Tag "klímaváltozás"

Hungary is building GMO-free agriculture

Hungary is building GMO-free agriculture and insists that unknown technology does not endanger Hungarian society without trial, said the Minister of Agriculture at the hearing before the Sustainable Development Committee...

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Green Club találkozó a DDC-nél

A Duna-Dráva Cement Kft. (DDC) vendége volt a Magyar Marketing Szövetség (MMSZ) Zöld Tagozata a legutóbbi Green Club találkozón. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. A résztvevők megismerhették a...

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Eurobarometer-felmérés a klímaváltozással kapcsolatban

Az uniós állampolgárok több mint háromnegyede szerint jelenleg nagyon komoly probléma az éghajlatváltozás. Közel 56%-uk szerint az Európai Unió, a nemzeti kormányok, valamint a vállalkozások és az ipar felelőssége lenne,...

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MATE supports the development of agriculture in the Republic of Chad

The Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) supports the development of agriculture in the Republic of Chad as part of the cooperation agreement concluded by Hungary and Chad. The...

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We need lasting peace in agriculture

In recent years, agriculture has received intense attacks in Brussels, which offered a ceasefire to Hungarian and European agriculture three quarters of a year before the European Parliament elections. In...

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Planet expo – Pál Réthy: treated wastewater can be a key element in water management

We must turn to new water resources in the future, and purified wastewater can be one of the key elements in future agricultural and water management – Pál Réthy, Deputy...

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Climate change has also upended the global olive oil market

The global price of olive oil has sharply increased due to the impact of climate change on olive production in Mediterranean countries. Unusually dry and hot weather in these regions...

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The demand for premium Hungarian ground paprika is also high abroad

Hungarian premium-quality ground paprika is a sought-after product abroad. Although climate change and rising production costs are a challenge, the sector can be strengthened through more effective technological solutions, greater organization,...

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A fenntarthatóság építőkockái a Rossmannál

A Rossmann kulcskérdésként tekint a fenntarthatóságra, azon belül is egyre nagyobb szerepet kap a környezettudatosság. Céljuk nemcsak a fenntarthatóság elveinek megfelelő innovatív termékkínálat kialakítása: hangsúlyt helyeznek a ma és a...

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Nem üres frázis, hogy egységben az erő

Mennyire fontos ma az emberek számára a fenntarthatóság személyi és vállalati szinten? Hogyan működnek a jelenlegi rendszerek, és milyen további előrelépések várhatók ezen a színtéren? Egyebek mellett ezekről a témákról...

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Nature conservation must become creation conservation

The protection of our natural capital, the habitats and species of the Carpathian Basin, is a key issue, and the 3rd National Biodiversity Strategy also serves this purpose, said Minister...

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Can meat, milk and eggs disappear from the shops?

The global climate change caused by human irresponsibility can have serious consequences for the Hungarian economy, particularly in the food and tourism sectors. Although the food price freeze has ended,...

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Precision breeding can help mitigate the harmful effects of climate change

One of the possibilities to mitigate the challenges facing agriculture is precision breeding, which is an innovative process in which researchers only use useful properties that occur in nature, thereby...

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Sewage sludge can improve the condition of the soil

Due to poor agricultural practices and climate change, soil is deteriorating at an accelerating rate worldwide, which natural processes cannot offset. Instead of artificial fertilizers, however, the use of sewage...

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Feel free to eat local fruits

The responsible and conscious decision in all areas is to consume seasonal, i.e., domestic fruit harvested at the time of natural ripening, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy. The head...

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Action against climate change requires joint action

This week, the “EU AgriResearch Conference”, which is considered the largest gathering of agricultural research and innovation, was held in Brussels, focusing on the environmental dimension of research and development....

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Anyone can have their own virtual forest with the WWF mobile application

With the ÉnErdőm mobile application developed by WWF Hungary, anyone can create their own virtual forest and try forestry solutions that help the forest’s resilience, as well as learn about...

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The Minister of Agriculture discussed the export of foodstuffs to the United States

On Tuesday, the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture also discussed the export of Hungarian waterfowl to the United States and the possibilities of transporting mangalica ham to the United States. On...

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István Nagy: Hungary is committed to the fight against climate change

In his speech, the minister explained that last year made even the most skeptical Hungarian farmers aware of the seriousness of the damage caused by the drought, as the drought...

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The EP adopted a proposal for a regulation to curb deforestation

The European Parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg adopted a proposal for a regulation on Wednesday, according to which it will be possible to distribute in the European Union only products...

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Beneficial spiders are declining significantly in agricultural areas

The researchers of the ELKH Agricultural Research Center (ATK) and Ecological Research Center (ÖK) draw attention to the significant decline of beneficial spiders in agricultural areas based on their latest...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports organic farming

The Ministry of Agriculture treats the preservation of biological diversity and, in this connection, the support of organic farming as a matter of utmost importance. Our future depends on whether...

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DélKerTÉSZ in Szentes achieved record traffic

DélKerTÉSZ in Szentes achieved a record turnover last year, its net sales from the sale of vegetables and fruits approached HUF 18 billion, which is a 37 percent increase on...

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WFP’s global finance centre moves to Budapest

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy has announced that the finance centre of the World Food Programme (WFP) will move to Budapest, adding that this step will contribute to maintaining safe...

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Carlsberg Group Plans To Expand Regenerative Barley Usage Across Brands

Carlsberg Group has announced that it is making progress on its goals to transition towards regenerative farming across its global supply chain. The Danish multinational brewer said it is ‘taking...

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Our common heritage is the Carpathian Basin Wine Culture

We do not leave all the wealth that lies in the soil of the Carpathian Basin, vineyards, fruit bushes and human expertise, diligence, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture II....

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Inspiration, science and innovation – this is how the future of the organic farming industry is shaping up

On February 28, 2023, the Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi) organized the Ecological Farming – Sectoral Conference for the fourth time, which this time was hosted in Kecskemét, at the...

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The development aimed at creating a balance between drainage and water retention in the Great Plain has been completed

More than 6 billion forints have been financed in the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program (Kehop) for the technical interventions aimed at creating a balance between inland drainage and...

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Hungarian students would learn about climate change as a separate subject

The majority of Hungarian high school students interviewed on the joint Innovation Day of EY GDS Hungary and Junior Achievement Hungary believe that those currently sitting at school may face...

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MNB vice-president: the first step on the road to the green transition is to reduce inflation

The first step on the road to sustainable growth and the green transition is to break down and quickly reduce inflation, because a high inflation environment “regardless of its color”...

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