Season Reloaded

The Hungarian Brewers Association opened the 2016 season. Their event series are focusing on beer culture. At the stations of the “Beer an More” event series in addition to gastronomy,...

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Drink Hungarian beer to the Easter ham

According to the Association of Hungarian Brewers drink Hungarian beer of course during Easter. Vásárhelyi István beer gastronomer told that the lagers with their typical dry slightly spicy vegetable tastes...

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Beer conquered this weekend at the VinCE Budapest

The Association of Hungarian Brewers took part at one of the largest trade show for the winemakers for the first time this year. At the five-star Corinthia Hotel Budapest such...

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Cooperation between the large breweries and the micro- breweries

In order to increase the supply, a cooperation has been established between the large-scale breweries and the micro- and craft breweries for this year's Főzdefeszt – Bart Dániel, director of...

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A new era in the Hungarian brewing industry

This year’s most important beer professional awards were handed over within a gala evening, organized by the Főzdefeszt Cluster and the Association of Hungarian Brewers. The new development strategy of...

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Heat speeds up the aging of the beer

The heat is good for the beer consumption, but it is not good for the beer. It is worth to pay attention to the proper storage temperature and consumption temperature...

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Beer and more: the World Day of Beer is celebrated on 7 August

The International World Day of Beer was celebrated in Hungary for the first time, within the “Beer and more” event series of the Association of Hungarian Brewers. The World Day...

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Beer is popular

Hungarian brewers sold 2 percent more (in volume) beer last year and the same sales growth is expected for this year as well. According to data published by the Federation...

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Plenty of beer in the heat


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According to the Association of Hungarian Brewers, a significant increase in demand to occur for beer

Because of the heat, the demand for beer can increase significantly this summer – according to the Association of Hungarian Brewers. The organization in its Tuesday statement describes that last...

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Beer sales increased by about 2 percent last year

The volume of beer sold by the Hungarian beer industry grew by about 2 percent last year, and such amount can be expected this year as well – the Association...

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Domestic brewers are proud of the quality of their products

The Association of Hungarian Brewers welcomed the outcome of the examination of the National Consumer Protection Authority in a communication. The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) examined the quality of...

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The duo of beer and cheese will debut at the 5th Jubilee Beer Festival

The modern Hungarian gastronomy and beer has wedded. The odd pair coupled together at the season opening event of the Hungarian Brewers Association in May. The aim of the “Sör...

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From Thursday beer is flowing from the taps at the 5th Jubilee Beer Festival

From Thursday the four-day long, 0-24 festival atmosphere begins at the 5th Jubilee Beer Festival in the Buda Castle. The participants can taste more than 200 kinds of beer specialties...

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