Tag "kkv"

K&H: SMEs start the new year with cautious optimism

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises start the year with positive expectations: the K&H SME confidence index is still at 11 points after a slight decline. Nevertheless, there is a slight...

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Europe’s Day in Commerce: For each other and for the shoppers!

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) organised a programme to celebrate Europe’s Day in Commerce for the 17th time. From the Ministry for Innovation and Technology Péter Cserenyés,...

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Building a company in COVID: it’s especially difficult for the little ones

As the holidays approach, the yearly evaluation, the setting of the goals for 2022 and the strategic planning will also begin in business. Due to the undulating crisis situation and...

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(HU) Jönnek a kkv-kat is értintő, környezetvédelemi és fenntarthatósági megoldások

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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SmEs have never been so optimistic

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises remain optimistic after a historic peak set up in the previous quarter, according to the latest third-quarter data from the K&H SME Confidence Index survey....

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K&H: four out of five agricultural SMEs expect more profits

Agricultural micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are facing a fruitful period in their own view. The K&H agricultural index shows that almost all of them expect rising revenue and profits...

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Generali presents SME EnterPRIZE in Brussels to promote sustainability among European small and medium-sized enterprises

Launched to mark Generali’s 190th anniversary, SME EnterPRIZE aims to promote new business models and stimulate public debate on sustainability Over 6,000 companies took part, among which seven were selected...

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K&H: new innovations are missing from smEs – few have started to innovate

Companies that have recently launched a new product are in the minority in Hungary, according to K&H’s innovation index, this was true for 43 out of 100 companies. Large companies...

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How have SMEs been affected in the last year and a half and what do CEOs expect after the relaunch?

Over the past year and a half, the pandemic has turned the lives of almost all small and medium-sized enterprises upside down. In the midst of changes in unpredictable rhythms,...

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Avaya: SMEs must also use enterprise technologies to retain customers

Customers no longer have enough good product or service, they also want an experience. And the impact of a positive or negative customer experience goes far beyond a single purchase....

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Palkovics: strengthening Hungarian-owned enterprises is the key

Strengthening domestically owned enterprises is essential for the effective relaunch and sustainable growth of the economy; the government supports local economic development efforts by a myriad of means, said the...

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K&H: companies are waiting for EU tendering opportunities

There has been a huge increase in interest from SMEs in EU tendering opportunities, the first quarter results of the K&H SME Confidence Index research showed. Four out of 10...

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SAP’s new SME-specialized software package is also available in Hungarian

Thousands of businesses in 90 countries now use SAP Business ByDesign, which will be available in Full Hungarian by 2021. This may be the best solution for businesses that are...

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Hungarian manufacturing companies can apply for €5 million

EIT Manufacturing, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology’s organisation supporting manufacturing technology innovations, is launching its regional innovation programme RIS (RIS) again this year. The aim is to increase...

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Sustainability tender helps the SME sector to recover economically

Generali Insurance is launching a tender for small and medium-sized enterprises in the areas of employee welfare, environmental protection and responsibility for micro-communities. SMEs can apply for projects that have...

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How are domestic companies preparing to open?

Nest Communications has carried out unrepresentative research involving 317 companies among hungarian SMEs with the professional cooperation of Visual Europe Group, one of the largest event technology companies in Hungary....

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Protecting intellectual property is one of the keys to competitiveness

In 2021, when the recovery of the economy is urgent, the essential economic role of SMEs and how these enterprises should use intellectual property rights to become stronger, more competitive...

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Optimism for SMEs strengthens, but investment is still cautiously planned

The negative impact of the epidemic appears to be slowly easing among domestic SMEs, as the number of people whose turnover has decreased compared to the second wave has decreased,...

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Factoring is becoming increasingly popular among SMEs as digital finance products are the future

Interest in digital financing products has grown significantly, as the crisis caused by the pandemic has had a strong impact on the liquidity of domestic SMEs. Since March 2020, the...

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2020 brought a multiyear leap forward in the financial digitalisation of enterprises

A bit more than one year ago Mastercard launched an infrastructure development programme called Doppio. Just a few months later the Hungarian government announced: from January 2021 retailers and service...

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Global State of Small Business Report

Small businesses are the unsung heroes of the global economy – creating jobs and growth in every country and helping to reduce poverty and income inequality. But they are facing...

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A restructuring information and communication technologies market

Tamás Laufer, president of the Hungarian Association of IT Companies (IVSZ) told: In just 5 years the direct and indirect gross value added (GVA) of the information and communication technologies...

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UPS: Continued Rapid Introduction of Services and Capabilities Supporting Customer Needs

UPS is moving quickly to introduce a wide range of innovative new services designed to extend our leadership position in developing technology solutions to help e-commerce and small and medium-sized...

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ITM: the strengthening SMEs is a high priority

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) gives high priority to the strengthening of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – Szepesi Balázs, ITM Deputy Minister of State responsible for Economic...

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A strong confidence characterizes the SME sector

There is a good mood in the SME sector. The K&H SME confidence index, which shows the expectations of companies, is now 15 points after a slight decrease of 2...

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Hungarian businesses have discovered online marketplaces

GKI Digital’s estimation is that there are more than 4,500 enterprises in Hungary (mainly SMEs) that have some kind of connection with selling at online marketplaces. Net sales by these...

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Confectionery association asks for support for SMEs

The Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers has published a press release, which says that the Hungarian confectionery sector can only remain competitive and maintain its export performance if SMEs are...

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ITM: the Hungarian multi-program encourages the most promising domestic SMEs

The most promising small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will be encouraged by the Hungarian multi-program, which will receive more than 13 billion HUF non-refundable grants in the third part of...

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The ITM will present the details of the adopted SME strategy on 5 November

The ministry has drawn up an SME strategy prepared by the government and the details will be presented on 5 November – György László, Minister of State of the Ministry...

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Magazine: Hungarian retail performed better than the EU’s average

Trade magazin interviewed László Krisán, CEO of KAVOSZ Zrt. – a company working in support of entrepreneurial development.  How does the concentration process of retail trade influence the operations of...

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