Tag "kutatás"

This is how holiday bulk shopping works in Hungary

A recent survey involving 22,000 participants shows that many people no longer have a simple restaurant dinner in their budget, and they are also looking for discount opportunities to buy...

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Another project with AKI participation – ET4D

New digital technologies are expensive, while they are often limited to a narrow area of use, so their spread in animal husbandry is slow. The ET4D project focuses on the...

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Hungarians’ financial pessimism is stagnant

Hungarians continue to react the most sensitively to the deterioration of the economic situation among the countries in the region, according to the Publicis Groupe survey*. The research, which covers...

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Hungarian companies are increasingly forward-looking, but their motivation is different from that of companies with a foreign background

Four fifths of Hungarian industrial companies use the help of a sustainability specialist in order to achieve their green goals. And the activities that strengthen sustainability are mostly focused on...

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This is how Hungarians celebrate Halloween

Here is the period of pumpkin lanterns, witty decorations, terrifying but mouth-watering sweets, on the occasion of which Euronics assessed the Halloween-related habits of Hungarians among its own customers in...

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Erste research: it became clear what and how much we put aside

Although Hungarians have become more pessimistic about their financial situation, they are much more forward-looking. Hungarians who could save saved an average of HUF 40,616 per month this year, 14...

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Fresh laundry overview: we don’t trust cold washing

Hungarians do not trust washing in cold water, almost half of housewives (45.3%) still wash their clothes at 40 degrees, according to P&G’s October public survey. However, the reduced water...

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Companies are vulnerable to cyber attacks – international survey

On average, companies had to deal with more than 40 attempted cyberattacks last year, and one successful break-in can cause up to $4 million in damage, according to an international...

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Hard times, strong business leaders: despite the challenges, optimism for the future persists!

Although they see no more reason to be optimistic, it seems that the progressive domestic business leaders do not allow themselves to be dissuaded from their positive vision of the...

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Surprising prediction: by 2050, there will be one hundred million vegetarians in Europe

More and more companies are recognizing the change in consumer needs worldwide. Regarding dietary habits, drastic changes have occurred in recent years, which have not only reshaped the market, but...

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“Anonymous fear” is the greatest enemy of Hungarian and Central European youth

The National Youth Council presented the second, English-language publication of its professional book series entitled “Our unknown friends – the young people”, launched in 2022, during the European Year of...

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88.6% Of Irish Households Buy Eggs Once A Month, Research Shows

88.6% of households buy eggs at least once a month, research shows. To celebrate World Egg Day 2023, which falls today (Friday 13 October) research conducted by Coyne Research on...

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Kisebb valószínűséggel választják a fogyasztók a „vegánnak” címkézett ételeket

A Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) nemrégiben végzett vizsgálata szerint a húst fogyasztók sokkal kisebb valószínűséggel választják a növényi alapú ételeket, ha azokat „vegánként” jelölik. A cikk a Trade magazin...

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Resilience, refinancing and recession risk – this is expected in the fourth quarter

Markets have so far proved resilient to the prospect of a recession, but whether this will continue to be the case is far from certain. The last quarter of the...

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MI will transform nearly five times as many jobs as it will eliminate

The Hungarian labor market is currently under the combined fire of various trends. Generation Z young people have completely different needs than their predecessors, and due to inflation, many are...

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Consumption in a crisis period

In recent years, we have been hit by crises one after another, the effects of which can also be felt in everyday life: something is not available in the store,...

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Every second Hungarian would subscribe to toilet paper or a razor

Three-quarters of Hungarians have an online subscription to some product or service, or perhaps a combination of these, and the majority consider them particularly useful, the data of Shoptet’s recent...

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Amikor túl nehéz a szatyor… – Elvárások és tapasztalatok az online élelmiszer-vásárlás során

A pandémia alatt hatalmasat nőtt az élelmiszert online (vagy online is) vásárlók aránya, azonban a növekedés mára lelassult. Vajon miért választják inkább a hagyományos élelmiszerüzleteket még azok is, akik egyéb termékeket szívesen rendelnek...

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More than two-thirds of shoppers will pay a premium for fresh food: Deloitte

More than two-thirds (68%) of shoppers who participated in a recent survey “Fresh Food at the Intersection of Trust and Transparency,” conducted by Deloitte indicated they are willing to pay...

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Delivering value to shoppers will remain paramount for grocers, McKinsey study finds

More than 70% of consumers recently surveyed by the consulting firm said discounts are more important to them now than a year ago. Grocers will face continuing pressure to deliver value...

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Nyári kedvenc a jegeskávé

A kávékedvelők több mint fele rendszeresen vagy alkalmanként fogyaszt jegeskávét a nyári hónapokban – derült ki a Costa Coffee és a gkid 2023 nyarán készült reprezentatív kutatásából. A fogyasztók körében a...

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Allianz Global Wealth Report 2023: The fun is over

Today, Allianz publishes its Global Wealth Report for the fourteenth time, which examines the wealth and debt situation of households in almost sixty countries around the world. 2022 was a...

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Kantar: a saját márkák a globális élelmiszerköltés 22%-át adják

A Kantar új kutatása szerint a saját márkás termékek jelenleg a globális élelmiszer-költések közel 22%-át teszik ki. Ugyanez 2021-ben 21,1% volt. A Kantar szerint a saját márkás termékek erőteljes növekedési...

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BCG: Brands should pay more attention to the 50-70 age group

According to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) research “Don’t Overlook Your Mature Consumers”, members of the 50-70 age group, contrary to popular belief, have a much greater influence on the...

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EY: There is also a lack of female leadership and digital knowledge on boards

While digitization and sustainable operations are the keys to the long-term success of companies, only a fraction of the board members responsible for decision-making have experience in this direction, according...

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Older adults are drinking more in the US, research finds

The percentages of 18- to 34-year-olds who report that they either drink at all, drank in the past week, or sometimes drink more than they should are all lower than...

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The demand for spicy food is growing dramatically in our country

For Hungarians, cuisine without a spicy flavor is unimaginable, and its popularity is also growing. Almost exactly three quarters of the population eat spicy food at least once a week....

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A fiataloknak fontos a gyorsaság

A fiatalabb vásárlók számára különösen fontos a kiszállítás gyorsasága Magyarországon: a Z-generáció közel fele hagyta már félbe az online rendelés folyamatát a termékek kiválasztását követően, mert a felkínált kézbesítési időt...

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National research: this is what Hungarians eat when they go on a trip

94% of Hungarians tend to eat food while traveling, the most important aspects of which are practicality, price and quality when choosing them – a recent national survey by OMV...

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Fenntarthatóság: elmélet és gyakorlat

A környezet védelme, a fenntarthatóság elérése mindannyiunk közös ügye, és a kutatási eredmények azt mutatják, hogy szerencsére ezzel a magyar lakosság is egyetért. Amellett, hogy a vállalatoktól is elvárja, hogy...

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