Tag "magyar gazdaság"

The difference in net earnings between settlements was nearly thirteen times in 2019

According to NAV data, in 2019 the average monthly salary (employment income) was HUF 295 thousand gross, which meant HUF 200 thousand net per month. There was a significant difference...

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Minister of Agriculture: 7,537 billion HUF to strengthen the Hungarian countryside

7,537 billion HUF will come to strengthen and develop the Hungarian countryside through the EU and domestic resources of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) by 2027, said Nagy István at...

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Consumer-friendly personal loans to come

New personal loans can be taken out for a maximum term of 7 years, and banks need to decide quickly on disbursement, which also maximizes fees and loan interest. Although...

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MNB: Rising tobacco prices boosted core inflation last December

The contribution of demand-sensitive products and fuels to inflation rose in December last year, offset by a decline in the contribution of food to inflation, so that overall inflation remained...

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It turned out how much cash was in circulation in December 2020

The average stock of cash in circulation increased in the last month of the year, according to a statement presenting the preliminary balance sheet of the central bank – origo,...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 2.7 percent in December and by 3.3 percent on average in 2020

In December last year, consumer prices were on average 2.7 percent higher than a year before and 0.3 percent higher than the previous month; In 2020, prices increased by an...

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Fitch: the EU recovery fund will significantly accelerate the recovery of the Central European EU economies

The European Union’s recovery fund, especially next year, is expected to significantly accelerate the recovery of EU economies in Central and Eastern Europe from the shock of the coronavirus pandemic,...

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AM: one can join to the new risk management system from 1 February

Building on the legal bases adopted by the Parliament in 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) introduces a new risk management tool for farmers exposed to economic and market risks...

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It was an outstanding year for agriculture

Hungarian agriculture was able to adapt to the changed conditions, and the sector was able to produce outstanding results even in the crisis period – napi.hu wrote. According to preliminary...

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MLBKT: PMI in December indicates a growth

The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) in December last year was 51.1 points the same as in November, ie respondents reported more favorable developments for the...

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Kopint-Tárki expects a 6.6 percent GDP decline in the fourth quarter of this year

Due to the recurrence of the pandemic, Kopint-Tárki Zrt. Expects a 6.6 percent decline in gross domestic product (GDP) for the fourth quarter of this year in its latest business...

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GKI expects a more moderate 6 percent decline in GDP this year

Based on favorable third-quarter data, the decline in the fourth quarter will reduce the rate from the previous 9 percent to 7 percent and the annual GDP decline from 7...

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GKI’s consumer confidence index fell sharply in December

For the fifth month in a row, the GKI consumer confidence index has been declining since July, but the monthly decline was now the most significant in December: 5.5 points...

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KSH: annual inflation was 2.7 percent in November

In November, the annual growth rate of consumer prices slowed to 2.7 percent from 3.0 percent in October. In one month, compared to October, consumer prices fell by an average...

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Analysts: October retail sales fell short of expectations

Analysts interviewed by MTI were disappointed by the development of retail sales in October and are also seen as a bad sign for economic growth in the fourth quarter. According...

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KSH: Compared to October last year, the turnover of retail stores decreased by 1.9 percent

In October, according to the raw data, the turnover of retail stores at constant prices decreased by 2.4 percent and by 1.9 percent, adjusted for the calendar effect, compared to...

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Analysts expect an economic downturn of around 6 percent for the full year

The performance of the national economy fell by 5.5 percent in the first three quarters, but for the year as a whole, analysts interviewed by MTI expect a decline of...

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KSH: last year, the amount of R&D expenditures exceeded HUF 700 billion

In Hungary, the amount of research and development (R&D) expenditures at current prices reached 702 billion HUF in 2019, which is more than twice as much as in 2010 –...

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KSH: Economy fell 4.6 percent on an annual basis in the third quarter

The volume of gross domestic product decreased by 4.6 percent in the third quarter, compared to the same period of last year. According to seasonally and calendar-adjusted data, the performance...

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MLBKT: PMI rose 51.9 points in November

The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) rose to 51.9 points in November from 50.2 points of the previous month, ie respondents reported more favorable developments in...

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KSH: 38,000 less people worked than a year ago in August-October

In the three-month period of August-October, the average number of employees was 4,482,000, 38,000 or 0.8 percent less than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) annonced on...

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KSH: investments decreased by 12 percent year-on-year in the third quarter

The volume of investments was 12 percent lower in the third quarter than a year earlier than in the previous quarter -the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Thursday. Investment...

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MNB: progress in two thirds of the proposals of the Competitiveness Program

Progress was made in two-thirds of the 330 proposals set out in the central bank’s Competitiveness Program. The program was 34 percent full by November, compared to the 22 percent...

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MKIK GVI: business cycle indicator at the pre-epidemic level

The economic indicator of the MKIK GVI Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship Research (MKIK GVI) rose from 28 points to 38 points in April, the lowest value since the beginning...

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MNB: 3.5 percent increase in households’ monetary assets

Households’ net financial savings increased by 432 billion HUF, or 3.5 percent of GDP, in the third quarter. Financial assets increased by 719 billion HUF and liabilities by 287 billion...

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Analysts are more likely to consider the risks in the fourth quarter after better-than-expected GDP data

After a better-than-expected third-quarter GDP figure, analysts are more likely to ponder the risks of the fourth quarter in their comments sent to MTI. According to the first estimate issued...

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Economic performance declined by 4.7 percent year-over-year in the third quarter

According to raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 4.6 percent and seasonally and calendar-adjusted and balanced by 4.7 percent in the third quarter compared to the same...

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KSH: Prices rose by 3 percent on an annual basis

In October, the annual growth rate of consumer prices slowed to 3.0 percent from the 3.4 percent in the previous month. The moderate annual rise in the prices of food...

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Intrum: solvency improved in the third quarter and then began to deteriorate again

The financial situation of households continued to stabilize at the beginning of the third quarter, but by the end of the period Intrum’s solvency ratio had fallen slightly again, the...

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