Tag "K&H"

K&H: agriculture needs modern technologies

There is a growing need for modern technologies in agriculture due to consumer, environmental and economic changes, K&H told MTI on Wednesday. Climate change and the transformation of consumer expectations...

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The second wave of COVID-19 can easily cause burnout

With the second wave of the pandemic, not only will the number of illnesses increase, but the mental state of office workers may also worsen. Because of the uncertainty, fear...

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Webshop launch before the year-end shopping fever

The dynamically growing e-commerce plays a major role as a result of the pandemic. The already dynamic growth may intensify in the coming weeks as a result of the government...

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CAP: Europe turns green

The new cycle of the Common Agricultural Policy can bring significant changes, with a focus on sustainability measures, such as Biodiversity and the Farm-to-Table strategy. At the same time, the...

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Large domestic companies remain pessimistic

Domestic companies remain pessimistic. The value of the K&H corporate growth index has not changed compared to the previous quarter, and is currently at -2 points. Companies see their own...

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Agriculture: on the road to the digital revolution

The present and future of agriculture can be shaped by two factors. On the one hand, the use of data-driven digital technologies and, on the other hand, the widespread use...

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K&H: companies step on the brakes, little investment expected next year

The willingness of companies to invest, which can be said to be stable so far, has faltered, and they expect significantly less development in the next 12 months – this...

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Don’t expect wage rise now

The share of small and medium-sized enterprises thinking about raising wages fell sharply on the basis of the latest data of the K&H SME Confidence Index. While in the previous...

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You can stay in your home office

With the partial revival of the economy, the expectations of companies have also improved this year, as according to K & H’s June survey, almost half of Hungarian small and...

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Local production and seasonal meals can be a solution

Climate change is a major challenge in agriculture, with freight transport playing a role. In this way, we can do a lot to protect our environment by reducing food transport...

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K&H: SMEs left the crisis behind

The virus pandemic had a surprisingly moderate effect on the expectations of company executives. According to the most recent K&H SME Confidence Index, domestic SMEs’ sales and profit expectations for...

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Instead of sprinting, employees need to prepare for a marathon

In the first weeks of the virus outbreak, reconciling work and family responsibilities put more pressure on workers than ever before. Maximum appropriateness, a virtual desire to prove, and a...

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The expectations of large companies have fallen sharply

Large corporations were not yet as pessimistic about their next year as they were after the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic. The value of the K&H corporate growth index...

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Family businesses respond differently to crisis situations

Strategic thinking largely determines the response of firms to a crisis situation and the success of recovering from an economic shock. This year’s five-year old K&H Family Companies Excellence Award...

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Getting back to work after a virus outbreak can be harder

As with changed work schedules and telecommuting in recent months, returning to work can be a challenge for companies and workers. The process therefore requires slower, more gradual and more...

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SME’s savings will be wiped out by the summer

A survey conducted by K&H Bank in mid-April has revealed: half of the businesses have been moderately impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, but 44 percent of Hungarian SMEs have been...

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K&H for sustainable agriculture grant winners announced

Within the framework of the ‘K&H for sustainable agriculture’ grant programme, young agri-experts were studying the circular economy and the chances for mitigating the effects of climate change. Students could...

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Things we need to know to start a webshop

Last year, domestic online retailing grew by 16 percent and 3.3 million Hungarians purchased products online. As a result of the coronavirus epidemic, these numbers may increase even further, to...

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The consequences of the coronavirus for SMEs are redundancies and cuts in investment

Barely three weeks after the official appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary, Hungarian SMEs are becoming more and more gloomy about the prospects for their business this year, according to...

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K&H: You really need to buy consciously now!

According to the National Food Chain Safety Authority, 1.8 million tons of food is landfilled in Hungary every year, which is 68 kilograms per capita. And with the surge of...

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Retail trade is likely to perform the best this year

K&H’s latest SME confidence index reveals that the sales revenue of SMEs is about to grow by 8.3 percent in 2020, while their profit is expected to increase by 5.2...

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According to a recent K&H study, SMEs remain optimistic

On average, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) expect 8.3 percent more revenue and 5.2 percent profit growth this year. The most optimistic sectors are the medium-sized and commercial companies –...

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Online vagy? Védd magad! – Információbiztonsági programot indított a K&H

A digitalizáció kényelmesebbé, egyszerűbbé, gyorsabbá teszi számtalan mindennapi tevékenységünket, azonban az online tér számos veszélyt is rejthet, ha nem vagyunk elég elővigyázatosak, elég csak az adathalász kísérletekre vagy hackertámadásokra gondolnunk....

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A strong confidence characterizes the SME sector

There is a good mood in the SME sector. The K&H SME confidence index, which shows the expectations of companies, is now 15 points after a slight decrease of 2...

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Spendings by SZÉP cards set a record

SZÉP card spending was set at a record level, in the first eight months of the year – based on card issuer data sent to MTI. The OTP SZÉP card...

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The amount of food thrown away may increase in the coming years

According to a report by the Boston Consulting Group, the amount of food thrown away will increase by 1.9 percent worldwide by 2030 – piacesprofit.hu wrote. The problem in developed...

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K&H: the popularity of cash deposit ATMs increases

Cash deposit machines (ATMs) and automated cash registers are gaining popularity at K&H Bank. Rajna Gábor Sales Director at K & H Bank said at a press conference on Wednesday...

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Credit card users spend an average of 52 thousand forints a month

Debit card users spend an average of 32 thousand forints per month and credit card users spend 52 thousand forints – origo wrote, after K&H Bank. Domestic payment card purchases...

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The domestic large corporate sector has a stable outlook

Cautious optimism and stability characterize the outlook of the domestic large companies this year – according to K & H’s first quarter growth index. The indicator of one-year expectations of...

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Magazine: Common Agricultural Policy 2020: development, the new generation and worries

HG Media and Haszon Agrár Magazin organised a conference in May, titled ‘In focus: Common Agricultural Policy 2020’. Hungary’s agricultural output was 3.6 percent bigger in 2018 than in 2017...

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