Tag "magyar gazdaság"

KSH: has increased the number of employees

In May, the average monthly number of employed persons aged 15-74 increased by 55,000 compared to the previous year, and by 47,000 compared to the previous month, and reached 4,607,000,...

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The Századvég Economic Researcher has improved its growth forecast

Epidemiological restrictions imposed due to the spread of the coronavirus have caused a milder-than-expected decline in the economy, so its restart may be faster. In the light of this, the...

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Századvég: economic expectations continued to improve in June

According to the June survey of the Századvég Economic Researcher, economic expectations improved slightly with the improvement of the viral situation: the population index rose from minus 6.9 to minus...

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Analysts: inflation may moderate in the coming months

Inflation may moderate in the coming months, but it is expected to remain above the central bank target, analysts told MTI. According to a report of the Central Statistical Office...

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Analysts: the contribution of retail growth may be significant

According to macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI on the latest KSH data, the contribution of retail trade to economic growth may be significant. The statistical office said on Friday that...

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KSH: The turnover of retail stores increased by 10.6 percent

In April, the volume of retail trade – as a result of the phasing out of restrictions from the middle of the month and the low point in April last...

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Analysts: surprise with first-quarter detailed GDP data

Analysts interviewed by MTI are looking for an explanation for the surprisingly positive developments from the details of the upwardly revised first-quarter GDP data. In its second estimate released on...

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KSH: Investments increased by 2.5 percent in the first quarter

In the first quarter, the growth of investments started in the previous quarter continued, the volume of developments increased by 2.5 percent, compared to the same period of the previous...

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The OECD has improved Hungary’s growth forecast

The OECD has improved its economic growth forecast for Hungary this year, acknowledging the positive effects of economic protection subsidies and high vaccination during the pandemic. The latest half-yearly forecast...

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KSH: earnings increased by almost 9 percent

In March, the average gross earnings of full-time employees were 435,200 HUF, and the average net earnings excluding benefits were 289,400 HUF for enterprises with at least 5 employees. At...

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Gross earnings of full-time employees grew 8.7 percent year-on-year

According to a report published by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Friday, the average gross earnings of full-time employees in March were 8.7 percent higher than a year before....

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Varga Mihály : the economy may grow by 12-14 percent in the second quarter

According to the data followed by the ministry on a weekly basis, the double-digit economic growth forecast for the second quarter, at around 12-14 percent, is justified, Mihály Varga Minister...

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KSH: 4,559,000 employees in April

In April, the average monthly number of employees aged 15-74 was 4,559,000, which was 36,000 more than in the same period of the previous year and 57,000 less than in...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices rose by 13 percent

Agricultural producer prices prices rose by 13.0 percent in the first quarter year-on-year. Within this, plant products became 25.0 percent more expensive, but live animals and animal products became 7.9...

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MNB: households’ financial assets grew in the first quarter

Households’ net financial assets increased by 1,412 billion HUF in the first quarter, reaching 56,655 billion HUF at the end of March, 5,441 billion HUF – 10.6 percent – more...

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According to a CIB analyst, the Hungarian economy may grow by 4.5 percent this year

The outlook for the Hungarian economy is favorable. Compared to CIB Bank’s 4.1 percent March forecast, the Hungarian economy may grow by as much as 4.5 percent this year, and...

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Analysts: the inflation increase in April was expected

It came as no surprise to analysts that inflation skyrocketed in April this year. Based on the outlook, several analysts have raised their forecasts for this year’s annual inflation above...

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KSH: inflation was 5.1 percent in April

In April, consumer prices were on average 5.1 percent higher than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Tuesday. Over the past year, the prices of...

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KSH: retail sales fell by two percent in March

In March, according to raw data, retail sales decreased by 1.5 percent and calendar effects by 2.0 percent compared to the same period last year. Compared to the previous month,...

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Varga Mihály: the Weekly Economic Index indicates the resumption of the Hungarian economy

The resumption of the Hungarian economy is indicated by the Weekly Economic Index developed in the Ministry of Finance, wrote Minister of Finance Varga Mihály on his community page. He...

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KSH: earnings increased by 9.8 percent in February

In February, both gross and net average earnings excluding benefits increased by 9.8 percent year-on-year. Net earnings, taking into account discounts, increased by 9.5 percent, the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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The experts of Takarékbank expect permanently high food prices

Experts from Takarékbank expect persistently high food prices – was said at an online background discussion of the financial institution’s agricultural business on Tuesday. It was said that in addition...

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Takarékbank: a strong GDP growth of 6.6 percent may come this year

Gross domestic product (GDP) may grow strongly by 6.6 percent this year, and GDP may reach pre-pandemic levels in the third quarter – Suppan Gergely, senior analyst at Takarékbank, told...

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GKI’s consumer confidence index jumped to a one-year high in April

The GKI consumer confidence index jumped to a one-year high of minus 24.5 points in April, but is still significantly below the level of minus 12.1 points in March 2020...

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Analysts: inflation may continue to accelerate

In line with expectations, the rise in inflation in March and the rise in world oil prices and excise duties on tobacco products are expected to accelerate further – market...

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KSH: retail sales decreased by 5.9 percent in February

According to raw data, retail sales fell by 5.6 percent in February and by 5.9 percent, adjusted for calendar effects, compared to the same period of the previous year. The...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 3.7 percent in March

In March, consumer prices were on average 3.7 percent higher than a year before. Prices rose by an average of 0.7 percent in one month, the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Varga Mihály: we can reach a public investment peak in the EU

On Thursday, Minister of Finance Varga Mihály shared specific investment forecasts on his Facebook page, which show, among other things, that the public investment rate could rise to 6.5% of...

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Kopint-Tárki expects a GDP growth of 4.5 percent this year

Kopint-Tárki expects faster growth this year than previously forecast: the research institute expects a sharp 4.5 percent increase in gross domestic product (GDP) in its latest economic report released on...

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The IMF has improved its forecast for the growth of the Hungarian economy this year

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved its forecast for the growth of the Hungarian economy this year in its spring forecast for the world economy. According to a study...

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