Tag "kukorica"

Experiments on wheat, maize and rapeseed have started this year as well

The National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ), the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Interbranch Organization and Product Council (VSZT) of the Seed Association have launched the survey of...

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90 percent of corn was sown in Zala County

The sowing of sunflowers in Zala County has been completed, and more than 90 percent of the corn sown area has been sown, the county president of the National Chamber...

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AM: This year’s corn yield is a historical record

Maize yields in 2020 are a historic record, an increase of more than 14 percent from the average of the past five years – Feldman Zsolt, secretary of state for...

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80 percent of the corn was harvested in Zala County

Almost 80 percent of the corn produced on 29,000 hectares was harvested in Zala County, with an average yield of 8.6 tons per hectare – the county president of the...

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There was a record harvest of corn this year in Békés county

Corn has become one of the largest crops of the last ten years in Békés County this year – the secretary of the Békés County Farmers’ Association told MTI on...

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Corn is harvested in Tolna with a high average yield

Due to the rains in July and August, 8.9 tons of corn per hectare were harvested in Tolna County with a high average yield, approaching half of the harvest, the...

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Harvest prospects are good, corn prices are falling

On the Chicago Board of Trade, wheat rose 1.2 percent yesterday after several days of decline – origo wrote. The corn market also moved 1.2 percent, but in the opposite...

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The Chinese also confirmed that the US-China trade sub-agreement will be signed next week

Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu Ho will travel to Washington on 13 January for a three-day visit to Washington, where he will sign a partial deal to resolve the US-China...

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Agricultural economist: Hungarian agriculture is on a long-term development path

Hungarian agriculture is on a long-term growth path. Last year, output increased by more than 3 percent. compared to the previous year – Fórián Zoltán, agricultural economist told M1 news...

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AM: this year’s corn crop is almost eight million tons

Corn yielded totaled at 7.8 to 7.9 million tonnes per hectare from 982,000 hectares this year – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Thursday. This year’s corn yield was...

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International food prices are slowly decreasing

On 1 August the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations reported that in July the price index of the most important produce sold in international trade had...

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FAO: Food prices rise amid weak production outlook for maize

Global food prices rose for the fifth consecutive month in May, pushed up by rising prices of cheese and maize due to adverse weather conditions. The FAO Food Price Index,...

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Producers in Tolna County have sown maize at a larger area

Producers in Tolna County have sown maize at a larger area, compared to last year. The rainfall in May was good for the spring-sown crops and the development of autumn...

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Corns are tested at ten places

The post-registration trial of maize of the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Product Board, the National Association of Cereal Producers and the National Agrarian Chamber of Agriculture has been launched...

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Cheaper eggs

According to the latest market report of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI), Hungary’s live cattle export grew by 6 percent in the first month of 2019 (in comparison with...

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Except for beet, harvesting of autumn arable crops has been completed

With the exception of sugar beet, the harvest of arable field crops has been completed. The country has safe supply of maize, sunflower and soybean yields and significant quantities can...

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Bonduelle processes 175 thousand tonnes of sweet corn produced in Hungary per year

The Bonduelle Central Europe Kft. processes 175 thousand tonnes of sweet corn grown in Hungary and sells 95 percent of its products on European markets – the company told MTI....

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Corn yields above nine tonnes in Tolna county

Corn yields exceeded nine tonnes per hectare this year in Tolna County, where the planting area of the plant has decreased by more than 10,000 hectares last year – the...

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Magazine: Carrot’s price surged

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) revealed that on the 35th week at the Budapest Wholesale Market the price of carrot...

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Maize and paprika days in Ópusztaszer

The traditional approaches to the area-like processing of maize and spice pepper can be visited by those who visit the Ópusztaszer National Historical Memorial Park on Saturday – Kodácz Csengele,...

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Több kukorica és napraforgó termett az idén Zala megyében

Kukoricából és napraforgóból is több termett az idén Zala megyében, mint az elmúlt évben. A kukorica hektáronkénti átlaghozama 8,7 tonna lett, napraforgóból pedig átlagosan 2,9 tonna termést takarítottak be hektáronként...

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More expensive cereal crops

In July 2018 agricultural production prices grew by 1.2 percent from the level of July 2017 – reported the Central Statistical Offi ce (KSH). This increase was the result of...

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The harvest of maize stopped due to bad weather

The harvest of maize stopped temporarily due to the rainfall and storm in several regions, however, the amount harvested so far has a good quality and the yield is encouraging...

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AM: more corn may grow in 2018 than in 2017

Thanks to the favorable weather, slightly more corns can be produced this year than last year and a similar amount of sunflowers may be harvested as last year – Feldman...

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Corn imports can brake records in Europe

USDA analysts expect significant European maize imports this year, of which the US can only profit indirectly – agrarszektor.hu wrote. There is still a small amount of corn, wheat and...

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Where did the corn disappier?

According to the latest official forecast, the cornfield sowing area in Hungary decreased by 130 thousand hectares, compared to last autumn and spring – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The only reason for...

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Wheat and corn prices grew by 10 percent

The prices of wheat and corn both increased by 10 percent, compared to a year before and although global crops are declining this year, further significant world market price increase...

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Global wheat crops may decline

The unexpected April heat stress can affect yields negatively in Scandinavian countries in the northern areas of Germany, in Poland and in the Baltic States. According to the experts of...

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Hungarian agriculture provides five and a half percent of the EU industrial plants

Hungary’s contribution to the EU’s agricultural productivity is far above the sector average in case of grain and industrial crops as well as in case of poultry production – Világgazdaság...

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Grain is the main commodity of Hungarian agroexport

Wheat and corn are Hungary’s two main commodities within the agricultural export. In the first three months of 2018, 1.2 million tonnes of the two crops were exported. After last...

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