Tag "KSH"

KSH: the turnover of accommodations increased by 24 percent in April

The guest traffic of the commercial in commercial accommodations increased by 24 percent in April, compared to the same period of last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported...

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KSH: inflation declined to 2.1 percent in May

Consumer prices were an average 2.1 percent higher in May than in the previous year, inflation slowed down by 0.1 percentage point from the 2.2 percent of April. Compared to...

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Export value declined in April

In April, exports in euro were 1.6 percent lower, while imports were 0.4 percent lower than in the same period of last year, after the 19.0 and 21.3 percent increase...

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NGM: retail sales are increasing for forty-six months

Hungarian retail sales have been rising steadily for forty-six months – Marczinkó Zoltán, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1 channel on Tuesday in...

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KSH: growth rate of retail sales consolidated in April

In April, the volume of retail sales grew by 3.5 percent according to the raw data, while calendar effect adjusted, mainly due to the Easter effect increased by 2.0 percent...

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VAT and its effects

When the new VAT rates were introduced in January, many thought that the 5-percent VAT on poultry, fresh milk and eggs would result in a market restructuring, e.g. consumer demand will increase for these products,...

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Foreign trade balance: food exports reached outstanding results

In March, exports in euros were 19.0 percent higher, while imports were 21.3 percent higher than in the previous year, according to the second estimate of the Central Statistical Office...

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Analysts: investments have increased in record numbers

All expectations are far surpassed by the first-quarter growth in investments this year, which is a record – Macroeconomic analysts told MTI. According to the latest data of the Central...

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KSH: increasing investments in the first quarter

In the first quarter of this year, the volume of investments exceeded the low base of the same period of the previous year by 34.1 percent, when a 14.9 percent...

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The number of employees increased further

In the February-April period, the average number of employees was 4 million 378 thousand, 84 thousand, or 2.0 percent more than a year earlier. The employment rate for people aged...

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KSH: Growth in earnings continued to accelerate in March

Average earnings in March were 12.8 percent higher than a year before. Calculating without public employees the growth is 12.2 percent – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) told on Friday....

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KSH: GDP grew by 4.1 percent in the first quarter

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 4.1 percent in the first quarter, compared to the same period of last year – according to the first estimate of the Central...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased

The decline in agricultural producer prices stopped in March. Prices increased by 1.4 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, due to a 3.6 percent decline in...

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Inflation declined to 2.2 percent in April

Consumer prices were on average 2.2 percent higher in April than a year before, inflation slowed down by 0.5 percentage points from the annual 2.7 percent of March. Compared to...

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Foreign trade surplus may remain significant in the future

The foreign trade surplus may remain significant in the future, according to MTI’s macroeconomic analysts, who are expecting a further growth in exports in the coming months. According to preliminary...

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KSH: tourism grew by 4 percent in March

In March, the number of foreign guests increased by 9.0 percent, and the number of foreign guest nights increased by 8.0 percent to 946 thousand. The number of domestic guests...

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KSH: the foreign trade surplus in the first quarter is close to 2.5 billion euros

In the first quarter, exports in euros increased by 12.6 percent, and imports in euros by 14.6 percent compared to the previous year. The foreign trade surplus decreased by 72...

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KSH: retail sales grew in March

According to the raw data, the turnover of retail stores increased by 3.6 percent In March, compared to the same period of last year. Calendar effect adjusted the turnover of...

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KSH: Retail sales increased by 0.8 percent

The volume of retail sales increased by 0.8 percent in February according to the raw data, compared to the same period of last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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KSH: earnings rose further

In February, gross and net average earnings were 10.7 percent higher than a year before, following a 10 percent rise in January, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Thursday....

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Raw milk’s price rising again

In January 2017 agricultural production prices were down 2.6 percent in comparison with January 2016. This drop was the result of the price of vegetable products decreasing by 8.9 percent...

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A sharp increase in demand for many products at Easter last year

Demand significantly increased towards ham, eggs, chocolate and alcoholic beverages at Easter last year – according to the Central Statistical Office’s summary. The larger stores this year expect a significant...

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The decline in agricultural producer prices slowed in February

The decline – that lasted for seven month – in agricultural producer prices slowed in February. The average price level was 2.0 percent lower than a year before, after the...

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KSH: the turnover of hotels increased by 6.5 percent in February

In February, the number of nights spent by foreign tourists increased by 7.8 percent, while the number of domestic guest nights increased by 5.2 percent, compared to the previous year....

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KSH: February’s imports grew faster than exports

In February the value of export in euros increased by 5.4, while the value of import in euros increased by 7.1 percent, compared to the previous year. The trade surplus...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 1 percent in February

The volume of turnover in retail stores, according to the raw data increased by 1.0 percent, while calendar effect adjusted increased by 1.2 percent in February, compared to the same...

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KSH: the growth of foreign trade turnover accelerated in January

In January this year, the value of exports in euros increased by 14.0 percent, while value of import increased by 15.2 percent after December’s 7.6 and 9.3 percent. The trade...

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Raw milk’s price rising again

In January 2017 agricultural production prices were down 2.6 percent in comparison with January 2016. This drop was the result of the price of vegetable products decreasing by 8.9 percent...

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Prices augmented by 2.9 percent in February

According to data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in February 2017 consumer prices were 2.9 percent higher on average than a year before. In comparison with February 2016, food...

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KSH: the number of employees increased by 130 thousand

In the three months between December 2016 and February 2017, the average number of employees was 4 million 372 thousand, 130 thousand more than the year before. The employment rate...

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