Tag "MA-HAL"

Fish production in Hungary: the industry is struggling with a growing labor shortage

Despite low feed prices and good water levels, the Hungarian fish production sector still faces many challenges. The main problems include low support, lack of development, declining consumption and chronic...

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Guest workers may also be needed in fish production due to the lack of domestic labor

Despite the challenges that have been observed in the fishing industry for years, 2024 holds promising opportunities. Favorable feed prices and ideal water levels paint a hopeful outlook for the...

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A Hungarian innovation helps prevent mass fish kills

The Agricultural and Food Business of MBH Bank and its professional partner, the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Inter-professional Organization (MA- FISH). One of the main advantages of the entirely domestically...

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Viharos vizeken a magyar halászat

A magyar haltermelőknek több nehézséggel is meg kellett küzdeniük az elmúlt évben. 2022 száraz és aszályos nyara elsősorban a dunántúli völgyzáró gátas tavakban okozott vízhiányt, de a sekély vizekben a „megszokottnál”...

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It is also worth choosing domestic freshwater fish for Christmas!

Hungarian fish is of high quality and healthy. This is what the Ministry of Agriculture, the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Interprofessional Organization (MA-HAL) and the Agricultural Marketing Center call attention...

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The government is committed to promoting fish consumption

The government is committed to popularizing fish consumption and supporting the fishing industry, which is why the Hungarian Fish Management Operative Program (MAHOP) Plus will spend HUF 700 million on...

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Freshwater fish for Christmas!

Hungarian fish is of high quality and healthy – this is what the Ministry of Agriculture, the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Association (MA-HAL) and the Agricultural Marketing Center draw attention...

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High-quality Hungarian fish can be on the Christmas table this year as well

 As in previous years, Hungarian fish producers are preparing for the Christmas season with high-quality Hungarian fish. The star of the festive offer this year will be the carp, which is...

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MA-HAL and MBH Bank are working together to strengthen the fishing sector

The Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Association and MBH Bank entered into a strategic cooperation. The main goal of the agreement is more efficient bank financing of Hungarian fish farming and increasing...

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The Chamber of Agriculture draws attention to the consumption of domestic fish

The fishing industry is already preparing for the Christmas season, and this year you will also be able to get fresh fish of excellent quality and a large selection –...

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It is worth choosing domestic fish for Christmas

The fishing industry is already in full swing preparing for the Christmas season, nearly 40% of domestic fish production reaches the table at this time. This year too, you will...

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There will be enough fish for the necessary plantings and to meet Christmas needs

The extreme drought and the drastic rise in feed and energy prices presented the fish production sector with new challenges this year, despite this, according to professional organizations, there will...

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It is worth choosing domestic freshwater fish for Christmas

Hungarian fish are of high quality and healthy. This is highlighted in a joint press statement by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Hungarian Interprofessional Organization for Aquaculture and Fisheries (MA-HAL)...

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There will be enough fish for Christmas in the fish counters

At the end of the harvesting period, this year’s fish harvest is already visible, compared to previous years, but at the same time fish producers can meet the hungarian Christmas...

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Agrármarketing Centrum: there will be enough fish for Christmas

Fish farmers will be able to meet the needs of domestic Christmas fish consumption, despite the fact that this year’s fish harvest will be lower than in previous years, the...

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MA-HAL: there will be enough Hungarian fish at Christmas

Despite the difficulties of the sector, there will be enough Hungarian fish at Christmas, and in the autumn the carp orders of all fishing associations will be fulfilled, the president...

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The fish may be in short supply

Due to the figh Christmas season and the early start of exports, the stock of domestic fishponds will run out by the end of May, and a deficit may develop...

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Fish producers: fish selection expanded prices remained unchanged

The selection of Christmas fish is larger this year than last year. According to the Hungarian Inter-Trade Organization for Aquaculture and Fisheries (MA-HAL), high-quality fish can be obtained at a...

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Fisheries are also affected by the epidemic

Győrffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) held a podcast discussion with Németh István, President of the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Interprofessional Organization (MA-HAL) on the Hungarian...

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MA-HAL: 30 to 35 percent of annual fish consumption occurs at the end of the year

30-35 percent of annual fish consumption falls to the end of the year, a spokesman for the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Trade Organization (MA-HAL) told M1 news channel. Lévai Ferenc...

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Fisheries organization: plentiful supply of fish, price changes are not expected

The festive fish supply is plentiful as the weather is favorable for farming and consumer prices are unchanged, compared to last year – the spokesman of the Hungarian Aquaculture and...

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MA-Fish expects good fish production

Domestic fish producers can close a successful year, with a 3-5 percent increase, compared to last year due to favorable hydrological conditions and summer temperatures. The increase is not due...

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The third of the annual sales of fish occurs before Christmas

30-32 percent of the annual sales of fish falls during the Christmas period, and we can found a wide range of good quality fish in trade – the President of...

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A festive season starts with a wide fish selection

This year’s fish production is of the highest quality, the selection is even more abundant than last year, and there is no problem with quantity as well – Lévai Ferenc,...

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