Tag "kisboltok"

Many Hungarian-owned stores are also in trouble due to the one billion markup limit

“Close.” – this is how the manager of a rural franchise store answered the question of what he could do in the shadow of the newly introduced margin freeze. And...

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The government is providing more funds for village shops this year than last year

The government will provide more resources for the Hungarian Village program in 2025 than last year, the government commissioner responsible for the development of modern settlements announced in a video...

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Convenience stores are closing en masse: high costs and the absorbing effect of discounts

Last year, around 4,000 convenience stores closed in Hungary in the second half of the year alone, and the trend continues to show no signs of slowing down. Speaking to...

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The number of convenience stores in Hungary is decreasing

The trend of recent years leaves no doubt: the number of Hungarian retail stores is constantly decreasing. According to the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in June...

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Support for small shops: almost HUF 40 billion in development funds arrived in Zala

Almost HUF 40 billion in development funds have arrived in Zala as part of the Hungarian Village Program (MFP), which has been ongoing since 2019, said Kustánszegen, the government commissioner...

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MOHU is waiting for applications from small shops for the development of the manual return system

Mol MOHU is waiting for applications from small shops and players in the horeca sector for the development of the manual return system – Szilvia Szabó, head of MOHU’s producer...

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Alpár Gyopáros: the villages are our future

Villages are our future, they have great potential, because they can provide a quality of life and have a community that cannot be experienced in big cities – said Alpár...

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Is the expansion of hypermarkets harmful to health?

The expansion of hypermarkets has long been a contentious issue in the Western world, with protests often accompanying the construction of large shopping centers from the United States to Europe....

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Alpár Gyopáros: the success of the Hungarian Village Program can be measured by the population of the small settlements

A Magyar Falu Program elsődleges célja a kistelepülések népességfogyásnak megállítása, melynek eredménye mára a demográfiai adatokból is lemérhető – jelentette ki a Miniszterelnökség modern települések fejlesztéséért felelős kormánybiztosa a program...

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Big trouble? A wave of store closures can come with the mandatory promotions

The introduction of the new mandatory promotion has caused concern among retailers, who say it could have serious consequences for the sector. Experts speaking to Pénzcentrum point out that this...

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Small shops must be helped

At a press conference broadcast on the MSZP Facebook page, László Varga presented his party’s five-point rescue package to households, part of which is that the government compensates the losses...

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Small Retailers Struggle as Mandatory Discounts Benefit Large Supermarkets

As the cost of living continues to increase, consumers are keeping a closer eye on their spending habits, particularly when it comes to food. This has led to a fierce...

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Alexandra Szentkirályi: The government launched a tender of 4.5 billion for smaller butcher shops

The fact that energy prices have skyrocketed due to the war in Ukraine and “the failed Brussels sanctions” also causes problems for smaller butcher shops, which is why the government...

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Hungarian shoppers have a greater sense of purpose in the new situation

Growing financial challenges and increasing price-sensitiveness One of the many effects of the coronavirus pandemic is that households are facing serious financial challenges these days, and this influences both their...

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Support for village small shops can be requested

Two weeks beyond the original deadline, individual applications for support for small shops in the Hungarian Village Program can be submitted until 28 June, the government commissioner responsible for the...

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Small shops can also sell medicine

The government decree on the 45 billion HUF subsidy of rural small shops not only provides funds for rescuing shops in settlements of less than 2,000 inhabitants, but also provides...

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Consumers show interest in small neighbourhood shops

A survey by Miutcánk – done with 850 internet users in early October in connection with the #ibuyitlocally campaign – points out that the majority of consumers, 95 percent like...

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There are hardly any people who wouldn’t care what stores are near their home

There are hardly any people who are not interested in what shopping options are available in their area, and even the vast majority of them go there – according to...

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Magazine: Europe: small stores outperform

According to a forecast by LZ Retailytics, European grocery retail markets show that the smaller the store format, the faster it will grow. Sales by small shops are set to...

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Retail trade is more and more concentrated

One citizen spent an average 2900 HUF a day on various retail stores in Hungary last year – the Világgazdaság Online quotes the data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office’s...

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The chain of stores are preparing for significant wage increases

Wage negotiations are taking place smoothly this year at the a large international supermarket chains – Világgazdaság Online wrote. In order to keep the workers, the companies were forced to...

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The owners of small shops will benefit from Sunday store closure

The mandatory Sunday rest day will provide new jobs in trade. The regulation brought a positive turn to small shops – the Napi Gazdaság wrote in its Wednesday edition. Pichler...

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Forrás – a reliable source

Forrás Áruház Kft. is in 100-percent Hungarian ownership. They operate three C+C stores in Ebes, Miskolc and Nyíregyháza with great success. Managing director Tibor Kerekes told our magazine that Forrás...

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