Tag "kiskereskedelem"

Shopping has become cheaper

In vain did we expect prices to fall sharply in May after the March-April price increase. In June, however, shopping costs seem to have finally fallen: stores have now been...

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In May, retail sales in the Czech Republic were 2 percent higher

In May, retail sales in the Czech Republic were up two percent year-over-year, up 11.2 percent month-on-month, the Czech Statistical Office announced in Prague on Wednesday. It was two working...

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In May, the turnover of retail stores decreased by 2.1 percent

According to the raw data, the volume of retail trade turnover decreased by 2.8 percent in May this year and by 2.1 percent, adjusted for calendar effects, compared to the...

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From April to May, retail sales in Romania jumped sharply

The volume of retail sales in Romania increased by 18.5 percent in May compared to April, according to the adjusted value, the expansion was 20.2 percent, the Romanian National Statistical...

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Buyers blew up in the second half of June

The KSH already distributes online cash register data on a weekly basis. In the second half of June, the shop world came to life, in a week the big ones...

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Retail sales in Germany jumped in May

Retail sales in Germany grew much more than expected in May. The German federal statistical office, Destatis, reported that retail sales in Germany increased by 13.9 percent in real terms...

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Nielsen: European retail sales increased by almost 10 percent due to the coronavirus

The Covid-19 pandemic had a dramatic impact on retail: after a subdued start to the year, the sector produced 9.8 percent nominal growth in the first quarter of 2020, compared...

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The salary of the shoeseller decreased by 68 thousand

Due to the pandemic shopkeeper’s payroll and headcount decreased – blokkk.com wrote. In April, the number of sellers in the larger stores decreased by 17 thousand. Wages also decreased with...

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Online purchases increased as long as the stores were closed

In April, online shopping purchases doubled with 58 billion HUF, while the traditional stores lost 83 billion HUF. And in May, following the opening of the store, the reorganization between...

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Dethronement in the shops

Compared to the ranking based on total sales, a different picture emerges based on the average revenue of store chains per store. According to the latest data, there has been...

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Magazine: The disruption of retail from 2019 to 2020

Hungarian consumer confidence was at 78 points at the end of 2019 – the European average was 86 points. At this time 38 percent of Hungarians were optimistic about their...

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Retail sales in the United States grew at a record rate in May

Retail and hospitality sales grew at a record rate in May in the United States after a sharp decline in the previous two months as another sign that the recession...

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Mobile phones were very much needed, clothes not

Commodity statistics show that mobile phones were in dire need during the pandemic as well, with purchases jumping by 28 percent in the first quarter. We were also good at...

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Already in March, the labor shortage from the shops also disappeared

The number of job vacancies plummeted in the first quarter, falling to the level of five years ago – blokk.com wrote. The coronavirus also swept away vacancies. + From the...

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Shop spending may increase slightly in 2020

According to the latest KSH data, we left 6.3 percent less money in store cash registers in May than a year earlier. Thus, with a 10 percent decline, April was...

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FMCG Toplist 2007-2019

Trade magazine has compiled the ranking of FMCG store chains over the past 12 years in an animated chart. The movement shows well the development, the acceleration in each channel,...

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Analysts expect retail sales to pick up

Data on retail sales in May may already pick up after the April low, according to analysts interviewed by MTI. According to a report published by the Central Statistical Office...

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Retail sales fell 10.9 percent in April in the Czech Republic,

In April, calendar-adjusted retail sales in the Czech Republic fell 10.9 percent from a year earlier, the Czech Statistical Office announced in Prague on Friday. The decline, which can be...

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Retail sales in the euro area fell with a record high in April

Retail sales in the euro area declined less than expected, but still at record levels, in April, when virtually all commodity sales fell as a result of severe restrictions due...

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KSH: retail sales decreased by 10.2 percent in April

In April, the turnover of retail stores decreased by 10.2 percent, according to both raw and calendar-adjusted data, compared to the same period of the previous year – the Central...

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Spar: buyers curb their spendings

Spar’s turnover in May showed that many customers are holding back their spending because they fear they could get into trouble because of the economic crisis – napi.hu wrote. In...

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The stores reopened smoothly

With the resolution of the emergency, life in commerce was relaunched as well: stores were reopened and traders were able to return to their usual opening hours – origo wrote....

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U.S. retail sales fell by a record high in April

In April, retail sales in the United States fell to an unprecedented rate, both compared to the previous month and a year earlier – according to a report by the...

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Car small markets

Thanks to the government’s supportive strategy, the number of local producer markets increased almost one and a half times between 2012 and 2019, from 117 to 298 – hirtv.hu wrotes....

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Double-digit sales growth for grocery stores in March

In March 2020 like-for-like retail volume sales grew by 4.4 percent; adjusted for calendar effects, the sales growth was 3.5 percent – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Food and...

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Global retail spend predicted drop is nearly 550 billion USD

POPAI and Shop!* chapters keep in touch and the member organizations are constantly informing each other about the consequences of the virus situation, with particular regard to the development of...

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Magazine: Mild but strict solutions against the insect invasion

There has been a sales growth in the market of insecticides and insect repellents recently, due to the invasion of various insects. For instance last June-July a mosquito invasion occurred....

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Retail sales in the euro area and the EU fell in March

Retail sales in the euro area and the European Union fell by a record level in March, compared to the previous month, according to a report by Eurostat, the EU’s...

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KSH: the turnover of retail stores increased in March

According to the raw data, the volume of retail store turnover in March was 4.4 percent, calendar-adjusted was 3.5 percent higher than in the same period of the previous year...

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Csehországban megnyíltak az üzletek

Csehországban folytatódik a közéletet és a gazdaságot korlátozó, márciusban bevezetett intézkedések fokozatos feloldása, amit a koronavírus-járvány terjedésének jelentős lelassulása tett lehetővé. Hétfőn kinyithattak a 2500 négyzetméternél kisebb alapterületű üzletek és...

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