Tag "környezetvédelem"

Hy-Vee protects the environment with new projects

Hy-Ve has completed the first phase of its solar project in Chariton, Iowa: the Hy-Vee Chariton Solar Field is the first step in a partnership between the retailer and Alliant...

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The Hungarian presidency wants competitive and sustainable agriculture

The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union wants an agriculture that is competitive, crisis-proof and sustainable, farmer-friendly and knowledge-based, the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture stated on Monday...

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Sainsbury’s to vacuum pack all lamb mince in UK supermarket first

Sainsbury’s is to swap its traditional plastic tray packaging for a new vacuum-packed alternative across its entire fresh lamb mince range in a bid to save 26 tonnes of plastic...

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Lucart received a maximum score for environmental protection from EcoVadis

For the third year in a row, the Italian paper company Lucart, which has a plant in Nyergesújfalu in Hungary, won the platinum rating from the independent agency EcoVadis. Platinum...

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Soft paper, hard market

The market for facial tissues and napkins underwent significant changes in the past few years, shaped by consumer habits, sustainability requirements and the economic environment alike. This article is available...

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Does returnable drink packaging strengthen the drive for sustainability?

Gradual climate change is causing social, cultural and economic changes in our daily lives that are constantly shaping our consumption. One of these new domestic regulations that consumers are already experiencing...

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Environmental protection in a playful way – thousands of participants in the Nádudvar family day

A huge crowd and lots of children enjoyed the summer closing event of Nádudvari Élélmiszer Kft.’s campaign “What we can do more” at the Kopaszi Dam, Öbölház. The event attracted...

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There are more and more EU fundings available

European funding programmes that are directly managed by the European Commission are becoming increasingly important, particularly in the fields of innovation, sustainability and digital transformation. The current EU budgetary cycle...

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A green roof system that can be installed in a modular manner has been developed and patented by a Hungarian startup

A new, modular green roof system called GIBox was developed and patented by a Hungarian startup, Frustum Kft.; the system can be easily installed on any flat roof and, thanks...

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Environmental Concerns Prompting Consumers To Switch Diets

A sizeable number of consumers that are changing what they eat say they are doing so for environmental reasons, a study by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has found. The...

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EM: from Monday, a two-level procedure can help in environmental protection authority cases

The goal of the government is to protect Hungary’s natural values ​​and resources, as well as greening the economy and strengthening its circular operation; in order to further strengthen the...

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PENNY was focusing on people and the environment in 2023

In 2023 PENNY Magyarország has taken a number of important steps to further strengthen its market position, people-oriented business practices and sustainable growth. PENNY has invested nearly HUF 4bn in...

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The EP approved the review of the EU’s common agricultural policy

The revision of the common agricultural policy (CAP) was approved at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the aim of which is to reduce the administrative burden...

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This year, Generali’s EnterPRIZE program already supports sustainable businesses with HUF 7 million

The joint 2023 survey of the Generali Group and the Italian SDA Bocconi (in which more than 1,000 European businesses were asked about their efforts in the field of sustainability)...

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The favorite vacation spot of Hungarians is in serious danger

Activists and environmentalists living in the Canary Islands are concerned about the negative effects of tourism, which have a negative impact on both the local population and the environment of...

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Farmers can give their comments to the European Commission until April 8

 The Ministry of Agriculture is fighting with all possible means in Brussels to simplify the EU rules of the Common Agricultural Policy. Now it’s the farmers’ turn to directly indicate to...

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The EP adopted a decree on the reduction of pollution from industry and large livestock farms

Wednesday’s plenary session of the European Parliament adopted the agreement already concluded with the member states on the review of the directive on industrial emissions, and the new regulation on...

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Agricultural organizations won EU support for attitude formation

The Hungarian Association of Young Farmers (AGRYA) and the Slovak Farmers’ Civil Association received EU support of 60,000 euros (more than HUF 20 million) to shape the attitudes of farmers,...

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This can cause a serious problem with the mandatory redemption system

The new redemption system came into effect in Hungary in January, which is expected to make drinks available in stores more expensive. The aim of the system is to reduce...

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PET Kupa and Diageo exceeded all expectations with their joint waste disposal campaign

The two-year waste elimination action program launched by Diageo and PET Kupa in the spring of 2022, which focused on the Subcarpathian region of Tisza in Ukraine, is proving to...

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Syngenta is opening a new era with its innovations in field cultivation

Syngenta is starting this year with an effective crop protection product range and a wide, excellent seed genetics. Thanks to the company’s new programs, producers can not only get these products...

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Vegetables without packaging play a leading role

In the spirit of the fight against food waste and plastic waste, changes are expected on the shelves of grocery stores in the United Kingdom. According to the plans of...

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Greencent: With application for less carbon dioxide emissions

We can now witness the lucky meeting of a revolutionary, environmentally friendly startup and an eco-conscious electric bicycle fleet provider. Greencent, similar to sports apps, measures how much carbon dioxide...

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UNEP: Meat and dairy alternatives can “significantly reduce” the environmental impact of the global food system

According to the latest report of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the rise of meat and milk alternatives can “significantly reduce” the environmental impact of the global food system....

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The Christmas tree season started with a minimal price increase

This year, customers can get pine for barely more than last year’s price: spruce fir 5, silver pine 6, while Nordmann pine is offered at a price of around HUF...

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Bubbles break free

We asked András Csomay, marketing manager of Törley Sparkling Wine Cellar about trends, results and new products in the Hungarian sparkling wine market. This article is available for reading in...

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Két lábbal az Ígéret földjén

Turcsán Tünde, a GfK FMCG-üzletág-igazgatója a Business Days harmadik napján elhangzott előadásában a kiskereskedelem aktuális helyzetét vázolva beszélt arról, mi módon tud a magát immár „ezer tüskével” védő vásárló családi...

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In order to protect egg producers, it is necessary to take action against faulty EU decisions

The domestic egg sector has developed significantly in the past decade, however, the achieved results are threatened by the thoughtless actions of the European Commission. While the EU allows Ukrainian...

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It is our shared responsibility to protect our land and water resources

Sustainable management of land and water resources is essential for achieving global food security, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy declared at the meeting of the European Committee on Agriculture of...

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Hungarian agricultural professional organizations are asking the EU to limit grain imports from Ukraine again

At the farmers’ demonstration in Záhony organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (Magosz) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), it was announced that Magosz...

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